Monday, March 10, 2025

The $68 Shred Guitar! (Ibanez RG copy) – Demo / Review

Dirt cheap and totally shredding! I bought this, brand new, for $60! These unbranded Ibanez RG copies are floating around Ebay and can be bought for $60-$70, depending on the color and the Ebay seller. 24 jumbo frets of speed!

These are back in stock! Link Here:

I’m using a Blackstar ID Core amp for this demo. Link Here:

Free Backing Tracks available here!

LINKS ABOVE may include affiliate links!

Rubric: -5 points for Danzig references. -5 points for not reading the description. -5 points for not watching far enough into the video to answer your own question. -5 points for misquoting me in your comment. 20 points possible. Everyone starts with an A!

#Shred #Guitar #Ibanez #copy #Demo #Review

Originally posted by UCN–LUAhUtNekrhRIC24J_A at

47 thoughts on “The $68 Shred Guitar! (Ibanez RG copy) – Demo / Review

  • These guitars jam. No joke. I bought one for my cousin who just getting into guitar. They are comparable to the Ibanez gio. The $149 and $179 cost versions. That is the best way I can describe it.

  • Looks much like Glary. 24 frets one cannot mod. Most everything else, yes. Look forward to picking up one! Thanks!

  • I bought the same exact guitar as my first electric guitar. I had fun playing with it and fixing some minor defects of it. And I expect that it would not reach the standard of some known guitar brand for its quality and performance, but I enjoy having it as my first guitar to mess up with.

  • I have the yellow one and i love it, the guy who calibrate for me said its has amazing internal components

  • Hi Max thanks for this early update about this guitar… But I learned about this guitar.. it's called a Ktaxon…(Hard to pronounce).. which is pretty much I think made by glarry guitars… On YouTube there's a guy.. playing a yellow one… Last week I just bought a white…… Yes it's only a good platform guitar and that's what I got it for… I had to file down the frets take it to my guitar tech to do intonation and set it up… The pickups pretty much suck ….I'll be replacing those with dragon fire or. Oripure pups.. Wilkinson tremolo will add on ,,,Paint the headstock white and latter put lock tuners on it… That Frankenstein should surely scream by then..????????????????

  • Got one…it’s a piece of shit…hands down…not worth 5 dollars…it’s going back…the whammy does not even work..the toggle switch only goes to 4… not 5….so no deep 5th tone….the strings are laughable and the neck feels very alien…a cheap piece of crap.

  • Just goes to show how a good amplifier can make any old piece of crap sound half decent.

  • Its a piece of garbage you helped promote with crap everything parts and pickups are trash. I expect you played a recording on another guitar and finger sinked this video. Its fire pit material but saving to burn it in California to help the green freaks who believe global warming and now scream about flooding.

  • i reasearch and i found grx70qa ibanez is the original layout for that guitar… i bought one …. waiting for arrival. thanks for your helpful videos.

  • Hey max this is an RC stromm electric guitar called omicron KG-19 the logos are decals and can easily be taken off these when they are brand new can cost up to 120bucks

  • The cheap Gio Ibanez are amazing.for the price they are unbelievable good build n sound great even with Stock pickups. N Harley Benton is Top when you want a good guitar for 150€.

  • Hj
    Way to Rock, the last comment is correct!
    Listen you never replied what brand strings and size do you prefer
    Thank you.

  • Just ordered one on Wish on sale for $32.00. I can learn upgrading, maintenance and setup without really risking a ton of money. Love your videos, and your Heavy Metal Horizons (I'm a pilot too, Commercial, Instrument, ASEL, AMEL, Civil Air Patrol pilot).

  • I just ordered a sick yellow one! Cant wait to get it and restring it (because im lefty)

  • Ok so I just got this guitar in the mail and automatically I had multiple strings buzzing in the second and third fret did you have to adjust it at all out of the box?

  • I bought this exact guitar last week waiting on arrival. Bought it because I used to have a Ibanez RG guitar a while back and the color matches my acoustic I bought from Amazon a while back

  • I just bought one. Man it sounds awesome. It's just a guitar for my gf cause she's learning. She loves it and it chugs like a champ. Adjusted the string height and lifted the pickups for better tone. It's a champ now.

  • I bought this guitar. Set the neck and bridge real quick. I added a 1 pound weight onto the strap end to balance. Sounds killer. Im not changing anything on this guitar right now.

  • I have this exact guitar. I have added active pickups, locking tuners and a WInkinson bridge. It is AMAZING now. Although it is MUCH heavier now with a new bridge and full size brass block. Yes, I put lik2 $250 into it, but I wanted to built it. Gonna repaint it soon.

    Thanks for the review. Useful info for a modder.

  • Nice and thorough; he plays the metal and the clean. Which is better; the burning fire, or this shred 170 guitar? They look to be the same except the body.

  • I feel so bad for the guys who had to learn on garbage quality cheap guitars back in the day. We are blessed by super abundant cheap guitars that play nicely today. Even the cheap amps now are pretty damn good.

  • Do these cheap low ohm pickups have a little more clarity than the high resistance ones that everyone seems to want?

  • I actually have that guitar but mine is white with black pickups and black headstock and for the price I like it a lot
    The on thing I switched on it was the volume and tone knobs because I happened to have 2 extra black witch hat knobs I just liked how it looked aesthetically also the Perl inlays are a little different on mine
    But all in all I like it

  • I get the real RG for $130.00 aww not bad then. Nice sharing bro thanks. Just attached my link about the Ibanez RG just sharing. From my humble opinion, most guitar made of wood steel and string. No matter cheap guitar but we make it sounds good with some pedals and amp and our finger touch. Once again thanks mate for your kind sharing..

  • Hola,buen sonido en relación precio calidad,sabes si tiene gastos de envío a España?, gracias un saludo

  • OK ,I'm impressed. For sixty bucks ya. Sounds great to hear you Max, shredding away on that guitar I'd say it's worth it.


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