Spector NS Pulse 4 Review – Spector, It’s time to ditch the Tone Pump Jr… – LowEndLobster Review
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Spector NS Pulse 4: https://www.spectorbass.com/product/ns-pulse-4/
Hey everyone! Today we’re reviewing the NS Pulse 4 from Spector’s new Pulse line featuring a mean looking sandblasted Cinder Red finish and Active EMG picks paired to a Tone Pump Jr. preamp. After replacing the faulty bridge pickup (Big shout out to Anthony @ EMG for the EXCELLENT support!), we’re ready to put this bass through its paces!
This bass and all my other basses with rounds are strung with MJC Ironworks Nickel Plated Stainless Steel 45-105(130) unless otherwise noted. Check them out at www.mjcironworks.com
Info on my signal chain, setup and more: https://youtu.be/QtZdeV7Ngv0
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#Spector #Pulse #Review #Spector #time #ditch #Tone #Pump #Jr.. #LowEndLobster #Review
Originally posted by UClpTFnWcfIg4pcgFZ8dRTyg at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYp82ep4K8U
Hello , have you ever tryed a ibanez sr500.?
Is the spector carbon much different from a sr 500?
When I get the chance I'm going to get one and put a set of mec pickups in it.
I bought the Pulse 2 (satin finish).I replaced the tonepump jr with an EMG BTC and the original tuners with Goto res-o-lite. The bass balances perfectly and sounds just how I like it.
Spector has got to be one the most overated bass of all time .. I’d rather have a bassmods, Warrior,MTD, Smith or Pedulla .. lobster knows
Since you don’t like the tone pump jr, would you be willing to try the LHZ preamp ? It’s a clone of the hazlab pre from the 80’s spectors.
another great review ????
that buzz sound
I have a regular tone pump in my Spector Euro and I like it. Had it for a year with Barts and its my main bass in the past year. Just bought an NS Pulse II with the tonepump jr and it's a hot piece of garbage. Has EMG DC40's and the Jr somehow makes them sound bad. My tech has the bass now installing an EMG BQC preamp.
I've got 2 Spector CodaPro4s,I was going through a battery about 2 to 3 weeks,I thought just turning off volume shut the draining on the battery but no, the patch cord has to be pulled from the bass,since I realized that been on the same battery for 6 months.
This guy is so annoying
Can someone suggest a good Pre-amp upgrade for the pulse 2 to compliment the EMG's? Dark Glass tone capsule is an option for me since it's now in the new 2023 HP Spectors. The Pulse 2 is my first proper bass, but i'm on a budget. I want it to be close Jason Newsted's NS2 Metallica tone. I'll be using it for Modern Hard Rock/ Metal tones and It's being played through an Ampeg.
What pre-amp do you suggest? As I have this bass and I think you are correct with your thoughts.
I have a Spector NS-2000 with EMG HZ and TonePump Jr. active preamp. I have the same noise when I boost treble. Any recommendation for a new preamp is welcome. Thanks!
Do you think an aguilar obp-3 would sound good with these pickups. I have the bass and hate the pre. I didn't like the emg bts either. Any suggestions?
Oh wow, was about to buy one tomorrow because it's down from $2300au to $1700au… but that preamp sounds disgusting :/ It's really put me off
Hey ????Great Vid as always, I'm thinking of adding a NS PULSE II to my collection, Possibly swapping the preamp out for the Spector 2 band Dark Glass Tone Capsule, Would you say its worth looking into ? all the best. Stu
the body shape looks different.. almost like a zon bass..
I got that bass.
The body felt cheap d looked cheap.
The bass action was high and had to stay that way because of fret buzz.
I returned it.
I gig out with my Spector Pulse II, Cinder red 4 string almost every weekend and out of all of my top end basses this one has the most oomph and clear definition when going direct without an amp. Arguably my Bongo and Lakland may produce a wider tone pallet through my amp. But when going direct with only a monitor , it's this tone pump jr that cuts without being overbearing or weak sounding.
I ran a EMG J set back in the days you has to solder them. A few years back I thought I would give them a shot again and bought the basic J set and they were super noisy. I removed the copper shielding per EMG’s recommendation and even sent them in to be tested and sadly they were just noisy. I have heard that the X labeled sets don’t have this issue.
Why didn't you show the sound with both bass and treble fully boosted simultaneously?
The hum is pretty annoying. One of my basses sometimes acts that way with the treble knob as well. Nice sounding bass otherwise.
What do think of the Chinese Warwicks?
how much better would it sound if i replace the tone pump jr with a darkglass tone capsule??
Omg the pre amp the pre amp!!!
Hey Lobster!
I want to install the EMPG PJ set in my P.
Do you know the distance between the front of the nut and the centre of the split coil?
And also the distance between the split and the J??
Any neck dive on a strap?
This Bass sounds great. I got the NS Pulse 4 in charcoal grey but I agree with you in terms of the preamp. Any suggestions for a better preamp or pickups to get more definition?
Been eyeing up this bass as my first "big boy" bass, and your review process has gained you a sub. lol
And they kept the TP Jr for Round 2 ffs
That bass looks very nice. The electronics could be replaced. Go with dark glass.
This stock v.s charvel sam dimas stock? Both seem great besides shit pre amps but at least the Charvel's can be bypassed
I was having that same issue with the Spector Ethos with Aguilar P and J if i went to boost treble I have loud humming and even could hear radio sometimes its was my first Spector and was so disappointed and disappointed with how the store handled the situation as I am a lefty and im sure you know how hard it is to find a left handed one. Great coverage on this one.