Six octave down pedal comparison on bass – wear headphones!
You’re going to want to use headphones or have great speakers for this one.
Comparing six octave down pedals on a Warwick Corvette Standard direct into Logic. Have a limiter on the track, mostly for the meatbox, and a sharp EQ cut at 5350 Hz to get rid of a high pitched hum.
Boss OC-2 with a mod to take out the direct and Oct -2 circuits to increase volume on the Oct -1 circuit.
Boss OC-3
TC Electronic Sub n Up
EHX Octave Multiplexor
DOD Meatbox
Zoom MultiStomp MS-50G on the “Octave” and “MonoSynth” settings.
#octave #pedal #comparison #bass #wear #headphones
Originally posted by UCVkq2fj7MCi85nwVFbvchDg at
I'm looking for a meatbox type of octave pedal. Looking for that huge synthy low end.
What pedal do you think can do it for cheap? sub n up? nether? oc2 / oc3?