Spotify’s Top 90’s Metal Songs… REALLY?!
Reviewing Spotify’s top 90’s Metal songs playlist…
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#Spotifys #Top #90s #Metal #Songs..
Originally posted by UCLhcQ0bBZTLipRJ7D42Riow at
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Where is cannibal corpse
No painkiller is mental
You're such a tool hater. Lol. They are amazing. Stop hating.
Mr Bungle has some metal ass songs
Justice to European metal bangers from the 90s ???? I swear we produced things other than Judas Priest and fkn Scorpions which somehow is classified as metal in Spotify
that chat comment at 10:13 "every coors light drinkers playlist" got me off guard, laughing hysterically.
NIk to Spotify "I mean, you are not; wrong? But you kinda are…" To me personally a lot more sounds like hard rock or something. I feel like you have to go at least half way into metalcore before it registers as metal to me. I didn't think bullet for my valentine was metal for some time… (watch me get converted back by the replies xD) And of course Nu metal is metal, no question about it.
Maybe the guitars are just not distorted enough and the singing is not angry enough for me to register metal, idk
brazil flag?
Bruce Dickinson's solo stuff is criminally underrated. Heavier than Maiden by far but I love maiden too obviously lol.
I saw someone in chat say "Guano Apes" …what a flashback.
not one in flames song???
Stop Spotify, use Deezer instead, they now have an artist centric mode wich is much more fair.
its called Glam metal or Hair metal technically cherry pie is metal
Lol, this poser doest know what Metal is. He thinks real Metal is core bullshit as if classic Metal doesn't exist.
Was pretty cool and surprising to see Fear Factory on there
Something from Slaughter of the Soul and Symbolic needs to be on here
Nik, you should do your own top 10 after this.
I love metallica genuinely top three favorite bands of all time. I have a tattoo of them. But for that song to be number one there is no fucking way. Cultural relevance, maybe but not the number one spot. Top 5, even though I despise that song now, but not number one.
Check out Heavy Metal Philosophy for all things Death Metal. He is my go to for all things death/black/prog metal
Don't leave your beverage unattended if you ever get backstage at a Judas Priest show…Rob might give you a real meet and greet like.he did for Jani Lane from Warrant….dude is a predator..and w blue chew and hims I'm sure he is still at it…
No Cannibal??
Not a single death metal song in the best decade of death metal is actually insane.
fuggin PANTERA
the amount of times ive gotten songs made in the 2000s on a spotify made 90s metal playlist is insane
I knew it. Not even Puritania by Dimmu Borgir isn’t on there or other sub-genres of Metal.
Monster Magnet is most known to me for Matt Hardy's WWE theme.
I could have told you the list would be ass. So many important bands missing: Children of Bodom, Blind Guardian, Rhapsody (of Fire), Symphony X, Amon Amarth, Meshuggah, Hypocrisy . . . I could continue but you get the idea.
I don't think they make the list off of best or such. I think it goes off of number of plays.
No In Flames thats a crime
Shit list.
missed out on Hypocrisy on the playlist
Sorry to say this, but 90's music wasn't that good.
FACT: Linkin Park doesn't exists in 90's …
Where the death metal? Where’s the black metal? Where’s the Grind?
Aww come on Nick, you should have shown prong, some of the most 90s metal you will ever hear
Meshuggah, Darkest Hour, Nevermore, Iced Earth, Death, Hatebreed. All made bangers in the 90's.
I mean technically Alice in chains (not fcking Alive in chains bloody iPad autocorrect)isn’t metal it’s grunge
Tool and RATM shouldn't be here. Pathetic.
There was a lot to make me laugh in this video, but I laughed hardest when Nik said Spotify playlists are made by people ????
There is an episode of ok ko from cartoon network that has Jonathan Davis as a cucumber type guy that will make you forget about Patrick as Jonathan
This is their pop version of "metal."