Monday, March 10, 2025
BassBass Guitar

Squier Paranormal Rascal Bass – Ridiculous Retro Vintage Tone Machine! – LowEndLobster Review

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Squier Paranormal Rascal unboxing:

Hey Everyone! We’re finally putting the Squier Paranormal Rascal Bass through its paces in this full review. Featuring gorgeous vintage styling paired with high output Fender Designed Wide Range pickups, this short scale THUMPS! We had a very positive first impression with our unboxing, but how will this bass fare in our full test? Let’s do this!

This bass and all my other basses with rounds are strung with SIT Foundation Nickel Plated Stainless Steel 45-105(125) unless otherwise noted. Check them out at

Info on my signal chain, setup and more:

Reverb Shop:

#Squier #Paranormal #Rascal #Bass #Ridiculous #Retro #Vintage #Tone #Machine #LowEndLobster #Review

Originally posted by UClpTFnWcfIg4pcgFZ8dRTyg at

40 thoughts on “Squier Paranormal Rascal Bass – Ridiculous Retro Vintage Tone Machine! – LowEndLobster Review

  • I share your enthusiasm about this base. Love the color, look and sound. I need a short scale due to arthritic left shoulder but may be able to handle the big body. I got to try it out. Thanks for your honest evaluations of these SS bases. 5 claw job!!

  • ok bassist here for 40+ yrs. you get what you pay for bottom line. You might find a relic gem once in a while. I bought a 2010 CV jazz that was a good player and sounded nice. My yammy was still better si I sold the cv to a student. 2018 bought another CV jazz made in china bass once again played and sounded good. well in the fall I noticed fret buzz do to temp changes humidity as per. re set the neck bridge but it wouldn't settle to a good playing setting. Then not long after severe buzz rattle everywhere coming from the lower end of the neck… truss rod. Adjusted over and over but can't get it to stop. I shelved it for many yrs. Brought it out and surprise it was back to playabiliy, so I thought. Short lived the truss rattle came back. Great if you like geddy lee sound lol. The bass is now getting a procedure done to remedy the issue hopefully. IMHO Go with Yamaha. Even their lowest models are built like tanks. Reliable and solid. I'm sure the debate will continue but I wouldn't recommend Squire for anything but starter players.

  • Does the next feel like a short scale? With the bridge so far forward, it doesn't look like it.

  • Hi again lobster! I bought this bass and am enjoying it alot. I've swapped out the electronics for some 500k pots to brighten it up a bit and have shielded the inside of the cavity & back of the pick guard.

    I'm turning my attention to the tuners now, can you name a set that would drop straight on here?

    Thanks in advance ☮️

  • Man, I really like this, especially with the pickups soloed. The jury is out for me on them running together. I’d have to pick one up in person to see if I could get along with the weird ergonomics. That’s a deal breaker if it feels wonky.

  • Sounds amazing!! I'm torn between this and the Sire Z3 you recently reviewed. I have £400 to grab a new bass, I've always wanted a stingray style bass but this one has some serious mojo ????

  • I’m newb that just got my level 5 diploma on usician and learning on a Mikro . The Mikro is fine and no real issues with it , But I am tempted by these . Sounds great and they are going for $350 right now . ????

  • Which light weight tuners do you recommend ?… with the same screw attachment so I don’t have to fill in holes.

  • Maybe Jeremy Davis ex Paramore use this kinda body for his custom jazz bass in Riot era

  • Hello LeL I am a 67 year old Frenchman and I don't speak a word of English thanks to the internet. I love watching your videos, your tests are superb and being a budding bass player your information is invaluable once again thank you.

  • The pickup locations are more akin to a Ric than any Fender/Squier which is what gives it's unique tone. It's why I had to build a 30" SS bass with that pickup location over 25 years ago… nothing else was available at the time.

  • Loved your review. I think the Rascal will be my first base. As for the balance problem, just get a strap which you can tie to the headstock.

  • I was going to buy a semi hollow like the Schecter Corsair or the Jack. But, ended up going with this instead. Just seems much more versatile and is able to achieve that vintage semi hollow tone too.

  • So I'm confused! So are the frets further apart than a smaller short scale bass. I ask because if the bridge was farther back it would make it a even larger bass?? Thank you.

  • My thing with budget basses are; while they are cheap and affordable and feel good for like the first six months. Fretboard woods like laurel are not intended to last long. Budget basses are cool but know you’ll be on the market for another bass as soon as you buy one. I’d get one for writing purposes just to preserve my expensive cool basses

  • i wonder if it's the first short-scale bass in history that doesn't sound like it's stringed with rubber bands? ????

  • It is very annoying that he always refers to the bass VI as a baritone. It is same scale as short scale basses, and tune to the same range as a bass. Baritone instruments are 27-28” scale and tuned to b or c. As the name implies, a baritone sits between a bass and guitar.

  • Picked this up cause of you lobster and I couldn’t be happier! If you’re reading this thinking about getting one too, DO IT! Budget players out there, this isn’t the cheapest bass on the market but if you can swing just a little more cash your money will go a lot further. No mods necessary this thing rules straight out of the box ????

  • Hey Lobster…Terrific review. I have a Ibanez TMB30 that I picked up several years ago. I needed a bass for home recording projects. I'm way overdue for an upgrade and I'm really impressed with the quality of Squier Gear. This Rascal Bass is killer nice, it's on my short-list now. Questions on the strings; Fender ships these with 045-105. Are these LaBella Short Scale Strings the same gauge? I can't seem to find a Mustang through body specific set on the LaBella Website. I use Labella on my Ibanez, love them! Thanks again on the in-depth review.

  • Lobster, do you think that this bass would benefit from a blend control vs. a toggle switch? I envision moving the tone control to where the switch is and having volume and blend near the output jack.

  • I appreciate the comprehensive reviews you do, but it would be cool if you could just hit it with a fuzz pedal for bit to show how it handles gain. Thanks.

  • I am amazed that it sounds just as good with a pick as with fingers. Usually, I can't stand it with a pick. Very interesting and beautiful bass guitar! Thank you for covering all the basses (no pun intended) with it!

  • That thing is the single best sounding short scale bass I've ever heard. The bridge pickup is so surprising with how good it sounds. I wouldn't hesitate to buy one of those if I got to play one in a music store and liked how it plays.

  • Ok im gonna say it…am i the only one that hears the sound of a warwick thumb bass coming out of this squier when slapping in the bridge pickup position or are my ears deceiving me. It sounds really close lol. Close your eyes and listen 22:28

  • Mmmmmm that neck pickup solo sounds awesome. I would love this bass with just one of these pickups in the pbass spot. That would be a sweet pbass variation

  • I just bought one.
    Wowee that bridge pick up
    For the money it’s worth every bit….and more.
    Incredible fun, I also give it 5 ???? claws

    Super review Mr Lobster
    ???? ????


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