Thursday, March 6, 2025
BassBass Amps

TEAC, 72 yrs. of audio. The Reference Series. AX-505 Integrated Amp PE-505 Phono Preamp. Great gear.

TEAC Corporation was originally founded as Tokyo Television Acoustic Company on August 26th, 1953. In 1956, the name changed to Tokyo Electro-Acoustic Company, finally merging those firms in 1964 to form TEAC Corporation. Since then TEAC has distinguished itself as a leader in the world audio and Hifi.

Playlist used in this review:

• TEAC AX505B Stereo Integrated Amplifier:
• Teac PE-505B Fully Balanced Phono Preamplifier:

All of my reviews are completely subjective. I do not accept payment for reviews. No one influences my opinions.

If you wish to join the channel and become a member please click here:

*DISCLOSURE: Some of the links below contain affiliate Amazon links. If you purchase with those links, I do receive a small commission but, it doesn’t affect your price or your ability to return something. Thank you.
• Black Ice Audio F22 KT88 Integrated Tube Amp:
• Advance Paris A7:
• Cambridge EVO150:

• Wharfedale Diamond 12.4 Speakers:
• Opera Callas Speakers:
• Elac Debut Reference 62 (DBR62) speakers:
• Elac Debut 3.0 DB 52-BK:

• LAIV Harmony R2R DAC:
• LAIV Harmony μDDC:
• Geshelli Labs Dayzee:
• Sparkos Pro Discrete Op Amp SS2590:
• FiiO PL50 Linear Power Supply:
• SMSL PO100 PRO DDC/Reclocker:

• Audirvana is my primary streaming platform. You can get a 30 day free trial here:
• Cambridge MXN10:
• FiiO S15 Streamer DAC:
• Alpha Audio, Alpha One Streamer DAC:
• WiiM Mini:

• Fluance RT-84 turntable:
• IsoAcoustics zaZen Series Isolation Platform:
• Audio Technica AT540ML MM Cart:
• Audio Technica AT-OC9XEN MC Cart:
• Boyuusound NC-25C Step-Up Transformer:
• Stack Audio (Spindle) Serene Stabiliser:
• Stack Audio Serene Record Mat:

• IsoAcoustics Gaia Series III Speakers & Subwoofer Isolation feet:
• IsoAcoustics Gaia Series II Speakers & Subwoofer Isolation feet:
• IsoAcoustics Iso-Puck Series Acoustic Isolators:
• All Line Level, Speaker & Mains cables are from Wire World:
• Stack Audio AUVA Equipment Isolators:

Basement desktop gear:
• FiiO K17 Desktop Headphone Amp/DAC *Not yet for sale*
• Philharmonic True Mini Monitors:
• Sound Solver, Large Desktop HiFi Audio Rack:

Editing desktop gear:
• Douk A5 Amp:
• Sound Solver Medium Desktop HiFi Audio Rack:

• FiiO FT-1 Closed-Back Over-Ear Wired Hi-Fi Headphones:
• FiiO FT-5 Planar Magnetic Over-Ear Wired Hi-Fi Headphones:
Community Post Playlists:
Tidal Playlists:
• Old Guy Hifi Test Tracks Vol. 1:
• Old Guy Hifi Test Tracks Vol. 2:

0:00 TEAC Stack
11:54 Jazz Playlist
12:05 Bags & Trane
13:54 Return to Forever
16:05 Summary

#TEAC #yrs #audio #Reference #Series #AX505 #Integrated #Amp #PE505 #Phono #Preamp #Great #gear

Originally posted by UCnXGgtaGLaY-xsKYgndyuAQ at

30 thoughts on “TEAC, 72 yrs. of audio. The Reference Series. AX-505 Integrated Amp PE-505 Phono Preamp. Great gear.

  • Another thumbs up for the music suggestions…expand our horizons, whether we like it or not. I am not going to buy a new amp every time a new video comes out, but I very well might stream or buy a new to me piece of music that you suggest that improves my life. Thank You!

  • Caribou Ranch had one of a handful of complete Olive Mixing Consoles. It’s what’s largely credited with their studio’s sound. Anecdotally Ed Meitner of Meitner/EMM Labs was one of the designers of the console.
    Thanks for the review, Ed. Love the music recommendations, keep them coming!

