Studio Tips with Ronan Chris Murphy – Bass
Producer-mixer Ronan Chris Murphy reveals the secrets of bass recording that he uses on world-class bassists including Tony Levin (King Crimson, Peter Gabriel). As you’ll see, Ronan’s main bass sound comes from the A Designs Audio REDDI Tube Direct Box ( and the Tech 21 SansAmp Bass Driver DI ( But that’s not all—you’ll also learn how Ronan adds extra “character” to bass.
#Studio #Tips #Ronan #Chris #Murphy #Bass
Originally posted by UCo3BXII7eZxG88Inb2eTxKQ at
Hi Chris I'm a producer as well as a Musician in Miami. I work in a lot of Jazz
and Latin productions in my Studio. I have a question that I hope you
can give me your take on. I do a lot of bass recording on the upright
type of bass like the Ampeg B4 baby bass with passive pickups among
others fender bass etc. I have found that when I do record in 2 separate
tracks like a direct signal from the bass and a Neumann 103 mic feding
from my Ampeg cab when I try to blend the two tracks in to a mono bass
track I'm running in to phase issues. The don't interact well cancelling
bottom a bit from each other, If I solo each track the sound is much
better. What can be causing my problem. Many Thx for you time and input!
Kenny Quintero
Sorry but this is terrible bass tone example of tracking bass tone. The guy playing is hitting so hard on his fingers it's just driving mud to both the Reddi and Sans Amp.
Good stuff.
Ronan Chris Murphy Thanks for the tips, I'm going to experiment in my home sessions
Thank you Ronan, I appreciate the time you take to make these videos. I've got a radial DI and hadn't thought of pairing it with another DI before. I'm thinking of getting a tube preamp, I bet that will sound cool on bass. Thanks again!
Thanks so much for this tip Ronan! You are a huge inspiration for recording hacks
like me
You suck!!
It has the same meaning as the British term "valve" when referring to audio equipment.
what does "tube" means?
The REDDI is a tube direct box (DI)
You have many thousands of £$£$£$£$£ worth of music equipment…. BUT I ALSO HAVE THAT CRUNCH STOMP BOX!!!!
Is Reddi just an audio interface? Does the Forte Focusrite do same thing? Sorry for a stupid question probably)
nice video, great trick!
Thank you very much! This was really usefull!
Try starting will all the eq settings on the both the bass and the amp set to flat, right in the middle. Then go from there. The key with eq is that a little goes a long way, and it's always easier to find a good tone by using the un eqed sound of the bass as your starting point instead of some random eq setting and somehow trying to make that sound good.
(Also it's almost impossible to make the sansamp sound bad, so that will help too. haha)
I thought the same. And/or the initial audio rendering was not the best. Good tips anyway.
cool video.
What about passive basses?
I'm assuming youtube is murdering the sound quality.
ah, that tone isnt nice at all
One thing to keep in mind though, is, for some odd reason, Amer.. uhh, humans!
You can use any combination of sounds, but I usually like to compliment the Bass Driver with something more full and robust and clean. Your active vs passive comment is generally true but it depends on the DI you are using. I really high quality DI will work well with both.
You can get into great DIs for about $200 or even a bit less. For not super expensive options I like the stuff from countryman and Radial. Problem with the super cheap DIs is that they hurt the tone and you loose a lot of punch and power.
I would focus on trying to save up for a really good DI. You can find them for about $200
Haha Tay Zonday? Well I guess now we know who told him to move away from the mike to breathe.
What if you can't afford all the DI 's and such? All I got is a tascam 2488neo and a cheap bass guitar. I've got a good bass amp, but that's too problematic to record through the amp. Too much room noise, things rattling, so on.
Musicman bass?
i get what your saying but if you wont to do this for a living this is gold.
The sound that gives the sansamp is really great, and i think is personlay the best sound, thx for the video!
Watch muso – types disappear up their own assholes!
The string buzz ruins it but it's cool still
lolol @ Ameri– Humans***
Why dont you just use a decent sounding bass? You'd probably find a second hand Pedulla MPV for around what you spent on all that stuff.
I'm doing the same thing but with a GT Brick and a Bass Tonebone! I'm really in need of a distressor though. Nice video!
Actually I only mixed Tay, but it was still awesome.
Sounds sweet, and re-amping the bass track later is always an option.
It might sound really nooby. But are you supposed to connect the DI box to your pre-amp?(Not talking about this video, but in general_
He really helped record Tay Zonday? Sweet.