Wednesday, March 19, 2025
BassBass Lessons

SLAP BASS… but NOT as you know it!?

► Check out Steve’s band camp here:

In this lesson you’re going to learn how you can use regular slap bass techniques… but in totally unconventional ways.

And just a warning right off the bat…

This is NOT easy… in fact I’ve been trying to get it down all week… and I’m still trying, lol! 😉

So, I thought you might like to try with me…

In this week’s lesson you’re going to learn:

– How to use regular slap bass techniques in unconventional ways

– How to get rapid fire percussive attacks using both your thumb and your fingers in conjunction with each other

– And… you’re going to learn a killer riff that’s going to test you out! 😉

Oh… and if that’s not enough, this lesson also features one of the coolest drummers in NYC… he’s an EPIC player!

You ready? Let’s do this!

As always, see you in the shed…

Scott 🙂


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Originally posted by UCWTj3vCqkQIsrTGSm4kM34g at

49 thoughts on “SLAP BASS… but NOT as you know it!?

  • How in the world do you expect people to process and learn from this as the camera continuously changes angles ?
    Just show ONE straight on shot and let us “ FOCUS “ for God’s sake . . ????????‍♀️

  • I think this sounds terrible. Clearly an advanced technique and a skilled player but it feels so much like showing off how good you are at the expense of how good it sounds

  • Typical SBL – I get this in my email 5 years later. Plus it simply does nothing for me. Maybe I like feel and quality over er pitter-patter-pitter-patter.
    5 years.
    Must sort out my spam.

  • This is something that Damian Erskine haș been doing for quite a while. Damian’s chops are insane! Are you planning any lessons with him?

  • cool but : this will be too muso if I throw it in any situation and 2, No women will be impressed with this

  • Isn't that almost like Victor Wooten, albeit done on the bridge pickup instead of near the neck end? What's the different?
    And I think the sound is better when done near the neck end.

  • He hasn't slowed it down and explained the right hand thumb and and popping on the same string. Or given advice on how to work on it. An impressive technique but terrible tutorial if it is even meant to be that. If this is a taster of his teaching then I am not sold.

  • Something that Victor Wooten has done and been showing since the 80’s. Just watch super bass solo technique or bass day 98 interviews. As well as Adam Nitti.

  • СУПЕР!Фантастическая техника!Остаюсь с Вами!Спасибо!Заходите в гости!С Ув.Жека.

  • Reminds a lot of the double thumb technique used by the great Victor Wooten and I'm not really sure why ,but Wooten's video of him doing his double thumb technique came to me a lot easier than most???? I've always played Drums so I've always been drawn to percussive/slap style bass playing. I never used a pic on bass ,because I like the fingerstyle/slap/tap and tap is a technique that has been really hard for me ,even the "easier tap for a beginner" ,but I picked the Victor Wooten double thumb technique faster compared to other slap bassist who I consider far more skilled at slap along with other percussive style bass technique's. I'm just having a super hard time picking up Tap on a bass. I listen to Charles Berthoud if I'm even saying this last name right ,but I rank him up there with the best solo bassist and honestly just started watching his channel about a year ago ,but he makes pretty much any bass playing look easy and his tap skill is on another level than most others I've heard and while very inspiring ,but at same time I can't help ,but wonder if I could ever achieve the level of skill he has achieved ,but I'll keep on trying , honestly I'm still working on making my slap style of playing better from several different aspects. I will definitely try this demonstrated in this video!

  • Nah I'm not with that style……I like my bass to sound like a bass and not a harpsichord…..that's what the piano player is for! Next!!!…lol!!

  • Bro this sounds horrible. Sounds cool but muddy af. He's basically doing some double thumb but muting with the index finger when its not plucking.

  • I think the idea behind what is explained is to try to understand how it is done. and from there take an inspiration to use it personally. steve explains the technique very well. now logically which magician is impossible to explain in more detail since it is their secret and magicians do not reveal their secrets.