  • Caribou Ranch had one of a handful of complete Olive Mixing Consoles. It’s what’s largely credited with their studio’s sound. Anecdotally Ed Meitner of Meitner/EMM Labs was one of the designers of the console.
    Thanks for the review, Ed. Love the music recommendations, keep them coming!

  • I also enjoy your music suggestions, it is hard to find new music. Just the other day I was in a Vintage Stock store which sells music and videos and games. Some new music came in used and I asked a younger gent about some of the artists and happily he scared so I bought the cd's, about 50 of them and while some I do not care for at least at first listen. I do enjoy trying out new to me artists and bands.
    Teac is interesting and if I did not have SPL gear already I may have tried them.
    Good informative review.
    Your top notch in your description and how the gear is land out and designed.
    Always look forward to your videos, take care kind sir!

  • I didn't know these existed. I'm really interested in the phono amp. I'm curious how it would compare to the Parasound JC3+.

  • U will have a Much Better ''Listening Experience'' with the VRDS 701 CD Player …. Looking forward to the Review ….

  • Thanks Ed for another great review. Nothing you have ever said in any of your reviews is worth anyone getting worked up over. I love the hi-fi community, but there’s too many people who get way bent out of shape over stupid stuff.

  • Please don't stop including your music suggestions. I always enjoy listening to your recommendations even if they aren't something I would normally listen to. Appreciate you!

  • Oh man, you brought out the Romantic Warrior from Return to Forever, which was led by my favorite musician, Chick Corea. I don't come across too many people who know about them. My uncle introduced me to them when I was a teenager.
    As for your music content in your videos, you be you. I'm an av enthusiast, I like different points of view. Plus it's easy to skip points in the video.

  • As I have commented before I like the time you spend listing & explaining the music! Without music one can get passionate about, what's the point. I have listened to a lot you have recommended, & glad I did!

  • For me the TEAC is very neutral to a touch of warm with great details and dynamics…im not into old vintage warm sound like a wet blanket

  • I like your music suggestions to demonstrate the capabilities of the audio equipment. like you said – is about the music. Keep doing what you're doing. Good stuff

  • Thank you thank you so much for reviewing the Teac phono preamp. I have placed this unit on my purchase list and with your review, it greatly confirmed I am making the right choice. BTW the Bags and Traine album is fantastic to listen to.

  • Another week in the books. Ed shredding it, as usual. Drink in hand on the patio with a 73-degree Vegas day. Life is good..

  • Ed – you’re creeping me out here with your music selections. Well, that’s a bit dramatic but I’ve been on a huge Miles kick and Tidal just had that track from milt and miles in my daily discovery tracks AND I have had several tracks off Romantic Warrior as really regular rotation music. I’m a courier and drive 10 hours a day. Lots of time for music. Just finished Shades of Blue. Chronicling Davis, Coltrane, and Evans careers up to the Kind of Blue sessions. Overall very Miles centric but very well done. I get you need to do what you need to do channel wise but I fully appreciate what youve provided musically. Expanding that in one’s life is the easier thing imaginable AND provides more benefits than words do justice. Thanks Ed!

  • Hi Ed. Yep, that Return To Forever album is a 'Classic' … I assume you know this Band but, if not, Check out 'FourPlay' … Four Legendary Musicians. On their forth Album (4) Lee Ritenour was replaced by Larry Carlton …. Their Debut is Amazing. My other Faves would be … Yes, Please … and … '4' … and … Between the Sheets …. Having said that, Their entire output is Brilliant.

    A 'Bonus' Cello album for Ya … Artist – Joel Christian Goffin … Album – Silhouettes & Shadows … Track – Kronetics … ( But, Listen to the 'Whole Album' …. ) Enjoy. ATB

  • Complaints about music? Ed…… Good thing I didn’t see ‘em. SMFH. Keep on pluggin my friend. Can’t please everyone so do you.

  • Shame the TEAC integrateds have that class D "finish". So many wonderful class D offerings nowadays that have since transcended that tendency. But you're so right, ultimately comes down to synergy.

  • Always feel a little smarter after hearing Professor HiFi. ???? Quick question on SMSL PO100 Pro… does Optical output have same DDC benefits as i2s? I think it sounds cleaner and more natural with my Topping DAC, but could be placebo effect maybe as well? Thanks!

  • Do tell of the USB isolation you use. I have 3 different ones and think its a must have with having a PC in the mix. Cool looking units for sure. I seem to line up with you, have tried multiple class D amps and some way expensive and like you say it just doesn't jive with my ears.


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