“Soukous” licks for the intermediate Guitarist
A brief lesson of 1 out of 5 “soukous” licks for the intermediate Guitar player.
#Soukous #licks #intermediate #Guitarist
Originally posted by UCC95fvsRxI9gGF0DOGxlhaQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRoPmy2EEiw
Classical Pianist here.
1st lick was lovely
Descending mixolydian mode. Key of D would give you A mixolydian by descending (A, G, F#, E, D, C#, B) on the first lick.
God bless you man great teaching
Please can i get your contact?
Great licks thanks. But haven't seen the remaining licks as you promised
Many thanks
Tabs please!!!
This is some good stuff Man. Thanks a bunch
????great music,great lesson,ill look at more of your posts,many thanks
Thank you, brother
Bado saaana….
Ila jitahidi kufanya mazoezi kwa bidii kwa kupiga coppy za wanamuziki maarufu utatoboa.
Great job, my teacher