Wednesday, March 12, 2025
BassGuitar Tips & Hacks

StingRay Bass 2-Band (2EQ) vs 3-Band (3EQ) Preamps Explained + Hear the EXACT Sound Difference!

This is a side-by-side shootout of the classic Music Man/Ernie Ball StingRay 2-Band Preamp (2EQ) vs. the current Ernie Ball StingRay 3-Band Preamp (3EQ). All variables are the same except the preamp.

Many StingRay fans have wondered exactly what difference the 2EQ vs 3EQ will make to the tone of their bass. I built the exact preamps as pedals, so that they can easily be A/B’d. Here are the results! Plus a deep dive into exactly what differences exist in the frequency responses of each circuit, and why this makes them sound different.

Please feel free to skip straight to any portions of the video! No hard feelings. 🙂 All of the talking is just to provide context, and more information.


00:00 Intro
01:08 2EQ circuit schematic
01:28 2EQ frequency response (all controls at 0%, 50%, 100%)
02:26 3EQ circuit schematic
02:30 3EQ frequency response (all controls at 0%, 50%, 100%)
03:30 3EQ pedal
03:48 Shootout setup
05:11 2EQ vs 3EQ sound samples (*)
08:42 Analysis of the differences between 2EQ and 3EQ frequency responses
13:00 Conclusion summary

(*) NOTES:

* All sound samples are adjusted for equal volume. If you’re wondering why settings with huge boosts don’t sound louder than settings with big cuts, this is the reason. I wanted the TONE to be the difference you’re hearing, not blowing out your speakers (and eardrums) with sudden boosts! 🙂

* This video is a re-post. Many thanks to viewer Dimitri Eugensson A., who left me a note about the importance of including the Stingray pickup itself in the simulations, especially for the 3EQ. I thought I was being so smart by carefully isolating the analysis to just the preamps, but his comment was absolutely right – I redid most of this video when I saw how much of a difference the interaction between the pickup and preamps makes. Many thanks Dimitri!!

More info:

Bass used:
2020 Squier Classic Vibe ’70s Precision Bass (“Squier-Ray”). No onboard electronics. Pickup: Nordstrand MM4.2. Strings: DR FAT-BEAM FB-40 roundwound.
Recorded direct into a Focusrite Scarlett interface. Only “effect” is some light compression.

If you’re interested in the demo bassline, it’s:
This Is The Way We Funk With You (Parliament). Bassist: Most likely Cordell “Boogie” Mosson.

Photo credits:
Ernie Ball Music Man StingRay 4 Classic: Ernie Ball Music Man
Ernie Ball Music Man StingRay 4: Ernie Ball Music Man
StingRay Pre-EB 2EQ schematic – By Bajaman.
StingRay 3EQ schematic – By Dominic DeCosa.
Musicman StingRay Body: Catfish Jim and the soapdish ( Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license (
Ernie Ball Music Man StingRay Special Bass: Ernie Ball Music Man
Frequency Response of B-string (Fundamental frequency is 247 Hz): Dmitry Berenson, Galen Reeves (
Broughton Audio High Pass Filter, Always On High Pass Filter, Low + High Pass Filter: Broughton Audio (
Mesa Boogie Subway WD-800 Bass Amp: Mesa Boogie (
Guitar pickup resonant peaks: Ledgernote (

All other images are my own.

Background music: Original (mine).

#StingRay #Bass #2Band #2EQ #3Band #3EQ #Preamps #Explained #Hear #EXACT #Sound #Difference

Originally posted by UCMXAbM7RG05Mcplof5KdGHA at

34 thoughts on “StingRay Bass 2-Band (2EQ) vs 3-Band (3EQ) Preamps Explained + Hear the EXACT Sound Difference!

  • I have a Stingray from 1998. It has a 2 eq. Is that something special or different? Just curious since it doesnt match up with the info given here

  • It's the "duel tone" you get from the MusicMan StingRay which I love, and it seems the 3EQ does it that little better. It all depends on the sound you're after. Great vid thanks.

  • Great job with this video.. I installed a 3 Band audere on my musicman and a Nordstrand p/u and sound very balanced.. no crazy bumps on any frequency…

  • You know what i want? – the bass knob of the 3eq and the treble knob of the 2 EQ , oh – and the mid knob.

  • It would seem like the 2 band, in a weird way, is a little more versatile than the 3 band. It looks like if you crank the treble knob to about 75-80% you'll get a similar treble character to the 3 band at 50%. However, you can also dial it back and get a noticeably warmer sound for situations where that's more appropriate. With the 3 band it looks like you're kinda stuck with some sort of treble spike. While that can definitely sound good depending on the circumstance, it's nice to be able to dial it on or off.

    Related to this, Sire has released their new Z series of basses. Listening to it, it didn't sound like the 'clanky' Stingrays I was familiar with. Now I know why. A/B testing the Sire to the classic 2-Band Stingrays specifically they sounded basically the same. The nice thing about the Sire preamp though is that while it does have the classic Stingray, 2-Band STYLE of EQ in terms of character, it does have mid control like the 3 band, which is nice. Best of both worlds.

  • "Looks at the red and green lines, bro."
    My colorblind ass struggling to see the difference ????

  • StingRay Bass 2-Band appears to be close to the characteristics of the Bartolini TCT.

  • Would you say the 3-EQ is better for being able to cut thru the mix in a live setting?

  • Dude, for someone putting out info as objective as this, you should have a lot more subscribers.

  • Shocking difference, I finally understand the love for the 2-band EQ. Great work.

  • It's always a breath of fresh air to find truly informative and incredibly thorough bass content here on YouTube that's not actually trying to sell you courses, gear, etc. I'm now a subscriber, thank for your work!

  • Man, this is by far the best explanation about the differences of 2 an 3 EQ I ever heard. Thank you so much for bringing these specific details so close to us. I am a big fan of the 2 EQ "Hifi" sound for slap funk bass lines and your video nailed my final decision to chase a 2 EQ stingray now. So, I am more than grateful????

  • Awesome. Would love to see a video of the 3 band without that capacitor, or with different capacitors! So curious.

  • the 3 is really tough to dial in and does not sound good. Both are lacking imo, the phase shift is out of control, id rather go onboard preamp w/o EQ into a real outboard EQ, like a GML. If im recording, get rid of everything and go direct like the control sound here.

  • Fantastic video. Thank you for doing this research. Very educational.

  • Very interesting. Do you happen to know if the sterling by MM models still have the same preamp circuit or has it been modified for those less expensive models.

  • It might also be interesting to note how the switch works and how it interacts with the 3 band EQ. What do you think about? Thanks for the video and the work you did

  • Would the Joe Dart Stingray work since it only has a volume control and no pre amp? This was really cool.

  • The 3EQ gives you more versatility, it does have a more modern tone. The 2EQ will give a classic tone.

    I got a Status Graphite Empathy, Tobias Growler and a ‘78 Jazz but it’s time to own Stingray. ????

    TQ for the video!

  • This video has a serious content… Thanks for the effort in recreating the EQs for making such a comprehensive comparison… Super professional and deeply investigated…top notch ! ????

  • 3EQ sounds terrible, like an AM radio. Who would want to play a bass guitar with no bass?

  • great video, thanks. Would be nice if the "samples adjusted for equal volume" graphic wasn't blocking the frequency axis.

    Viewers: you get a peek of em at 7:17. Looks like that low end rolloff on the 3EQ starts at around 70Hz…

  • May I ask – the “50%” – is that 50% boost or is that “center detent”, e.g. 0% cut or boost?


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