That Pedal Show – Tube Screamer, Blues Driver, King of Tone
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Why is the Tube Screamer so popular? In this video we show you why the humble Tube Screamer is so popular and show you a few ways to get the most out of it. plus we’ll hear next to a couple of its contemporaries, the Keeley Modded Blues Driver, and the Analogman King of Tone
#Pedal #Show #Tube #Screamer #Blues #Driver #King #Tone
Originally posted by UCfms3m2s7MsFs53dVmiw0zw at
For a channel discussing audio, the background hum is super annoying lol
Thanks. Another nice video.
This video is a great showcase of how these iconic pedal sounds. Especially the blues driver. Not many people discuss how it is.
So TS is well known for it's mid hump while transparent od like KOT has that undistorted sound coming in together with the distorted sound while the blues driver prefers the low end side and is a little transparent. Did I get that correct?
I love all your videos, guys, old, new, and everything in between. Since getting my Ibanez TS-9 Tube Screamer about a year ago, I can't imagine life without it. I use mine right after my Wampler mini-ego compressor, and ithe TS is almost always set to zero gain and level dimed. Both pedals are almost always on. This configuration fattens up my Strat and Tele immeasurably, and the tones are delicious. I don't use the Tube Screamer for gain — I have my Wampler TumNus or Blues Driver (medium gain) and Friedmann BE OD (high gain) for that, still with the TS and compressor usually on (compressor with blend half way) and placed before the gain pedals in the chain. The TS significantly enhances and smooths out my tone when playing with gain, as well..
wow – that Lazy J 20 thing really just basically does not sound good with or without anything…
I love the classics, these two leg ends
I remember watching this 8th years ago, when the only pedals I had were a BD2 and TU2. Learned so much from these early TPS videos – they’re all still relevant today. Great stuff!!
The AC30 was terrible.
You guys have aged 20 years in 7 years. Who knew demoing pedals could have such an effect!!!! Lol.
we were young and our heart was an open book…
Wow! Cool! Vintage TPS!
AC 30 sounds better than Lazy J without pedals.
My KOT is coming in 2-3 weeks as of 10/27/21 , I've been waiting 3 years. Ordered it with Mode switch & both red & yellow high gain.
Gain set too low. Sounds like nothing more than a clean boost.
TS 8:44 9:19 9:43
BB 8:59 9:30 9:52
lazy j has a celestion alnico blue in it.. Completely wrong speaker to my ears for the flat repsonse 5e3 circuit. It needs a mid scooped american type speaker like a Jensen P12Q
"…why does everybody use them…?" Surely not everybody.
Wow. You guys have come a long way!
Go to 8:27 for the comparison everyone wants to hear
Yeah i should have waited and got the BD-2 instead of the tube screamer for my AC10C1
Wow! Pilot show? Love the show, mates!
Can someone please advise for what would be more suitable for a Peavey Classic 30 (between a TS and a BD). Thanks in advance!
Excellent point. I only play very quietly in my study. Overdrive pedals will never sound half as good used that way, which sucks for me. ???? Do you know any overdrive pedals that sound great when the amp is very quiet?
does this make them Pedal-philes ?? ?
KOT is normal , or any extra spec?