STANDING UP: Bass Tips With Guenther Kapelle
Guenther Kapelle, professional bassist and Music Performance & Technology instructor at Metalworks Institute of Sound & Music Production, talks about the importance of practicing your scales and exercises on bass guitar standing up.
For more Bass Tips With Guenther Kapelle, click here:
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#STANDING #Bass #Tips #Guenther #Kapelle
Originally posted by UCiINq6vRPkAakJA-8B3H11g at
Insane how hard it is to find a video where they actually stand up. I sit 8hrs a day working so when I practice I like to stand.
I play with a pick and I find standing up I just can't hit the notes properly, also my left hand can't go as high as it can standing up. For example, on the E string I can't hit the 12th fret with my pinky to save my life, my wrist just can't bend any further