Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar Effects

Sweet Cream by Tone City – overdrive pedal review & sound demos

Sweet Cream by Tone City – overdrive pedal review & sound demos
Demo by Have Guitar!

Intrigued by the sound a fellow Swedish guitar player got out of the Tone City Sweet Cream, I just had to get me some of these pedals. He was actually using the Tone City Sweet Cream together with the Tone City Golden Plexi, a great pair! (I do think it was Rob Chapman who started pairing them up!) However this video is just the Sweet Cream, I’ll publish another one with bort later on.

The Sweet Cream is an overdrive pedal that will serve you a fluid and creamy sound. It can do that lovely just breaking up tone but it can also generate some bite – but not like an aggressive metal tone. As mentioned above it works fine together with other pedals as well.

The pedal is small and very easy to use with only three controls – gain, volume and touch. The touch control isn’t like your normal tone control, it alter the sound in a little more complex way. As for the volume control, well it feels like it does more than just alter the volume, higher settings seems to add more bite and punch to the sound.

So the pedal has a simple and effective design and comes at a very affordable price. According to various sources it is based on the Mad Professor Honey Overdrive, so you can compare the price difference yourself… I do wish I had one of those so I could have made a side by side test but unfortunately I don’t.

I hope you like this demo, there will be a bunch more Tone City pedal reviews coming up here at Have Guitar! Feel free to subscribe to Have Guitar!, your support is needed! And as always; Thank You to all you who already subscribes – much obliged!!!

Video index:
01:30 – Clean tone, gain 0/10 (ToneJunkie – Empire pack, recreates the sound of a Tone King Imperial)
11:00 – Low gain, gain 2/10 (TMS Profiles – TMS V90 Mesa MK V, recreates the sound of a Mesa Boogie Mark V 90 watthead)
14:07 – Low gain, gain 3/10 (ReampZone – Marshall JMP Super Lead 1976)
18:30 – Light crunch, gain 4/10 (Live Ready Sound – 79 Mini Bender, recreates the sound of a Fender Champ 1979)
20:48 – High gain, gain 7/10 (Deadlight Studios – Ladoka Mr Hacktor MKII, recreates the sound of a Laboga Mr. Hector MK2)
23:40 – End talk/conclusion

Equipment used:
Tone City Sweet Cream overdrive
Fender American Standard Stratocaster (Shawbucker/Custom 50’s)
Kemper Profiling Amp

Tone City Pedals:

Get your Sweet Cream here (Germany):

Get your Sweet Cream here (UK):

Kemper Profling Amp:

Profilers in the order they appear in the video:


TMS Profiles:


Live Ready Sound:

New – 79 Mini Bender V9

Deadlight Studios:

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And don’t forget – Fret Nut… Have Guitar! Recorded with a Sony FDR-AX100, Reaper DAW and edited in Davinci Resolve.

#Sweet #Cream #Tone #City #overdrive #pedal #review #sound #demos

Originally posted by UCZcsxxAduGC7TtIKysBqYZQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NpXncZ1rSY

13 thoughts on “Sweet Cream by Tone City – overdrive pedal review & sound demos

  • no….. you play the touch control on minimum lightly then turn it up and play hard…… this makes no sense….

  • Have you tried the tone city lil heat pedal? Greg Koch’s take on this Sweet Cream pedal. Just wondering how they differ. Thanks.

  • aye Great Pedal! with Mad prof Simble and Fender Engager ( slight mids) it is perfec! ( Yamaha Pac 112V neck pup) !

  • have two of these ( and lots of others…), was goin to sell both for peanuts, but THANKS to your demo Ill keep them both for now, its really versatile! maybe lacks a bit bass n mids but i can get them from another pedal…

  • How is reliability of Tone City effects, compared to others…Joyo's have a lot of complaints about the footswitch. I'd love to have a Kemper, but wouldn't want to take it down to the Wagin' Tongue on a Sat night.

  • saw your vid on Mooer rumble drive looked good but now seen City Sweet Cream and Tone City Golden Plexi, which one should i go for i play blues and rockabilly Stray cats etc

  • Nice job man, you should do a review to some klons pedals, like the sugar drive, would be great


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