Thursday, March 6, 2025
BassBass Effects

SVT and B15 in one rig! | Ampeg SGT-DI Preamp Pedal [Review/Demo]

Read more on Ampeg’s website:

#bassguitar #ampeg #sgtdi

00:00 Intro
01:21 Review
05:21 Sound Demo
17:45 Conclusion

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Line 6 HX Stomp:

Background music by Nova Mora

#SVT #B15 #rig #Ampeg #SGTDI #Preamp #Pedal #ReviewDemo

Originally posted by UCuhsqwW-9-XDRnTCUy9NWwg at

29 thoughts on “SVT and B15 in one rig! | Ampeg SGT-DI Preamp Pedal [Review/Demo]

  • Y’all better start producing pop songs with this many bass tone changes in the composition as the intro

  • This might be one of the dumbest questions I've ever asked, but I'd be really glad to have it answered:
    Is it possible to plug the Ampeg SGT-DI into a bass combo like the Ampeg RB-115?
    Like so, Bass guitar -> Ampeg SGT-DI -> Ampeg RB-115 or Orange Crush Bass 100, without the risk of any damage, to use it as an additional EQ?

    Thank you so much in advance, really!
    Oh and: Cool video and awesome playing btw! 🙂

  • Just got rid of my HX Stomp to get one of these. While I find that the Stomp has ‘better’ sounds through headphones and monitoring at home, on a stage I find the Stomp is lifeless and boring. Playing predominantly rock music I find the Stomp is lacklustre, never cuts through a mix as it should and is way too processed for my liking. I’m hoping the Ampeg can bring some edge to my p bass. Thanks for the honest video. ????

  • Thanks for not wanking lead guitar licks with full overdrive! Great Comprehensive review!

    Speaking of the Grit: Even when I turn mine right down the fuzz feels kind of artificial like its “overlaid” on top of the bass tone rather than “Integrated” as it would be with an amp.

  • May be good. But I believe the Revolt Bass by Two Notes crushes it. If you want that "original" Ampeg sound the sgt is better, sure. Especially because of ultra lo + hi and the eq curves they use here. If it is about having a nice tube sound with a little breakup, get a real tube like the two notes has 😉

  • I've had mine for over a year and I love it. Took me a little bit to understand what it could do but paid off when I did.

  • A bit late to the show with this Review/Demo ???? since the SGT-DI is out on the market for some time now.
    But hey, never mind, nice to remind some out there who haven't heard of it or got hold onto one of the SGT-DI unit's as yet, or have been holding back until now.
    In short, yeah don't hesitate just get one, no regret on my behalves so far.
    Bought my SGT-DI box already in April of this year, and yep, still do love it more and more by the day. ????
    Now, I got the SGT-DI box sitting on my Pedalboard hooked up to an Ampeg Portaflex PF-500 on Pre-AMP-IN, blasting out of a PF-210HE plus PF-115HE as Stack setup, driven by the PF-500 AMP, to get the full potential with all the goodnesses capable of it.
    Fully Ampeg only with everything to wish for.
    Apart from that, the SGT-DI is an additional brick, in my instance combination with the PF-500 AMP, which has the FX Send/Return loop covered by all the original fore Ampeg Pedals.
    Namely, the Opto-Comp->Srambler-Overdrive-> Liquifire-Chorus->Classic-PreAMP, patched up in that order, so this can be controlled and engaged independently via Ampeg's AFS2 food-switch totally separate from the SGT-DI, but can do their magic together if wanted as well.
    I think the SGT-DI is quite a practical and nice addition to the larger AMP-setups. Specially for Studio use, as well as home recording and practising. Giving us a huge amount of option to try out and play around with, without the need to own any of the big-boys of the Ampeg AMP and CAB's combination.
    The killer feature on the SGT-DI is indeed the SVT circuit switch, absolutely love it.
    The IR loader is a nice addition to have, but personally not using it at all, the few preloaded CAB-Sim's are all it's needed, guess the IR option is aimed to DAW folks who do not have analogue Rack recording equipment available. Ampeg had to add the IR's option only as modern part to the SGT-DI because all the other brands out there offering their PreAMP's with it as well, so Ampeg has to show up with it to avoid being called off, lagging behind. So yes, IR's is a nice addition, but I can do without nicely.

