Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Sound Like Queens Of The Stone Age | BY Busting The Bank

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???? Today on Sound Like, we attempt to get that famous Josh Homme guitar tone – BY busting the bank. Check out the gear we used below:

Duesenberg Double Cat
Morgan AC40 Deluxe – Out of stock, but check out our full range of Morgan here –
V40 Deluxe
MXR Sugar Drive
PDF 2 by Stone Deaf
Walrus Luminary
Earthquaker Dispatch Master – Out of stock, but check out our full range of Earthquaker here –
Way Huge Green Rhino
Russian Pickle – Out of stock, but check out our full range of Way Huge here –
EP Booster

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#SoundLike #QueensoftheStoneAge #AndertonsTV

#Sound #Queens #Stone #Age #Busting #Bank

Originally posted by UCSNxIry_FPFcQDFRbi3VOAw at

45 thoughts on “Sound Like Queens Of The Stone Age | BY Busting The Bank

  • You guys need my help! Hahhaha. You got close to Dean’s board if anything. Nowhere close to Josh unfortunately. The PDF2 totally messed you up in my opinion. Thumbs up anyway though cuz this video was super fun

  • Pretty good job…but as an owner of a Ampeg VT-40 I picked up for $350. Just plugging into the amp, setting the EQ right and cranking the volume to gain it up…it’s 90% there. I considered pedals, but found a great deal on the amp local. I just put a treble booster and a Boss EQ in front. Pretty much nails everything!

    I’d think now if you don’t have the amp….use a clean amp like you have, a Boss EQ to boost 300hz or so like the Ampeg and a SFT pedal should do it.

    I’ve tried to get the sound, and didn’t really understand it so much until I was plugged direct into the amp with no pedals but a Treble Booster. The amp is such a big part of it! I’d say for people that really want that tone and more. Keep a look out for one of the VT40s. It may be cheaper than 6 pedals to do the same job. You def get closer with just the amp and nothing else than 4/5 pedals at the same cost. The amps can be found sometimes at $600, I just lucked out.

    The amp is only up to $1k online because it’s heavy and shipping isn’t cheap! But local pickups can be found sometimes for a decent price. Took me a long time to find one though locally.

    Also to Note I have a PDF pedal, and it’s amazing on its own. I feel like Stone Deaf tweaked that distortion for that sound maybe? Because usually his is clean boost and a broader range…although it can do a cocked wah. Lower mids and middle to last with it after dirt can change an amp and make it huge. He seems to be using 2, one set subtle behind or on the amp, always on to boost and fatten up. Then another first in line to shape pedals. It’s a very unique pedal of placed last can shape your amps tone stack.

  • 4:07 Jazzmaster comes with pickups that look similar to P90s, but aren't really P90s…i'm sure Matt must know that.

  • Are those guitars baritones? Which was the string gauge? I know if You tune to standard C You need at least gauge 11+ and on to keep it on tune all the way long.

  • The best part about queens of the Stone Age is that their most expensive gear is the guitars. They go for things like the Peavey Musician 400, The famous Peavey Decade, Various Ampegs, and a whole host of other crap that's cheap, but has a lot of mids and lows. Cheapness is key to the Palm Springs sound.

  • The Dussenberg gives out some Rickenbacker vibes. Now that I think about it, that almost looks like a Rickenbacker guitar

  • Homme only played it through a bass amp on Kyuss material. one of the biggest (and only) differences between Kyuss and that first QOTSA album is that Homme is playing through a guitar amp not a bass amp. it’s only on Rated R that he actual song textures start to change

  • How come you guys didn’t seek out the Maton BB1200JH? His signature model.
    Fellas I got my hands on one of those. Check them out, they’re amazing looking and sounding. Lollar high wind imperial pups, splittable humbuckers. It’s just a stunning looking guitar, and I have more fun with that axe than any in my collection.
    Made completely to Homme’s specs. They’re pricey now because there’s less than 800 of them out there.

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