Monday, March 3, 2025
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Steve Hackett: &’Circus & the Night Whale&’ | How Good is it?

Steve Hackett’s new album is a concept narrative that references Steve’s biography, but also considers themes like the music business, re-birth and salvation through love.

The Circus and The Nightwhale out on 16th February. You can buy it here:

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#Steve #Hackett #39Circus #Night #Whale39 #Good

Originally posted by UCM7dgfjfRRzYvATF6FwXmPg at

34 thoughts on “Steve Hackett: &’Circus & the Night Whale&’ | How Good is it?

  • Well, no. Like someone else stated, it started to sound the same. Like the previous albums its overproduced and using the same recepie like the last 4 or 5 albums. Hackett has been the one and only music for me, visited many of his concerts, but lost intrest , somewhere around To watch the storm. The problem is the melodies are not strong enough. Its not strange in anyway, not many composers can keep a high standard for ever and ever. But for me, Hackett was the light in my life and it was highlightened with a fantastic concert in Gothenburg, some years back now. Nowadays i never ever listen to him. By coincedence, i heard Rebecca from Watch the storm, just the other day. And i realised how good he was, the wonderful melodies, just awsome. Nowadays, if i compare to this ,the last album, its not about the melodies,its about the production. And for me it is utterly boring.

  • I've listened to this a few times now. I like it, largely because it reminds me of Steve's other work. There are some very nice moments but I think it lacks a real centrepiece. I'll keep listening though.

  • Heard a few tracks off Steve's album loved him to bits for year's since early 70.s been seeing him since early 70.s and till last time about 3 year's ago my main artist for years great player and band live still buy it but never thought I would say this but getting to sound a bit the same as the last 3 or 4 albums

  • A terrific album, seamless and eclectic. A huge treat for guitarists ❤️????????

  • WARNINGS: I won't be positive.
    Listened to the first 2 tracks for some days, then the whole today: boring.
    Always the same kind of heavy production without subtleties, no evident melodies, world rock without inspiration. I'm sorry, because I love Steve very much, but since 2009 and Out of the tunnel's mouth, he has lost the inspiration for me. And that's a shame because he's still an awesome musician, and he has got fantastic musicians with him on this album. It simply does nothing on me.
    Far, far, far away… from his masterpieces: Voyage of the Acolyte, Please don't touch, Spectral mornings, Defector, Guitar noir, Darktown, To watch the storms. I'm not happy to have to write that I'm completely deceived and frustrated, I won't buy this album, besides the cover art is awfully ugly.

  • I think that Steve should have used different singers in all his albums, they would have been far more listened to

  • Steve's studio albums explore the territory Genesis abandoned when he left. Very little pop crap in his catalogue. I always buy his new albums and have never regretted it.

  • it's a damn good thing I don't have my own YouTube channel, as I would be kicking off anyone that made a harsh, negative comment. There's simply no need to do so. As our parents used to say, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all".

  • Great review thanks, frames it up nicely.

    Sorry people have ti hi into other albums when we can look forward to what you think is very good. Steve admitted he took risks in your interview. Nice to hear you say they paid off.

    For those of you posing negative comments without a listen, am sorry you are so bitter about life.

  • Has YouTube made new dictate(s) for 2024 ? You are one of two channels I watch where you're suddenly making lots of insert video edits. Some of us can still use our brains (you said "the sea" and cut to a clip of The Sea) and/or don't have ADD. Personally, I can watch a whole video of you talking (as in days of yore) even if you're not dreamy Brad Pitt.

  • Thanks for this, I already couldn’t wait to hear this album, and this review has certainly heightened my anticipation. For me Steve’s music has evolved wonderfully through the years, from the early classics of ‘Voyage of the Acolyte’, ‘Please Don’t Touch’ and ‘Spectral Mornings’ to the more recent great albums ‘At The Edge Of Light’ (in particular) and ‘Surrender Of Silence’! I for one greatly appreciate that Steve still blesses us with great music and I won’t be getting off the train until the last station!

  • Passing Clouds was also a brand of upmarket unfiltered cigarette back in the day.

  • I've been looking forward to this one since Steve first announced it on XTwitter. Thanks for the review!

  • Hackett remains one of a very small handful of artists that I still purchase everything he releases, and attend as many of his concerts as is feasibly possible. I am going to see him on March 1st in Jacksonville, FL. and then twice in April, both here in Arizona and in Austin, TX. I am extremely excited about the new album, and your commentary and analysis of it has me all the more eager to get my hands on it. Naturally, I have pre-ordered it. Your detailed description and summation of the concept and all moving parts is a wonder to behold. How you manage to have such a command of the English language, and a vocabulary not unlike a walking thesaurus, is beyond my comprehension. I envy you in that regard. You have obviously done a lot of reading during your lifetime; so much so that you have assimilated most of what you've read into your memory bank and have become an expert on pulling from, and utilizing it at will when authoring your keen musical and lyrical observations. The combination of your written and verbal skills, coupled with your extreme passion and knowledge of music, is why we all love you and your shows so much!! Just keep doing what you're doing and all of us shall remain, whilst you continue to grow your channel and fan base. Simply put, you are the best… hands down! You are the "Live At Leeds" (or perhaps "The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway") of the Music YouTuber World!!

  • For me , I don't care anymore , there is too much output from Steve . And again for me ….they all sound more or less the same .
    And honestly , is it Prog ? Prog is a name given to music which is supposed to be progressive . Early King Crimson was something no one had ever heard , and later some other bands . But by the end of the 70's Prog was dead and still is dead . Yes there are a few exceptions but in general it is not Prog because no one is doing something complete new or gives something that we have not had before . What's in a name ?

  • Great review!
    I've always loved Steve's studio work but am always disappointed that his latest work is so underrepresented on stage focussing as he usually does on that band he used to be with!
    I hope that changes for the next tour…..c'mon Steve , take a leaf out of your former colleagues last tour , namely Mr Gabriel, and focus more on the new stuff!!!

  • Wow Barry. You have excelled yourself here. Much kudos and touching of fetlocks. A scintillating review and production as fine as any I have seen since being part of your channel for the last year or so. So well done again. I have my copy and hope to get my review done either tomorrow or Monday but realise I am up against it from the get go. Well done my friend. All the best. Dave✅✅

  • It is a bit too progy for me mate, and I am a big Hackett fan but this one did not do it for me that hasd nothing to do with his HUGE talent

  • 'The 'Pilgrim's Progress' by John Bunyan touches so many other works of art, your analogy , i feel is apt.

  • One album by Peter Gabriel, and just after one from Steve Hackett: This is a great winter for us fans of the Genesis heritage!
    Thank to you Barry, I can't wait to listen to this album!

  • I primi due singoli usciti sono brutti, se il buongiorno si vede dal mattino….
    La copertina dell' album fa schifo.

  • The new album may almost be as good as Steve's hair, truly one of the wonders of modern prog. How on earth does he keep it so dark, thick and lustrous?


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