Wednesday, March 12, 2025
BassBass Lessons

Subharmonic Singing: How to Sing Subharmonic Bass in Under 12 Minutes

I’ve recently become obsessed with Subharmonic Singing, and wanted to post this Subharmonics tutorial on How to Sing Subharmonic Bass / How to Sing Subharmonics, and in general, How to Sing Low Notes. There’s something about the sound of Subharmonics Singing and Low Bass Singing that makes it incredibly appealing

????️Subharmonic Singing Videos:

????The 5 Biggest MYTHS About Subharmonic Singing:

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#Subharmonic #Singing #Sing #Subharmonic #Bass #Minutes

Originally posted by UCAGQqdrB4mJHgQMKd1dPhaw at

31 thoughts on “Subharmonic Singing: How to Sing Subharmonic Bass in Under 12 Minutes

  • bruh, i was following along as a skeptic cause of all the "pro singers compilations" and as i was actually trying these techniques to humor my self i ended up doing a G1 sub (after strumming my bass guitar for reference). i continued to giggle like a little girl cause it happened so unexpectedly ????

  • This is amazing I don’t sing but I love low vocal music but couldn’t get the low notes properly but now thanks to this tutorial I can get to the very low notes amazing

  • Using ee-ee-ee seems odd to me considering the ee sound requires an almost closed throat to be emitted. A (or o) would probably be a better choice.

  • My friend attempted it, and I was like: Isn't that just croaking your voice. And now I realize that it sort of is, thanks for clearing that up, I had difficulty between connecting vocal fry with croaking

  • Injust wanna say, as a bass singer, mynlowest note is B1 without vocal fry, so I discovered subharmonics so I could go even deeper

  • I cant tell if im hitting subharmonics or not? Its like i sound like I am but im not sure if I am

  • Question. Can you give any tips to someone who has never had any sort of vocal training on how to relax their airflow/vocal cords when singing without sounding quiet as a mouse?

  • Once I got it, I actually found it easier to transition to subharmonics from the very bottom of my register. It's more difficult the higher I go.

  • Have never heard anyone say it takes a year to hit your first note. Everyone agrees it takes a year to make it really good.

  • came into this ready to hit lower notes, left knowing that I've been doing this all along

  • Geez, turns out I’ve been doing this sort of thing for years, but didn’t know it was sub-harmonic singing!? Just thought it was a cool low sound-thing. Great to know there’s proper techniques and stuff, always wanted a lower bass voice. Thanks mate!

  • What is the subharmonic? I can fry so slow, and play with. And start it on a note, and do many variances, ir is just that ??

  • I'm a 17 year old bass singer just longing to achieve that BF and just make my low notes be more present and clearly heard i find your techniques recommendable Thanks

  • I had a 4 octave range and you just successfully taught me how to do my 5th octave with subharmonics. Thank you very much. A0 to A#5

  • I really feel it when you said the anxiety part but I do terrorize my family by doing it hahaha I've already learned how to do overtones and throat singing but I couldn't manage to do subharmonics. Very grateful I'll be showing it to my nonna today ❤️


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