  • Wow!
    How can somebody say this technique is his, when there’s a world renowed bass player that have been doing this for 40 years!
    A world renowned bass player that no bass player on this planet can ignore for he’s known for THIS technique indeed!
    I can understand that young guitarists may know better Tosin Abasi that credited Victor Wooten for this technique btw, but when you’re a bass player, you can’t pretend you’ve never seen or heard Victor Wooten, and pretend you’ve found this double thump thing without knowing or crediting Victor Wooten!
    What a dishonest person and bad mentality that is not what music represents in its essence…

  • It is thumping. Pioneered by the Victor Wooten but utilized in a lot of genres. Bassists like Killian Duarte (Scale the Summit, Angel Vilvadi, Abiotic, etc.) and Jared Smith (Archspire). This technique is also used by guitarists like Tosin Abasi (Animals as Leaders).

  • Just an observation ? Being bass player that has been playing for over 30 years in a variety of styles. I have noticed these slap/finger techniques that have been emerging over the past decade or so, are only possible with very low actions. In the 1980's our "standard" actions were much higher than they are now. Your right and left hand techniques had to work harder, there was less fret buzz, which seems standard today. This goes for fretless players too. Jaco has a standard action that would seems high these days. Anyway….with this in mind, whilst these techniques are technically challenging, I don't find them very musical ? There seems to be a lot of "bells and whistles", but I find a lot of content pretty cheesy. It reminds me a lot of the mid 80's when tapping and shredding became the norm with guitar players. It was treble hell ! Lastly……TAB….it didn't exist when I was growing up. We did 2 things and 2 things only. We played by ear from records, and we learned to read notation. I make sure my students do both of these and avoid TAB at all times. Bad musical decisions with notation actually expands your knowledge by making those mistakes in your own time, and correcting them. Maybe I'm just old, but there seems to be far too much cutting corners and not learning your craft by traditional means. Notation has been for centuries…..why ? Because it works. But hey….play on….just an observation 🙂

  • Unfortunately when he is saying groups of 5 or 3 etc. He is not explaining how to play these groups with the thumb and fingers popping. Poor explanation in my opinion.

  • This lesson doesn’t break down anything. Not the first time Scotts lessons doesn’t teach anything. There are many better lessons on Youtube

  • I dig this so much. Very cool. I'm pretty much double thumbing and a pluck making the triplet on a single string and making my own grooves. On the 4s he looks like he's doing a index middle finger pluck but 5s and up I'm still working on. I seriously love that I saw this video.

  • What are you going crazy for bro he's just like every other player that I've seen give instruction…. they don't show you how to do it.. they want to keep it a mystery from you it inflates the ego…don't you think if he really wanted to teach it to you that he would break it down step by step????? I could name you a dozen other players that do the same exact thing but I won't… I don't watch other bass players that much anymore, when I do it's just for fun if I'm surfing…I like to take Eddie Van Halen's advice…He never listened to anybody and look what he turned into…one of the famous artists I think it was Van Gogh or maybe it was Monet..they did the same exact thing they never ever looked at other artists paintings…

  • Probably some difficult stuff to learn, but, to me, also some inefficient stuff, not musical

  • Victor Been doing this… and I’ll tell you who else… Bill Dickens!!! Sat down with him One on One, 9 years ago and he was doing this exact technique!

  • I bet DAVIE504 can't do this easily.. I wpuld like to see him try, cuz i just broke my wrist and 3 ribs trying. On the serious note-this is amazing. Maybe one day.. i may too

  • ey Scott…can you feature @karelhonassan for a slap bass lesson about his 5 note slap rearrangement..

  • Love the sound of this technique. Yeah, it's basically Vic's double thumb hammer pluck technique (his example even sounds like the main riff from "Me & My Bass Guitar"), but the way Steve uses it (more muted and right hand closer to bridge) sounds different compared to Vic, even though they're doing more or less the same thing.


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