Thursday, March 6, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Sunn O))) Rig Rundown Guitar Gear Tour with Stephen O’Malley & Greg Anderson

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We’ve featured loud rigs. We’ve stood strong in front of Matt Pike’s octet of Oranges, been washed over with waves of volume from Angus Young’s nine Marshalls for AC/DC’s “small gig setup” in an arena, trembled from J Mascis’ three plexi full stacks, and even withstood Bonamassa’s barrage of seven amps at the Ryman, but nothing prepared us or compared to the Godzilla-rising-from-the-Pacific roar that is Sunn O)))’s auditory artillery. And it’s more than the sheer sight of 14 amps and 16 cabs or the dishing of deafening decibels; it’s the interplay of these characters and their conductors.

“The third member of the band is the amplifiers!” laughed Greg Anderson in a 2014 interview with PG. “We use vintage Sunn Model Ts from the early ’70s. They’re a crucial part of the show. I’ve got more amps than I have guitars.”

Stephen O’Malley takes a more metaphysical outlook to the connection between him and the thundering Model Ts. “My philosophy is that I’m just part of this bigger circuit of the instrumentation,” he says. “You have, of course, the amplifier valves, the speaker, effects pedals acting like different and various voltage filters, the air in the room, and the feedback generated from all this equipment, so who’s in the band is immaterial.”

We learned more about O’Malley’s perspective when, following a 90-minute drive southeast from Nashville to Pelham, Tennessee, and a short descent into The Caverns, the Sunn O))) guitar tag team welcomed PG’s Chris Kies onstage for an amplifying chat. O’Malley details his signature Travis Bean Designs SOMA 1000A, while Anderson explains how a broken guitar led him to his beloved Les Paul goldtop. Both pay homage and reverence to the eight Sunn Model Ts that form the band’s foundational tonal force, and explain why the LM308-chip Rat influenced their Life Pedal collaboration with EarthQuaker Devices.

Special Silver 25th anniversary edition of the V.3 Life Pedal:
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[Brought to you by D’Addario XPND Pedalboard:]

00:00 – D’Addario XPND Pedalboard
00:15 – Sunn O))) Intro
01:10 – Stephen O’Malley Intro
01:46 – Stephen O’Malley’s Travis Bean Designs SOMA 1000A
07:24 – Stephen O’Malley’s Sunn Amps
09:49 – Cabinet Choices
11:49 – Stephen O’Malley’s Pedalboard
16:40 – Stephen O’Malley’s Ampegs
19:13 – Sunn O))) Live Pt 2
19:58 – Greg Anderson Intro
20:30 – Greg Anderson’s 2005 Gibson Les Paul Deluxe
23:41 – Greg Anderson’s Sunn O))) Amps
30:20 – Greg Anderson’s Pedalboard
39:50 – Sunn O)))’s Fog
43:00 – Sunn O))) Live Pt 3

*© Copyright Gearhead Communications LLC, 2023*

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#Sunn #Rig #Rundown #Guitar #Gear #Tour #Stephen #OMalley #Greg #Anderson

Originally posted by UC5J-hZ4wNf7OlkzIn49LHoQ at

26 thoughts on “Sunn O))) Rig Rundown Guitar Gear Tour with Stephen O’Malley & Greg Anderson

  • how many morley ABC pedals do they use? I guess 2 each right? 6amps each? 4 guitar heads and ampeg bass heads or maybe they could be V22 guitar heads on 2×15 bass cabs.

  • Nice to hear that the spirit of Mika Vanio lives on in the background of Sunn O))) sound. And OTOs have been spreading out through pedal boards. Think Radiohead's Ed O'Brian had a board with a scatter to them too. I wonder if in a couple of years time too, that there will be a lot more of the recent digital power tool pedals from Chase Bliss on people's boards. Meris LVX / Mercury X too. I see a lot of early adoption in the electronic music world, but only a little scattered around guitar pedals boards. Moods mk.II and LVX / Mercury X are incredible tools.

  • Awesome episode with some chilled dudes. the ending was a bit of a fog up.

  • I saw them live last night, one of the most incredible live performances I've ever seen. The way they use sound is unlike any other band, not just the volume but the weight of every pitch and riff. Everything in the show is significant and it gives you time to listen to the interactions between the two guitars with beatings and smoothness from different consonances and dissonances. The way they interact as performers too creates an environment where you can feel the humanness of what they're doing. It creates a deeper connection with the individual moments. The performance didn't feel like time was passing but more like a massive sense of scale, like looking at a Rothko painting and taking in the massive wall of color.

  • If you zoom in at around 8:51 or so, we get a close up of the actual knob settings on O'Malley's Sunn amps. Notice that none of the controls are on eleven. Or even ten. I always thought that everything was on full-blast. But apparently not. These guys actually "dial-in" their tones. And the Life Pedal "RAT" side is set to 6-6-6.

  • Omg what she was saying about the fog is perfectly described! The time I was fortunate enough to see them 2009 in Seattle WA, it was like I was alone because the fog enveloped everyone and you really couldn't see too far around you. Kind of like you're walking through a dark forest on foggy night and then you see spooky lights, as you get closer hooded figures appear and then comes the sound. It was like a movie ???? I had never experienced a show like that before. I also remember the feeling like my organs were being pulverized by bass it was so loud ???????????? I was literally deaf for like an hour after ???? Totally worth it and a great birthday present. I still have some pics of my old razr phone from 2009 ????. Love hearing about all the gear, what they do is otherworldly ????

  • Sunn O fucking is soooo boring…..that shit aint even music……….its noise…..literally noise……….people pay tickets to see them live to make noise

  • Just ordered a Life V3. Stoked to see what all I can do with it seeing how versatile they seem to be


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