Sunday, March 9, 2025
BassGuitar Tips & Hacks

Slap… Practice THIS Daily (10 Mins)

???? My full beginner bass course:
Wanna get better at slap bass in just 10 minutes a day? This stupidly simple exercise will level up your speed, technique, and accuracy.

Free PDF with 10min slap workout routine:
Playalong audio:

2 weeks from now, you walk into the music store and lay down this SICK slap riff. The owner says “Wow, you’re so good at slapping! How did you learn to do that?”

The secret? This video, and 10 minutes per day of practice. This one slap bass exercise will help fix bad tone, worse accuracy, and worse-er speed.

This exercise has been tried, tested and approved by my students on the BassBuzz forum. At the end of the video, you’ll see how they did after 14 days.

So prepare to ditch your bad habits and get the most out of your 10 minute routine. Practice this exercise every day and you’ll become a master of tone, accuracy and speed while slapping.

In this video, you’ll learn how to:

* Master tone, accuracy and speed while slapping
* Use the ‘teeter totter’ technique for slap bass
* Sexy up your slap lines with ‘ghost notes’
* Play 92.3% of all hammer ons
* NOT get kicked out of music stores for slap crimes

Thanks to Neville and the crew at Loud and Clear Music in Cotati CA for the hijinx! Stop in if you’re in the area, my favorite music consignment shop in town. –

You read all the way through this video description… you must really like bass lessons. Subscribe so you don’t miss the next one –

#SlapBassLesson #BassBuzz

#Slap.. #Practice #Daily #Mins

Originally posted by UCeD9_tDVA1wvqv1IF9QyP-A at

25 thoughts on “Slap… Practice THIS Daily (10 Mins)

  • What level can you make it to? (without joining me in slap bass jail) ????????

  • Wish I’d seen this video sooner. Just been sentenced to life for slapping with bad rhythm ????‍♂️

  • In my opinion, the first thing to do is to buy a bass that good for Slapping such as those Musicman or any USA or Japan made fender.
    For me I like to use Edwards(2nd line of ESP) for recording Slapping tone????.

  • I’m still making my mind up about which slapping technique I prefer. Slap through or bounce. I like slap through when playing ‘quietly’ but I like bounce when doing some double slaps and playing more loudly.

  • Quick stupid question:
    I’ve been playing guitar and bass guitar all of my life, but just recently started slapping. With the plucking/popping finger I’m developing a callus in a new area of tender skin.
    How long does this last before I can start playing without that pain!?

  • Hi!! I've had an issue where my ghost notes end up as harmonics. No matter how much i mute or change the settings, what am i doing wrong???

  • For your next video watch go watch victor wooten slap lessons . ultra technique that youll regret noty learning . thumb used for upstroke too basically

  • dude big props for not making us sign up for the pdf or the backing track.

  • looks for something simple, sees the spider fingers on a massive had… hmm doubt i can do that

  • just started learning bass this year, I have a pj bass. I did my research on which one to get and I wanted to be able to explore the range of the bass as i go so i ended up getting Jackson JS Series Spectra JS2P IV Electric Bass – Blue Burst

    i don’t use the jazz pick up like that but a lot of old school songs call for jazz pick up tones…

    my next bass will be a 5 string precision bass the fender american professional you did a video on

  • Why does noone discuss muscle control in the thumb?

    When bouncing off the string, no muscle tension.

    When slapping through the string, tense muscle control.

  • Great great great!
    After a few weeks exercising this sporadically – it's going great! Level 5 achieved, thanks Buzz!


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