Wednesday, March 5, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

The BEST Amp and Drive in Helix / HX Stomp – Line 6 Update

Gigging Preset HX Stomp XL (copy the Dripman & Prize settings seen in the video!) –
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#Amp #Drive #Helix #Stomp #Line #Update

Originally posted by UCbawdoeGr439blez7bqmjHQ at

24 thoughts on “The BEST Amp and Drive in Helix / HX Stomp – Line 6 Update

  • I usually find that too, I raise the sag and reduce the bias a touch.But I mainly go for the Marshall sounds.Your sounds I can always feel as part of some song.And that's what it's about ! Thanks.

  • Meh. The feedback effect is cool but uses so much DSP that it’s practically unusable on the HX Stomp. The Marshall amps do sound good but not enough to justify the purchase price for someone just getting into the game.

  • Tested it today. The cab is way too dark sounding for my taste. The mic positions are weird.
    The new Bassman doesn't have a lot of headroom but sounds very good.
    With this new Prize drive pedal it sounds perfect!
    Btw: the bassman is very low in volume. I had to raise the channel volume on 10 and +8dB in the output block!

  • How do you get the same volume output to the front of house between different snap shots! Usually playing dirty, on a few song play acoustic , and a few with clean . Is their a way to have same out out for all or not?

  • Hey just thinking about selling my Benson Monarch and diving into a Helix of some sort, not sure which one maybe LT. Your channel looks like the place to be for Helix knowledge. Anyway love the shirt… "The Surf Ballroom" in Clear Lake IA? I live about 5 miles from the Surf! Cool Man! Its legendary!

  • Hey Brother. Long time no see. I’ve been off grid for a while playing and some studio work! I’m back. You rock man????????????

  • I had trouble getting the same clean volume level with the preset after changing from Matchstick to Dripman, and ended up increasing Main L/R out by about +6dB to compensate.

  • Wow, your Dripman preset sounds ace! Another great new amp is the Aristocrat. Ahhh, so good! Don't know if you will do a preset video with that one, but I highly recommend it. You can get such warm and crunchy tones when the amp is paired with the Teemah or Heir Apparent. Cheers!

  • All the new tech is interesting but ultimately "hair splitting time wasters".

  • Instead of right-clicking and choosing "Snapshots" for each parameter, you can also alt-click any parameter and it'll do the same thing.

  • Great video Steve! That guitar looks amazing! Looking forward to see the show!

  • Steve, will you be using the Helix at the Peekskill Paramount Show. I have a Helix and Pod Go. Im interested in hearing the Helix in a live show. PS. The Eventide Sounds Amazing.

  • Im subscribing. Smart talk all around, even in the comments! Thats a good sign. I got a lot to learn with my Helix.

  • they haven't changed those original amps, but maybe the new cabs from 3.5 make it seem that way.

  • Currently suffering through Covid, so this might be a little delirious: I have had some fun this past week testing two different octaver pedals (a cheap one, and a good one) using my laptop, audio interface, and RTL utility (free from Oblique audio). I don't have an HX, but I would love to see someone test a preset and see what the impact on latency of adding an the HX's FX loop is. There is a really good paper called "The Effects of Latency on Live Sound Monitoring" by Lester and Bolie that really tries to break down how guitarists perceive latency, especially when using IEMs. I don't know, maybe there is a video in it? I'd love to see it!

  • I'm loving the Line 6 High Voltage. I really like all the Line 6 originals though. I'm absolutely loving my Helix now, I have so many amps in there I'm happy with and all the effects I would ever need and then some.

  • Pricedrive sounds impressively great indeed at the expense of a lot of dsp estate. Also I seem to hear more clarity in the high end of the Nordland. Something I also noted wit my Nordland pedals, especially the CS as compared to the CC+, a weird kind of 'hifi' clarity feel in the high. May also be Youtube or my illusionary imagination. And may not be everybody's taste either. There also seemed to be a different amuont of bass in the Nordland vs the PD. The latter is easy tunable with EQ, so close enough. The high end clraity not so much. I personally decided for now to keep my Nordland CS for that reason plus the DSP usage of the PD that I rather spend in e.g. adding a Dripman pre-amp stage, which BTW has seems to have a similar effect as switching on an ODR (courtesy John Cordy).
    What is your take on the Nordland clarity?

  • If you hold ALT and click a value or the slider it immediately enter snapshot mode no need to use the menu 🙂

  • The Nobles is so close I actually removed my belle from the pedalboard, and the bassman amp is the closest ive been to get tones similar to my to tone x.


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