Friday, March 14, 2025
BassBass Amps

THE ALBUM THAT ALMOST DIDN’T GET MADE / Primordial – The strange story of Storm before calm

This is a look back over the unusual and unexpected circumstances surrounding the 4th Primordial album, perhaps the most under looked and under rated? 2002’s ‘Storm before calm’
which very nearly never got made….
it originally appeared on my Patreon!
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#ALBUM #DIDNT #Primordial #strange #story #Storm #calm

Originally posted by UCH-BtARZJ6ZgzQeqiWK3diw at

9 thoughts on “THE ALBUM THAT ALMOST DIDN’T GET MADE / Primordial – The strange story of Storm before calm

  • Interesting take on bass tone, Lemmy’s early tone is godly, I think you guys mastered the mix on Greater Men, maybe not your greatest record, though it’s fucking great and up there, everything just has a perfect space on that record. Storm is definitely underrated gem, it just surrounded by really great albums.
    Personally the best bass tone for me in metal is Steve on Piece of Mind, holy fuck that is perfection

  • I never expected this work within this restless power. When I heard it for the first time it was like magic. I expected all sorts of things from you but not something like this. It was wild, angry, a ritual of dark forgotten paths and later a memory of what once was. To me FALLEN TO RUIN (wuuuah!!!) and Hosting of the Sidhe are the best songs Primordial ever released. And yes – I also liked the red cover and the roots cause it describes this wild hunt. The guitar sound is so powerfull on this album and the songwriting was so unexpectedly exciting. For me it is your Opus magnum – still.

  • For me it all started with Spirit the Earth Aflame and Storm Before Calm. I love both for their own unique mood and tone. (My favourite Primordial album though will always be The Gathering Wilderness for personal reasons.)

  • As a listener, you have the advantage of not knowing what it should've sounded like, so you take it at face (ear?) value. The songs are great, and it is what it is. I love it, and it is in that sense fairly similar to other albums with a "different" sound (Eternity by Anathema, or Cruelty and the Beast by CoF). A remix and/or remaster rarely makes it better when you fell in love with the original.

  • Definitely a bit of a plastic sound on Storm, particularly when put beside Spirit, but I think the songs transcend those limitations. It's a beast of an album and actually has quite a broad emotional and sonic spectrum. It rages and broods in equal measure. The artwork is definitely on the ugly, garish side, but I like it. Good old nostalgia. It's nice to imagine how it might sound with a bigger, better production. But then maybe it wouldn't be the album it is.


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