  • I don't think it's aimed at people who want loads of IRs. The first clue being that it is an analog pedal. The "interface" is analog too. No menus, no scrolling for parameters, all the controls are right there just as they are on the Venture series amps. It is only in the final output stage that digital is there, if you want it, in the form of IRs for cabs.
    Personally I see this as a product that alleviates the need to carry amps and cabs, beats the hell out of a plain DI – and allows me to take back some control from whoever is on the desk, it also gives me all the controls, in physical form that I have relied on for decades.
    I also don't think it is intended to be something that you can just kick between rigs to get a fully programmed sound.
    As you would with any analog rig, if you were switching cabs, you would alter the EQ on the amp. On the Ampeg it isn't just a question of picking a "scene" – I think that's what they call them in the digital world? It's about picking your rig and setting your IQ accordingly – once you have used to for a while you will know where the tones lie.
    I think people who use digital tend to pick their sound at home, or rehearsal space then just bring it with them, satisfied that it will sound right, but taking no account for the space they are playing in. I'm far more comfortable having all the controls accessible and readable. In practice, I tend to keep the EQ on the pedal pretty flat and rely on the EQ on my basses more, But as in real life, if I am switching to a B15 + 15" from an SVT + 8×10" it because I am changing the style and sound of what I am playing. I don't want a heavy rock EQ if I'm looking for a Motown sound.
    I also want to have control over my sound for all sorts of eventualities, the size of place, the acoustics, whether it is indoors or outdoors. If the rhythm guitarist breaks a string and switches from a guitar with humbuckers to single coils, I want to be able to shift into the mid frequencies that they've vacated. – for some of us the reliance on a digital preset where menus have to be accessed, and knobs don't have a stopping and starting point is too scary to contemplate.
    It's the difference between driving a 5-speed and a CVT

  • I spent a few years as the touring bassist for the Motown group The Miracles and a session bassist for 45 years. It was essential that I nailed the Jamerson tone exactly. Claudette Robinson was very picky about this. I used and still use the Ampeg SCR DI. I still got to try this one. I play an actual B15 and SVT Classic all the time live and in the studio. I actually don’t agree the UA Bass Rig nor Sansamp do Ampeg better than Ampeg. Definitely not the HX Stomp. It’s too digital and doesn’t have the character. I can get any of those pedals for free but I use my Ampeg pedal when I need to hit the Ampeg sound spot on with a pedal. A lot has to do with technique and set up as well.

  • I’ve been interested in see what would happen if someone used something like Tonex to make an IR of a dual cab setup in the SVT Suite then load that into the SGTDI. I’ve seen videos of people doing captures of Neural DSP amp sims and then loading these onto their pedals for live use with great results.

  • If the cab sim is your biggest gripe, why didn't you even try the other 3 that come pre loaded? I think a 112, 210, and 212. Weird that you used half of them and then said it was bad, the other ones are so much better.

    You also didn't talk about all the flexibility that you get with outputs when playing live, which is why I like this over the Sansamp which is just a baked in cab sim. I can send a line with the cab sim to FOH (XLR), a non cab sim line with the preamp / grit / compressor to the effects return or front of my amp, and/or a non effected DI line through output to FOH if he wants it.

    This pedal is super powerful when speaking in context of live sound.

  • I was tempted, but it's big, it's expensive, and I would need to change the power supply on my board. I ended up with the Laney Digbeth instead and I'm very happy with it at less than half the price.

  • I've been using one for a few months now, and I honestly love this thing. I also don't really ever use the cab sims, so I can't really speak to them. But as an EQ/Drive pedal, this thing rocks.

  • Cool review ! Have to ask …. How do you rate that Guy Pratt Betsy Bass mate? Will you be doing a review on it in the future? ????


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