Wednesday, March 5, 2025
BassBass Lessons

The Best Finger Exercise For Bass EVER!

Today we’re going to look at the ultimate finger exercise for bass guitar. This exercise is easy to learn and will develop all the fingers of the left hand (fretting hand). You’ll also be able to work on your picking technique across strings, muting, your fretting hand technique, your stamina and strength.

I guarantee that you will see results in your fretting hand after only a few days!

#talkingbass #fingerexercises #basslessons

0:00 Intro
1:05 The Basic Exercise
5:43 Technique Tips
8:45 Developing The Exercise
12:06 Picking Tips
13:12 Increasing The Difficulty!

#Finger #Exercise #Bass

Originally posted by UCDfStxwji-22A_bvY280UIg at

38 thoughts on “The Best Finger Exercise For Bass EVER!

  • I like this! If I do something, I like to do it properly.. no cheating or shortcuts ????????????????????????

  • i only moove the thumb on the A string when im playing the G string. I dont see it necessary when im playing the D string. Is that ok

  • Can I also suggest something? So instead of just using fingers 1&2 in the plucking hand all the time…. How about using 2&3 / 3&4 then 1&3 / 1&4 then 2&4????

    So something like this:


    FRETTING HAND = Fingers 1 & 2 (for frets 5 & 6) Along with:

    i. PLUCKING HAND = Fingers 1 & 2 (up to fret 9 then back)

    >>> Repeat Exercise One but this time with >>>

    ii. PLUCKING HAND = Fingers 2 & 3 (up to fret 9 then back)
    iii. PLUCKING HAND = Fingers 3 & 4 etc…
    iv. PLUCKING HAND = Fingers 1 & 3 etc…
    v. PLUCKING HAND = Fingers 1 & 4 etc…
    vi. PLUCKING HAND = Fingers 2 & 4 etc…


    FRETTING HAND = Fingers 1 & 3 (for frets 5 & 7) Along with:

    i. PLUCKING HAND = Fingers 1 & 2 (up to fret 9 then back)

    >>> Repeat Exercise Two but this time with >>>

    ii. PLUCKING HAND = Fingers 2 & 3 (up to fret 9 then back)

    iii. PLUCKING HAND = Fingers 3 & 4 etc…

    iv. PLUCKING HAND = Fingers 1 & 3 etc…

    v. PLUCKING HAND = Fingers 1 & 4 etc…

    vi. PLUCKING HAND = Fingers 2 & 4 etc…

    I've been practising this and it's quite interesting!! Obviously not to everyone's taste but for those who pluck with 3 or more fingers it might be quite helpful????

    What say you??? ????

  • This is one of those great "simple" exercises that are super helpful if applied regularly.

    You can also do this same exercise in the reverse order as a descending pattern.
    1. Pinky to ring finger (4-3)
    2. Pinky to middle finger (4-2)
    3. Pinky to index finger (4-1)
    4. Ring finger to middle finger (3-2)
    5. Ring finger to index finger (3-1)
    6. Middle finger to index finger (2-1)

    Then, in place of hammer ons, you can use pull offs.

    Combining this with Mark's original exercise gives you every combination and permutation of a 2 finger control exercise.

  • Can I order one or more of his books or can I only get online subscriptions? I’m not that computer savvy. Help.

  • hello Marc,

    i am very happy with your website and your videos.
    i would like to thank you for the hard work you do again and again to surprise your fans with educational exercises that are still fun.
    really great.


    PS and on your website i can not leave compliments because on the website i can not leave anything.

  • Hello Mark, thanks for the great content. I should also mention that the blue background looks much better.

    I have a question regarding the curled fingers: this technique does not allow any fretting hand muting. So, how do we mute the higher strings? Or is fretting hand muting not the scope of this exercise?

  • Hi Mark, love your videos. Please share how you handle muting unplayed strings when all your fingers are curved?

  • Great tips Mark! What do most players do when their hands are small? I can't do the 1-4 with my pinky on the A string and the E string.

  • This is like bel canto vocal exercies… for bass! Nice, easy to remember progression, and then repeat w/ hammer-ons?! Brilliant, part of my warm-up routine now. Using this for cello practice, too. Works just as well. 😀 Thank you!

  • Thanks Mark, still the best bass exercises on youtube in my opinion. Really appreciate it.
    Are there good exercises for improving timing apart from practising with a metronome? Recording myself helped me realise that I was not perfectly in time (I could visually see the time difference between the beat and me in an audio interface). The chorus of "If you have to ask" by the Chili Peppers is strangely hard to play with perfect timing.

  • As someone with small hands and a short pinky. My pinky won't reach the E string when performing exercises that use all 4 fingers. I have to substitute my ring finger as the "fourth" finger or the "4". The only way I can reach the E string would be to bring my thumb over the fretboard…and I know that it's not okay to do so. Is it OK to use the ring finger (3) to substitute as my number "4"? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you! 🙂

  • As a professional saxophone player, former band director who is now studying electric bass (1969 P-Bass) I find you are one of the very best and thorough instructors I’ve come across. Thank you for your patience and clear understanding of how to communicate. Nick P.

  • Mark can you do a lesson on fretting? I am having a very hard time placing and keeping my thumb against the neck of the bass the way I should.

  • I did not know that you are located on the Isle Of Wight. I have a good friend who lived there, Mr. Charles Bawden. He was a Headmaster of a school there.

  • I like this dude but the way his head bobbles around like a demented marionette really creeps me out

  • I've played on stage many times,but for some reason when ever I try and record myself, my fingers get twisted! Practice ????????, Record ????????…kinda effects my channel! Lol

  • Great exercise. You can use to improve musicianship by naming the notes while playing them. I do it in my head when I do a similar exercise for warm up.

  • Hi Mark, would it be worth doing a survey asking if your audience would like to see 5-string bases featuring a little more in your videos?

  • Mark needs to transfer all of his old videos into a blue background before he dies. I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW MUCH BETTER THIS IS FOR MY EYES. I can actually focus on mark’s hands with this. Who’s with me?


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