The BEST, FIRST Songs to Learn on Guitar as a Beginner w/ @JakeBaynes
#Songs #Learn #Guitar #Beginner #JakeBaynes
Originally posted by UCmnlTWVJysjWPFiZhQ5uudg at
#Songs #Learn #Guitar #Beginner #JakeBaynes
Originally posted by UCmnlTWVJysjWPFiZhQ5uudg at
I dont like pop and i dont like rock. With wich songs i should start?
Smoke on the water was the one I was taught.
hate to be that guy but
"come as you are" is always a great beginner song
This isn't something that is obvious to all teachers! When you teach someone an instrument you shouldn't be all like just yeah first you need to memorize all the chords in this book and you should learn every note in the neck. You need to hook them and make them excited to learn and not feel like they are at the bottom of this incredibly steep hill before they can even begin to think about learning a song! You guys have the right approach!
Started with Marty in high school on Johnny Cash songs playing on my younger sister’s thrift store guitar. I’m 31 now and still dabbled a few minutes a week. Thanks man
Satisfaction by the Stones. That's what did it for me. 21 years later, still at it
First song was come as you are
Literally picking up the guitar because I have been a major follower of the band AM/ the Alex Turner multiverse for 11 years. Starting with Hiding Tonight from Submarine and I'm currently working through the tabs of Despair of the Departure lounge (such a beautiful riff <3 )
gets em excited and they figure out real quick the technique to make that string sound just like the song.
Why aren't we just starting with chord shapes? I've been playing for over 20 years and if you want to truly get good at an instrument, you gotta start with 3 basic major chords
No thanks
Green Onions was the first thing I learned, followed by E minor pentatonic same time major scale patterns, then A minor scale from 3rd fret down to 12th fret area and back up the neck. I couldn't do lessons. My teacher said to practice every day using about 15 minute intervals each time he believed you retain things quicker, but once you get comfortable making clean changes with all of the Cowboy chords, I would personally learn a bit of theory for dummies, just what makes up chords and why are they major and why minor, then learn caged system and practice and record your playing. I completely suck but to my buddies, they think I'm a player. I play with it like a toy. I'm the furthest thing from a guitar player. I fake it pretty well and know where the notes are on the fretboard, but I definitely wouldn't disrespect a musician.
The very first song I learned how to play on guitar was TNT by AC/DC
My first riff was youngest daughter
In The End or Given Up by Linkin Park are an example of modern riffs to teach early guitarists. In The End taught me how to do harmonics immediately and comfortable with it, Both songs got basic power chords, rhythm
I think teaching proper technique through rudimentary exercises is more important tbh, but that really only works for someone who isn’t exclusively playing guitar to play someone else’s work.
Great advice, i messed up and got myself frustrated to the MAX because i wanted to learn a Pink Floyd song???? Gilmours bends were just too much for my rookie fingers, but it was what got me excited tho so i kept at it✌????
I started by learning eric dravens solo from the Crow
I started at 15 doing black sabbath covers, then very quickly went to Megadeth and Dethklok
My first was Marty doing “goodbye moonmen” came with an animation and everything
Just started learning how to play, you're the best Marty!
Samurai ❤
I would toss some punk tunes into there, some of them are a bit fast but not hard for finger positions. And it gets people strumming.
For me i taught my self living dead girl on my bass pretty cool
Mary had a Little Lamb