Sire U5 Marcus Miller Short Scale Demo & Review
Checking out the brand new U5 short scale bass from Sire.
Recorded direct into Logic via a Radial JDI and an RME Fireface 400. No EQ or compression on the bass track.
Instagram: @Bass Lessons Melbourne
#Sire #Marcus #Miller #Short #Scale #Demo #Review
Originally posted by UCAjC7nkSwN1vgIqlYYO9-lw at
Overall a great video. FINALLY someone played some blues in a Demo. Too many Slap or funk videos. I'm looking at purchasing the U5 next week (July, 2024) as my very first bass. After a very long research process, this bass makes the most sense for a beginner with a little better budget. Now my one gripe about most Short Scale reviews, like @BassedInVegas stated, and I blame Leo Fender for starting this stigma. Short Scale basses are not (just) for Kids! I saw you added a Special Thank You to your mate who lent you the U5. I too have health issues, but even my friends who have been playing Guitar and/or Bass for decades have pointed out, Short Scales have a lot to offer, without much of a loss. If Leo Fender would have marketed them as alternative option to a 34" scale, instead of as a "kids toy", I think we wouldn't be having these comments today.
ANYWAY… good video.
This one or Squier Jaguar cv 32 inch scale? Help me to choose guys…
uhh gosh – i heat a fat gnarly round .. twangy sound .. i think it is enough to buy
I can't stop listening to the bridge pickup groove. What are you doing to make the tone be like that? Any effects on it?
Man that thing sounds great, going to order one soon.
Short-scales are great for us older guys with arthritis, etc they comes from age and chronic health conditions. ????❤️????
It won't feel dinky when youve been playing for 50 years and Arthur P. Itis checks in. I love mine. I just kind of let my P a J basses sit around and look pretty these days cause they sure don't sound any better.
Thank you for the last remark. I had an injury of my little finger (pinky?) and with a short scale, I don't have to spread my fingers so far.
Would you recommend this or a used fender player mustang?
It may feel dinky to you but it sure doesn't sound dinky at all. This is one great bass. Sounds better to me than any other full scale Sire 's I 've heard (fuller and warmer) and better than many more expensive full scale's.
Great review man, just discovered your page! Great job and nice playing.
What type of strings are original on the Sire U5 ?
Gauge and brand.
I agree with Davyo. I have been playing bass for 42 years and have played and owned them all at one time or another. I switched 2 years ago to a short scale bass and will not be going back to a full scale bass. I currently own a EBMM short scale and a Reverend Mike Watt Signature bass, both are fantastic. I will be adding this one soon.
The headstock does not weigh heavy ?
Mine has very powetfull low frequences. I must move down to zero the bass knob of my amp. Is it normal ? The treble knob of my amp is at 75% … The low mid on 30%. ????
I'm looking for a short scale bass to play Jaco's Portrait of Tracy (and other stretchy acrobatic stuff of course), because I have small hands and can't stretch that far. So I'm glad the back pickup sounds good. You're an amazing player btw
I'm looking at this as sofa and bbq bass
Fantastic playing! Thanks.
Too bad you can't find-it, play it, Purchase it . . . get in Contact with the Company? How are they selling bases???
Stanley Clarke played a short sale for years and his signature bass is short scale. It isn't just for small people, kids or beginners.
Awesome instrument!
How much does this weigh?
I don't know man… To me, that bass sounds killer!