Thursday, March 6, 2025
BassBass Guitar

Squier Debut Series Precision Bass Review – When the Bar is Set Too Low – LowEndLobster Review

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Hey Everyone! Today we’re reviewing the brand new, super budget oriented, Precision bass from Squier! This Debut Series is as bare bones as they come, with a poplar body, solid maple neck and laurel fingerboard. The electronics have as much output as Hardluck King’s shop in 2024 (too soon?)…. Should beginners even consider this bass? Let’s find out!

This bass and all my other basses with rounds are strung with SIT Foundation Nickel Plated Stainless Steel 45-105(125) unless otherwise noted. Check them out at

Info on my signal chain, setup and more:

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#Squier #Debut #Series #Precision #Bass #Review #Bar #Set #LowEndLobster #Review

Originally posted by UClpTFnWcfIg4pcgFZ8dRTyg at

43 thoughts on “Squier Debut Series Precision Bass Review – When the Bar is Set Too Low – LowEndLobster Review

  • This bass has still a massiv sound that can find his place among other instruments on live gigs… so some instruments are better in room some ar stage

  • There is nothing easier than making an instrument sound bad with the intention of denigrating it. With electrics 80% of the sound comes from the amplifier & its settings, the speaker and, if present, the microphone and any acoustic "filter" through which the sound passes.

    Action and neck are certainly not perfectly adjusted out of the box but a lot (starting from the truss-rod) depends on the safety needs for transport and shipping. Out of curiosity I purchased all the "Debuts" (Telly, Strat and P-Bass, all in matte "dakota" red) and I must say that I was really surprised by the incredible quality/price ratio. Of course we can't compare these instuments to Custom Shop or generally US made (if done well).

    Coming to the P-Bass, I adjusted everything necessary (intonation, action, truss-rod, pickup height…) in less than half an hour and there is NOTHING that doesn't work more than decently (even with its stock UGLY strings). It certainly cannot be passed off as a shiny diamond but of course as a fair amethyst. And (believe me) I've tried it with several amps (Ampeg, Fender… even a terrible 10W Peavey with a tiny tiny cone).

    I trust there is no bad faith in your review, but I cannot agree at all. As for beginners or students… if I had the opportunity to have a bass like this at a similar price when I started out (in the mid 80's) I would have been very happy. I remember that I bought my first "fake" Strat (one of the worst guitars I ever had) in 1984 for a price (there were no euros) comparable to today's €200 without considering inflation and, in that case, there really was nothing to save but… I had no money for anything else. Have a nice day 🙂

  • I would like to see a review of the sonic p bass, that damn cheap bass is so good that I have even used it more than the mexican jazz bass I used to have

  • Wow. Got a turd huh?

    Just received one last week to place in my double gig bag as a back up bass.

    Mine is excellent. Sorry you had a bad experience with this one.

  • Shame the bass is so rough. People seem really happy with the strat and tele by comparison. Not exactly shocking when you consider how much bigger Fender/Squier's guitar market is vs their bass market and how much more investment they put into their guitar side over the bass side.

  • If you weren't so cheap maybe you would have bought a good Bass. Maybe next time you have meetings. Can you give some young person that doesn't have a lot take some money and put in it fix it up and give it to them instead of bitching and moaning. Do something positive with your life set up being whiny little which

  • compare to this I bought a 40th anniversary Pbass squier gold edition and it s almost 500e ( 500 doll?) but it is better than the fender player plus series…but a squier under 350 is total trash…Harley Benton has very good instrument under 250, for 3350 go to sire, and squier are good in their higher end series which is a bit weird… Suier backed by Fender, and Fender are weird too with their pricing and what they propose..I say that being myself an ultmate JB and PB fan..but mostly on others brands today (I have two squier, both higher end squier, I used to have a cheaper squier guiter, I broke it in a rage)

  • Where was this video when I bought it ????

    But seriously as a beginner I think I lucked out cause Im having fun playing mine ????

  • I really don't get this, when the Sonic line already is under 200€ and aimed at beginners, especially when you know how poorly those will do against similarly priced Harley Benton options. Having this thing would probably make you stop playing altogether, but if it doesn't, another Fender product won't be your next instrument. Makes no sense at all.

  • I'm sorry but I love it and am very happy with this bass, maybe you got a stinker! I have the sunburst edition. I scotchbrited the neck, added Ernie Ball rounds, that's it!
    I will replace the harness, pups are good. I have purchased several basses under your recommendation.

  • Thanks for the video anyways!
    Now I know that bass neck CAN be simply too weak, so that they can’t be set up.
    I think my first bass has that problem, which is sad because the rest of it works like it should.

  • I mean it's better than a glarry at least lol

    I have one of those coming my way soon, i have a fretless neck for it from a Squier that got parted out by a friend and and im gonna put it on it

  • So a Precision bass, just without any of the precision????? ????????????

    Well, it will make a good chew toy for dogmo!????????

  • So glad you're back making videos! This bass may suck, but you look like you're living your best life now.

  • There have been a ton of videos on the new Positive grid Spark 2 regarding the guitar tones but I have yet to see a bass player demo one. That would be a cool episode, to show it from a bass players point of view.

  • Hey Lobster. I wonder if you'd be able to compare the level of craptasticness of this Squier vs a Glarry P-bass? At least Glarry admits up front they expect people to use their products as mod platforms. Given the choice, I'd give Glarry a go, even cheaper and some cooler colors that I'd rather have. Lots of love among peeps on Talkbass.

  • You know they messed it up when even I, someone who doesn't actually play bass and doesn't have 'trained ears' listens to the first demo and immediately goes "now that doesn't sound right…"

  • I can agree with your comparison between this bass and the older Affinity series models (early 2000s – 2018). My first bass I bought was a 2006 Squier Precision Bass from the Affinity series, made in Indonesia. It was a used bass being I bought online for under $100 back in 2016. After all the simple setup process, I was happy enough with the playability. I still have the bass to this day but with a newer 2012 neck. Other than that, I was wondering if you're still interested in trying out the Squier Mini P-Bass. I bought one 2 years ago and had a local music store's guitar tech do a great fretless neck conversion. It can also fit inside an average electric guitar case. Nice seeing you again. ????????????

  • Thanks for the honest review, I often have to advise my students when they are purchasing their first bass and this will undoubtedly avoid some tears. Loving the new glasses by the way.I would love to hear your opinion on the Sire Stingray-alike. Keep up the good work!


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