Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons


Cam’s Affiliate Link Reverb: https://reverb.grsm.io/u4pypzj2zsko
Pentatonic Licks EASY – HARD – WEIRD

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to pentatonic licks to learn. In this video, I want to give you a mix of licks spanning from more basic licks to ones that are more complex and then others that are just weird but add a little something to your playing that may not have been there before.

DGS Precision Picks – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B092PX19WP

0:00 intro

1:20 (standard legato)

1:55 (standard legato in blues scale)

2:08 (vivian campbell lick)

3:06 (triplets ascending)

4:01 (triplets descending)

4:25 (descending triplets + standard legato lick)

4:44 (steve vai variation of 4:25 lick)

4:55 (4s)

5:18 (5s)

6:25 (Eric Johnson variation of 5:18)

6:36 (6s)

7:11 (2 string practice lick to learn 6s lick)

7:44 (Sweet child of mine lick)

8:20 (sweet child of mine + any previous lick combination)

8:45 (getting weird now)

9:45 (fake steve vai lick)

11:02 (Pound cake lick)

11:45 (true pound cake lick)

11:58 (Jake E lick)

12:45 (extended version of Jake E lick, through all positions)

13:06 (pentatonic fluttering)

13:35 (6 string arpeggio)

14:15 (6 string arpeggio with extended 9)

14:36 (feely lick)

16:25 (dissonant lick)

#harleybenton #yamahathr30ii #guitar

#STEAL #LICKS.. #Pentatonic #Licks #EASY #HARD #WEIRD

Originally posted by UCQ7OfrvTcLIFTDbKkxo5WcA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9AAs969blo

25 thoughts on “STEAL THESE LICKS… Pentatonic Licks EASY – HARD – WEIRD

  • 2s,, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, great player licks, variations, slight alterations, ideas for extending,…, excellent execution. Great video!

  • God damn this is the video I needed. Thank you. Would be splendid if you did pdf tabs for each lick! Regardless you rock

  • Man i been looking this kind of video for so long. Excellent playing, examples and content. Thanks a lot

  • Amazing talent. You absolutely liquefied those scary buggers! Great a tricks, love that guitar some too, sir! Nice

  • What pickups are in the guitar in this video? I really like the snappy tone you get from this and a couple vids with the yellow charvel. Great video. Thanks in advance!

  • Dude… I'm watching this over and over again. Can't get enough of this. Great fingers you got there! Kudos, brother.

  • Hi Cameron,
    I have already asked,
    Can I please have your Skype id to do some lessons.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  • For many years I was trying to find a teacher who could simply teach me these type of licks. No theory no nothing. No one did, like it was their magical soup or something. I watched and listened to many advanced players playing these stuff and i was jealous and pissed off 'cause i could not figure them out (not very talented of course). I found this video last week. I am at the "standard legato" trying to play it without thinking it before i move on. I'm doing good and i also feel like i can make it as an (amateur/hobbist) guitarist! I have a new personal musical purpose once again!
    Thank you so so much Cameron!

  • Lets face it, I'm not that creative on the guitar yet. My skills hold me back. This video is like a light shining down from the heavens paving the way to shredness! ????????????????????????

  • Great lesson. Intervallic sequences like this are the best way to practice any scale. And as you demonstrate, most "licks" in Rock are about 90% scale sequences.

  • Nice lesson, man! I was able to replicate everything easier than i thought I'd be able to!

  • Awesome! Thanks you. My memory sucks I'll have to pick a few favorites until I get those down and revisit later.

  • I personally think, anyone who is trying to get super fast at shredding 3 notes per string should spend plenty of time on pentatonic sequences. Once you get good at 2 notes per string, you tend to take off like a jet when you go back to 3 notes per string. Helped me a lot! ????????


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