Thursday, March 27, 2025
BassGuitar Tips & Hacks

Synth Show – Ep212 – Behringer WAVE

Synth Show – Ep212 – Behringer WAVE

While I’m no stranger to Wavetable Synthesis, I must admit the quirky, cryptic coding of the Behringer WAVE and I guess the original PPG terminology has had me scratching my Head a bit. Anyway, I bought one from Andertons and thought I’d demonstrate it and talk about some the “quirks” and of course, try to answer your questions.

If you have any Questions, then I’ll be using the Behringer WAVE Live on this episode of Synth Show!

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#Synth #Show #Ep212 #Behringer #WAVE

Originally posted by UCGTZw7kpv7PjTC1eq8NICZA at

14 thoughts on “Synth Show – Ep212 – Behringer WAVE

  • To overcome the GAIN LOSS (too bad about that, btw) one sort of secret trick way to do that is to Buy the 3rd Wave Desktop + RISE 2, and then you get your GAIN compensation for a mere $4700 compared to Whatever the B. WAVE cost! Problem solved. Also, you get 24 voices, 4-part, OSC 3, [I hear, a decent imitation of Analog) and the 3rd talks to MPE. MONEY comes to the rescue!
    The B WAVE makes some awfully tasty PPG sounds for $4100 less than my proposed Secret Setup! Here's a thought: BUY 2 B. WAVES and add Tim Shoebridge's POLYCHAIN software and now you've at least got a 16 VOICE….for $3000 LESS than the 3rd Wave. + RISE.

  • Hi. What audio cables are you using? Both channel 1 and 2? What are they connected to?

  • I got to thinking how long it will be before a hardware synth incorporates AI for patch creation and melody creation, I have heard about an AI app called Synthplant but haven't heard any of its creations yet.

  • I have decided to keep mine (after returning the LmDrum) but I would like Behringer to address these points:
    – inability to detune the group A from the group B sound
    – inability to pan the group A and B sounds; the only panning possible is the 'Basic' knob (and its setting is not saved with the patch)
    – the original envelope behaviour, the release time in particular, is barely usable, even in enhanced mode
    – 8 physical outputs but no multitimbrality (yet)

  • I think this is the best – in terms of authenticity – clone Behringer has made up to now.

  • Absolutely love Behringers reimagining of the Wave is fantastic, I'm loving mine. Its an incredible bit if kit for the money and the build quality is fantastic.

  • PPG had SSM2044 filters, the Behringer sounds different than the originals , softer , less bright , different envs , dunno about the brutal low end , original system owner here


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