Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons

Stand By Me – Ben E. King EASY Beginner Guitar Lesson Tutorial [ Chords | Strumming | Solo Tab ]





???? HUGE thank you to @enyamusicglobal for sponsoring this video! ???? If you’re interested in trying their NEXG smart guitar with built-in amp for yourself, check it out here:

???????? Shop Enya Music NEXG Smart Guitar:

^^^ This is an affiliate link and I make a small profit from each sale, which helps me create new content for this channel. ????



0:00 Introduction & Demo
0:19 Enya Music NEXG
0:31 Lesson Overview
1:07 Chords Needed
2:10 Practice Pattern
3:34 Strumming Pattern
7:13 Solo Tab
10:49 Play-Along & Outro



standard tuning, capo on 2nd
chords needed:
G: 320003
Em: 022000
C: x32010
D: xx0232
practice pattern: single d strum for each chord change
strumming pattern: ddu udu (x2 for G & Em, x1 for C & D)
chord progression:
G Em C D G
(repeat for entire song)


???? check out my OFFICIAL MERCH here! ????


???? connect with me! ^^
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/for3v3rfaithful
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/xfor3v3rfaithfulx
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PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/for3v3rfaithful


Thanks so much for watching! ????

I hope you enjoyed my #guitarlesson for how to play #standbyme by #beneking ! ???? This song is perfect for bringing a smile to anyone’s face, so I hope you have fun learning it and maybe serenading it to someone? ???? If you have any questions about this video, be sure to leave it in a comment and I’ll try my best to reply as soon as I can! ????

As always, please don’t forget to “like” and subscribe for more tutorials coming soon! Love you all! ❤️️


#Stand #Ben #King #EASY #Beginner #Guitar #Lesson #Tutorial #Chords #Strumming #Solo #Tab

Originally posted by UCFifQL1z9qnVdIq-EVDU9FQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLMBdreGbxY

35 thoughts on “Stand By Me – Ben E. King EASY Beginner Guitar Lesson Tutorial [ Chords | Strumming | Solo Tab ]

  • Thanks so much for watching! ???? What other oldies songs should I teach? ???? Leave a comment with your favorite! ???? And thank you to Enya Music for sponsoring this video! ???? If you're interested in trying out this smart guitar for yourself, you can check out their Amazon store here: https://amzn.to/3NwoHzO

  • Good day to you.
    It's the first time see this kind of guitar. It's lovely .Am a beginner in guitar. Where can I buy one like yours please?
    Regds. why put a capo?

  • I am proud to say I learned a lot from you. You make learning simple, fun and engaging. The best guitar teacher on YouTube! Thank you, Ellen!

  • Thanks! ???????? Ellen, you've made me crack and learn this song! ???? One of my favourite guitar – play along songs

  • Hi Ellen, great tutorial. This is the first song that I, learning and you make it really easy to learn. With the solo tab can you recommend any exercises to get better at playing the individual strings better? Thank you

  • thank u for this song ma'am❤can i make a request..?can you pls.teach the song "the boxer" in easy way…plssss ❤❤❤

  • For some reason I can’t find it on Amazon. Do you think you could send the link when you get the chance?

  • I can’t wait to play this for my nieces later ♥️ thank you ellen! How can I donate to support you?

    Also, I’m in love with that guitar! Where can I purchase? 🙂

  • Excellent video!! One small detail that was unclear that maybe somebody can answer: Is the last G chord played once or twice?? I can see the first G chord is played twice, but it's unclear how many times the last one is played. Almost looks like it's played twice, would be followed by the G played again twice on the repeat. (I'm new to guitar, so please forgive me it it should have been obvious in the video.)

  • Thank you this video has been great. Help me learn this song. I love how you break things down and make things so easily with visuals. Which is one of my constructive critiques towards other videos. Sometimes, I just don’t have a visuals. This video is great because I can pause it and parts and have a visual right there the practice the strumming pattern. Thank you very much great job I will be watching more of your videos, as I keep on learning guitar.

  • What is that guitar?! Make and model? It's so cool. I need it. I bet it's expensive though but it'd be worth it to have in my collection. Plus, it's pink. I'm sure you've got the Taylor Swift baby Taylor guitar too. I wanted that but ended up going with just a normal baby Taylor, well it's a Taylor GS mini in mahogany, and I love it. Super easy to play and sounds gorgeous. I'd still love the Taylor Swift edition though. If I was rich I'd have so many guitars.

  • Coming from your beginner's series ✋, and here i am for another challenge ???? thank you!! Lovelots ????

    P.S. Guys, please don't skip the ads ????????

  • I posted up on one of tutorials about two weeks ago. I took my first guitar lesson a week ago and bought my first guitar. I’ve been feverishly learning chords and practicing finger drills until my next lesson. A moment ago, I took a break from practicing and found this video. I quickly recognized the chords, and grabbed my guitar. It took a little fumbling, but I figured it out. I’m happy to say, this was my FIRST song! My wife heard me strumming, and asked where/ when did I learn this song! ????Thank you once again for sharing your gift!
    – Chris Huston


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