Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Effects

Slamming Tracks With The UAFX Max Compressor Pedal!

UA has a line-up now of some pretty awesome pedals built with high-quality components and advanced DSP algorithms to provide a wide range of vintage and modern effects with exceptional sound quality. I’ve been wanting to check them out so when Universal Audio reached out and wanted me to check out the MAX Compressor pedal which models the 1176 compressor and the LA-2A compressor I said hell yes..

Check out the pedal here! – https://bit.ly/408ZFgp

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00:00 What We’re Talking About
00:24 Before and After Compression Comparison
00:52 The 2 Compressors Its Based On
01:15 Pros List
01:52 UAFX App Is Pretty Cool!
03:00 The Cons
04:32 Jamming with the Compressor
06:02 The EQ Settings in the App help a lot!
08:12 To Compress or Compress the Compress, that is the question.
10:26 What does a compressor do in music – layman’s term
10:50 Mixing with a compressor on
15:13 What was I on when i made this pattern?!
15:54 Making A Techno Banger on the fly
19:58 The hardest Techno Track i’ve made on the Digitakt

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#UAFX #universalaudio #digitakt

#Slamming #Tracks #UAFX #Max #Compressor #Pedal

Originally posted by UC4OAAbxtB6QEKaTDb-SEe-Q at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blnjLQyJvM8

34 thoughts on “Slamming Tracks With The UAFX Max Compressor Pedal!

  • Did you reduce the output level of the Digitakt before you ran it into the UA Max? If I go in with -8 dB, then the preamp is already in full distortion if I turn it up just a little. And the compressors also work at full throttle.

  • Amazing little device. Regarding the Comp 1+2 switch,,,,, does it mean that when i am switching and fine tuning i have to remember where everything is set for each compressor? Cause i don`t see any optical feedback that would tell me what value it is set to for each compressor? Or am i missing something ????

  • Great demo, thanks! Probably been pointed out, but inversed attack and released are based on the original 1176 hardware, weird… I think one thing that's missing is a more developed visual cue to see how hard compression is working. But actually, it forces you to listen more to what's happening, which might be a good thing!

  • Damn dude… that jam in the end was really good! And this video (plus Cuckoo's video about Max) sold it for me. Just ordered one.

  • Ok. I am building a DAWLESS synth setup here in Shanghai. Hard to find stuff unless it's made in China and the shopping apps are in Chinese. I just found this one for $350 US.

  • If you sample parts of the song and focus on compressing those samples the way u want them, you avoid the compression issues you get when trying to compress the entire song together imo..

  • All sounded so great, even the interface was speaking my lingo…then "in the app" comes in. And it's over. Bummer. Why couldn't those options just be interact dials or secondary functions 🙁

  • I’ve been a guitarist for over 40 years and I’ve tried so many compressor pedals but they all left me flat and were noisy. I just got this today and I’m blown away! SOOOOO much better in so many ways compared to Xotic, Keeley, Wampler, Boss Waza, and several others. Well worth the price. My tone just improved by about 20%.

  • digital the specs say. I don think there are any analog circuits. I think this is plug ins in pedal format. You can now get the plug ins for less. Makes sens if using a daw. This pedal only in reality makes sense for live purposes. Outboard gear that you can have in plugin in your daw just slows workflow

  • Your'e a fucking mad lad. I expect to see tasteful 1176+LA-2A compression, what I get is redlining gabber LOL <3

  • "what was i thinking? i mean its kinda trippy…im kinda down with it. we'll take this….uhhh. OH! actually this is kinda Pumpin! im kinda down with this! NVM!" lol best part! keep on experimenting with new stuff dude this is cool stuff, the quest for sound is not over.

  • That pedals looks really awesome, I just wish it had a possibility of using an external sidechain

  • For everybody wanting to play and learn about compression I can recommend the grainstorm granular synthesizer app for Android. The payed version got tons of effects! They include a mono compressor, multiband and EQ band compression on top of that a stereo compressor. Just enable tape mode to not play your track, sample or microphone recording as grains and have some fun (just remeber to place the limiter at the end…)

    The granular engine is super handy to explore granular sounds
    Just like birds or trainstation announcements they sound awesome grained out.

    Thx for the video explained a lot! Wild tune at the end! ????????

  • use the 1176 to just grab peaks, then into the LA2A to smooth everything out — this is a staple in recording vocals. Perfect for a bass player too, 1176 grabs all the slap bass peaks, then once they're reduced, you have the LA2A to even out the signal, you can still have punchy slap bass and fingerstyle where you couldn't really get both with one compressor

  • So I like the low-end from the 1176. Putting a 2a after that would exagerate that even more when all i want from the 2a is maybe the top end sizzle or the low-mid bloom at the transient. Parallel gives me the characteristics I like from both without them having be too much. I use it on the Mixbus "sometimes" when I'm trying to be delicate. It makes sense for the unit to have it since it's already stereo.

  • Is it possible to link the compressors for stereo operation?
    So sidechain will effect both compressors to maintain the correct stereo image.
    Not sure about that, it seems both compressors work independently..

  • I wish people who demo gear with a drive function actually crank it, not just slightly turn it up. Let's hear how it can blaze 🙂


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