Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Guitar

Sound Like Royal Blood | Without Busting The Bank

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???? In today’s episode of Sound Like, Rabea & Matt put the worlds of Bass & Guitar together to sound like Royal Blood! Mike’s combination of effects pedals, amps and a short-scale bass feed into a tone unlike any other. It delivers a guitar/bass hybrid rig that offers unrivalled versatility. It’ll be a challenge to recreate without busting the bank!

Check out how to Sound Like Royal Blood In our Andertons Blog:
➡️ https://blog.andertons.co.uk/sound-like/sound-like-royal-blood

» Check out our full range of Gretsch Basses | https://tinyurl.com/y2t2ph8t
» Fender Rumble 40 Bass Amp | https://tinyurl.com/y6pol3kd
» Fender Super Champ X2 Head | https://tinyurl.com/y295r4lc
» BOSS LS-2 Line Selector | https://tinyurl.com/yxcpnlbk
» BOSS OC-3 | https://tinyurl.com/yxnjukos
» EHX Pitch Fork | https://tinyurl.com/y4emt542
» BOSS GE-7 | https://tinyurl.com/y6cpsbcz
» BOSS NS-2 | https://tinyurl.com/yxzxzwby

↪️ Episode Guide ↩️
» 0:00 What Gear To Use?
» 7:36 To The Video Room
» 8:52 Rig Run-down & Demo

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#Andertons #SoundLike #RoyalBlood

#Sound #Royal #Blood #Busting #Bank

Originally posted by UCSNxIry_FPFcQDFRbi3VOAw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2tNAXPczMk

42 thoughts on “Sound Like Royal Blood | Without Busting The Bank

  • A great way to spice things up might be to place an ehx pitchfork on the guitar end

  • i have another rig my rig has a fender mustang 3 guitar amp a peavey bass amp i forgot the name a digitech whammy a big muff tone wicker fuzz canyon delay cry baby wah a joyo power tune and a digitech bass multichorus this is how the signal chain goes chorus: out 1—->wah ->fuzz->whammy-> delay—-> guitar amp
    out 2 —–>tuner->bass amp
    my eq setting for the gutar amp are master:3 volume:6-8 gain:5 reverb:2.5 bass:4 middle:5 treble:3.5
    and for bass amp volume:around 1 bass:6 middle:5 treble:4 gain:5

  • Check out Pete from 2 Sick Monkeys if you get a chance, been going for years with a Squire P pass into a Marshall pedal split to a bass amp and a guitar amp from the stereo outputs. Simple but a great sound.

  • Why am I so late to the party?? I've been listening to Royal Blood non-stop after discovering them just a couple of months ago. This was a really cool video on how to get that bass sound.

  • Would have been hilarious to see you use a little Hofner 500/1 just for the heck of it into that rig… As I bet it would’ve also worked

  • What!?!?! This is a six year old video, and this is the first time I ‘hear’ Royal Blood!?
    WHY, oh why, haven’t I heard of this before???

  • I’m just learning. I’m curious about the changing tones of the open e string… are you tuning differently between songs?

  • Jesus H. Fxxx, a cheap ABY-Splitter routed to two VOX AC-30, with a Digitech Whammy DT and the magic Tech 21 NYC Red Ripper pedal in the guitar effects line doing the job.And why would you buy a Fender amp if you have f full stack of VOX amps for sale on display??? The Gretsch short scale bass guitar in fact is a really sexy toy …

  • Why would any serious musician want to sound like another? Create your own sound!
    I did.

  • I can sound closer with a left n right output off a v amp into bass and guitar amp.

  • Gonna get one of those Gretsches very soon. Not gonna make it sound anything like this though. Putting fat La Bella flatwounds on it.

  • Am I missing something here? why are they going octave down on the bass channel? I thought its was octave up to make it sound more like a guitar?

  • Not even in the ball park guys????????????????????????
    Plasma pedal is defiantly on his board

  • So what do they use that didn’t harm the guitar amp? Please tell if I’m wrong but you can’t just plug in a bass in a guitar amp without damaging it right?

  • I only recently got to such a chain myself, because I play sludge on the Bass VI in a very low tuning, but I miss the fat sub bass and ended up using an octaver, signal splitter and two amplifiers. And in the end I find that there is a band with such a legendary sound and analysis of how to do it! As a result, I invented the wheel)) And the video is great!


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