Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Testing the cheapest Fender Strat on Amazon – $119 Stratocaster

Fender just launched a new low-cost Stratocaster on Amazon. This one is called the Squire Debut Stratocaster and it sells for $119.99 (here: https://amzn.to/4cNLFQW). Ryan Burke from 60 Cycle Hum and Jay Leonard J did their duty as trusted Guitar Tubers and No Fear Gear Guides to review this new cheap Strat. From unboxing to their own star ratings, it is all here. Should you buy the cheapest Fender Strat on Amazon? Let’s find out.

Amazon Affiliate Link: https://amzn.to/4cNLFQW
This video is not sponsored, we ordered this on Amazon. The link above is an Affiliate Link, if you use it and buy this guitar we make a small fee supporting the channel and out content.

???? Signal Chain: Fender Squier Debut Series Stratocaster → Walrus Audio Canvas Tuner → Warm Audio ODD Box V1 Overdrive → Source Audio True Spring Reverb → Walrus Audio Fundamental Series Delay → Blackstar HT Club 40 MKIII amp mic’d with a Warm Audio WA-87 mic.

Guides: @ JayLeonardJ @ 60CycleHumCast

0:00 Intro/unboxing
0:26 Basic Overview
1:53 How does it play and sound?
3:22 Pickup Testing
6:34 Star Rating / Final thoughts

#Testing #cheapest #Fender #Strat #Amazon #Stratocaster

Originally posted by UCi55Y-LqCZu9RyB4SfABX4g at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12IrIeUbbiI

40 thoughts on “Testing the cheapest Fender Strat on Amazon – $119 Stratocaster

  • I just got myself the $200 Debut Strat package for Christmas. I’m really enjoying it but I will admit that being the beginner that I am… I wouldn’t know what I need to fix if there is any that a good set up would add. Like I noticed what I thought could have been a pickup not being shielded properly because of the hum and that hum would clear up when I held it. While annoyed I have since learned that it can be a single coil issue. I’m still happily going to continue playing it which is something that could be said when I have a classical acoustic guitar for years now.

    I’m considering putting together a video myself to explain why it might be a good choice for someone to begin on an electric guitar vs an acoustic guitar. The pros and cons I feel were mine our struggle with trying to pick up the damn guitar and just trying to learn how to play in the first place. While these things are fresh in my beginners mind.

  • No brainer for a first guitar to give a young player. Easy and cheap to upgrade if they are sticking to playing. Install better pickups, bridge, and tuners, get a good setup from a local tech and it will probably be a fantastic player

  • It was either buy theStrat or keep the wife. I’m going to miss her when I’m cleaning the toilet

  • i have been playing guitar for about 5 or 6 years now and have just recently started getting into modifying my guitars. i put a set of hotrail alnico pickups in my 2020 less paul sl and am wondering if with a little modification that squire debut series strat would be a good partscaster

  • If it does more than expected you rate it 5 stars. You are rating it against more expensive guitars.

  • I got one this week. I like it a lot, but I can't get rid of a buzzing low E string. ☹

  • My teenage son will be getting one for Christmas. He's going to love it based on your review 🙂 ????

  • did any one chech the truss rod correctly it feel like mine is a dual action one how can you not give it 5 starts it is now 99 dollars

  • I certainly don’t need another guitar but on sale for $99.99 screw it, I’ll keep it on a stand in the bathroom if I can’t find another place for it lol

  • Great review. Right to the point, nicely produced, the overlay graphics are a great touch. Thank you for doing this. I'd like to see you do an Ibanez GRX70QATEB GIO RX and also compare it to the Fender.

  • I live in Canada and visit my fam in Cali often. U wanted to have a guitar there so i dont have to take one of my more $$ ones on the plane…

  • I bought this inexpensive guitar. I’ve owned everything from Gibson to several Squires in the past. And all the variables, twelve strings (3),mandolins (4), resonators(3),basses(3), banjos (5),etc. And I currently own a epiphone Les Paul, a Chinese 335,a knockoff firefly semi hollow
    Tele, but until now, never a stratocaster. It is the most pleasing
    electric guitar I think I’ve ever owned.

  • Les Paul special II sounds really good too and I think its also like a hundred bucks.

  • I got one of these just to mess around on while I’m bored at work and it’s my new favorite, I swear it only weighs about 4 or 5 pounds.

  • Just bought one of these to learn how to work on my guitar without screwing up my main guitar. Pretty impressed for $120

  • I wish YouTubers would quit referring to Squires, as Fenders. I own both. Believe me. A Squire is NOT a Fender

  • Thanks for the great review, im planning to buy the entire starter kit as a first guitar! Also, you guys deserve more views and subscribers, i was surprised when i checked how many views it had and it only had 44k, your videos are really high quality and i hope you guys make it big on youtube!!

  • How is the action on the debut Strat? I have arthritis, and I’m hoping that the action is low enough because it hurts when I press down.thanks, Peter

  • I bought one when it debuted (pun certainly intended) on Amazon. I have several American Fenders from various years ranging from the 90s to 2021, but I also have an affinity for cheap guitars in the $100-$200 range. All the weird brand named ones I have play reasonably well. The Debut, though, plays exceptionally well. I did a little setup on it, not because it needed it but to set it up how I like it–took 15 minutes, I floated the trem, tuned and intonated because the floating changed stuff–.and it plays like a Fender. It even mostly sounds like a Fender though it's a bit brighter thanks to the ceramic pickups. Because I play, I'm often asked what to get for a player just starting out. I always tell people to get as close to $500 as you can (though there are some $200-ish Jacksons out there that are pretty sweet). I would not hesitate for a moment to tell someone to get one of these, especially if they were one of those who just want to try it on and see if guitar is really something they're interested in. The Debut is consistently a great guitar for the price. If you're a pro, it's not for you. Let be real, It's a $120 guitar, but I bet you can't get anything better for this price–and maybe better than some that costs a $200 more.

  • If you can't give THAT guitar, which has ZERO issues, a full Fender warranty (Amazon return privileges) and a $120 price tag (with free shipping) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, there's something very, very wrong with your rating system. You HAVE to take the price into consideration. It is literally less than the price of a neck for virtually any other guitar you have looked at.


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