Steve Vai and Joe Satriani on guitar lessons #guitar #guitarist #stevevai #joesatriani #shorts
#Steve #Vai #Joe #Satriani #guitar #lessons #guitar #guitarist #stevevai #joesatriani #shorts
Originally posted by UCJquYOG5EL82sKTfH9aMA9Q at
F# on the b string…ahhhhhhhh????????????????????
It's like having Goku and Vegeta in the same room.
Those two are extremely talented and refreshingly humble.
Where is kirk??? ????
We all need a teacher like that. Someone who knows we’re better and expects that of us.
I saw Joe at the fillmore and i couod barely handle it as i was only one of maybe 10 women there. I would have passed out seeing both Satch and Vai at the same time. I really pray and hope they do a Senior tour since a ton of seniors will definitely show up including me. ❤❤❤
Vai is such a class act
See Rick, this interview style is uniquely your's. Nowhere else is this found. Your legacy is copyrighted everytime you do one of these. Your personal relationships with The Best!
Should have just guessed the 7th fret. It's always 7 or 9.
How the hell do you learn all the notes in one week? There's nothing average about that ????
Ok Steve, can you share the memorization technique that you used to memorize the fretboard, please?
I still have that memory block I will always be an amateur????
Can you imagine these two guitar players together??!! Whoa????????
Steve + Joe = Netflix series. Please!!!!
great story
Can you imagine having guitar lessons with Rick in the 90s and asking him to teach you songs by Hole?
Great guitarist
"I can't do that."
Becomes one of the greatest guitarists to ever touch the instrument.
I loved him in Crossroads, he was badass.
when the STUDENT…Surpasses the TEACHER. YOU KNOW!!!!!!
when you relize that STEVE VAI… IS THE GOAT>>>> YOULL KNOW.
I took lessons from Satriani pupil Alex Skolnick and my first 2 lessons were exactly this.
Did either of them know how their lives would develop over the years after that lesson
Now 6 year old girls can play anything he can. There's a bunch of them on tic toc.
Wow! 2 of the best to ever touch a guitar!
What a great interviewer….
World class.
For a hundred reasons. ????????????
I cannot believe what I’m hearing ???? I mean these two , absolute legends of guitar and music. I still inspire to be the fraction of them. Damn
Steve and Joe are great guitarists and very original.
Memorizing 😀
Joe looks younger than both of these guys
A beginner here, but kinda curious how does memorising all the notes on the neck is helpful ?
Can Steve Vai define “very average”?
thats why no feeling..its a ear thing
When i was teaching Joe a similar situation occurred oh wait a minute Joe was never one of my students. Never mind.
My best student was the same way. Now he's the best guitarist I know.
And Joe is probably the best teacher in the world 😀
Simply amazing
This shows how limiting conversations that our subconscious gives us can really hold us back and we need to overcome them to achieve greatness.
he’s amazing
What a profound words by him
7th fret on the B string, just saying…
Steve once responded to a post I made on the musicplayer forums in like… 2004. I remember it because people were wigging out lol
Love this
So did you ever memorize the notes???
But that is weird. When you can tune a guitar, you know eadgbe. Then you know on b string, fret 5 is e, then f sharp is fret 7.
Ah, you need to know that ef and bc are a one fret interval. The rest is like cd, de, ab, see? Those are two fret steps. Those have a sharp or a flat in the middle. See? C sharp or d flat is between c and d. That is all you need, to find the name of those notes. And that eadgbe order is your base. It is just a lot of tones, 6 times 24 or 22 frets. But there are only 13 tones in a scale, and we pick only 9 of 13. That explains all those different named scales, they have different tones in the scales.
But play an f sharp on the b string is so close to something ANYBODY should really know, that he did not even need to memorize them all, to get this one right. He really blocked new things. Oops.
If Joe says it's important…
That’s how I feel. Kinda hit a plateau, don’t know all the notes either, just the sound & feel.
must be amazing feeling to be able play pretty much any song ever created at the highest level… ????