Monday, March 10, 2025

The Best Gear of the Year 2023 – Fender Tone Master, Friedman IR X, Line 6 HX One and stuff…

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only if you wanted, you could buy me a coffee!

Get my PADs bundle here: (this folder will grow, and I’d encourage you to ask for different keys/songs and stuff that might suit this type of preset?)

I’ve decided to make it possible to grab both my Helix/HX Stomp bundles (the expression bundle with freeze presets has always been separate) together – – I will then email you a link to both bundles!

Try my general patches for Helix or HX Stomp in this bundle using this link – I will then send out the patches!

You can get my EXPRESSION patches in this bundle using this link – I will then send out the patches!

Try my patches for Pod GO using this link – I will then send out the patches! get my backing tracks here – if you like what I do and
only if you wanted, you could buy me a coffee!

#Gear #Year #Fender #Tone #Master #Friedman #Line #stuff..

Originally posted by UCkL4v-tohdDZX7kzmL9b2UA at

20 thoughts on “The Best Gear of the Year 2023 – Fender Tone Master, Friedman IR X, Line 6 HX One and stuff…

  • Regarding the Impedance on the TMP, you're just parroting assumptions by "Cliff" and his minions lol.

  • This year I got zero guitars since i got 8 new ones in 2022, but I did update from my tube amps (6505+ half stack, and twin reverb) to the friedman iRX and a powerstage 170, my tube amps are still at home. But my live rig is all at my feet. Its been a great year. Played quite a few shows on the new rig and I’m never lugging an amp to a gig again

  • My personal picks are:

    1. Strymon Cloudburst
    Synth, string sounds, first Strymon.
    2. Halo Andy Timmons Delay
    That delay/reverb tone, first Keeley.
    3. Julianna (Chorus/Vibrato)
    Hands down the best chorus/vibrato.

    With my rig I’m using HX stomp into the fx loop Julianna/Halo/Cloudburst

    Of course running the Halo first is also a great setup in the loop ????????

  • Happy New Year, John. Thanks for the engaging content, the awesome lessons, and sharing your musical journey with all of us. Huge fan, and best guitar content on YouTube. Excited to see you hit 200k subs in 2024.

  • These Truefire videos can be cool, but the 2-3 minutes of muzak they all start with is a huge turnoff. Perhaps their focus group told them smooth adult contempo will draw interest, but most of us are here for the gear.

  • Looking at the amp list I was surprised at the lack of tube amps; there were almost none. Everything on the list was small, and/or digital, and/or practice, and/or for recording.
    I get it. As much as I love my big ol' heavy af, paint peeling tube amps, I'm now in the market for the same small, record friendly gear. ????????‍♂️

  • I sold a lot of guitargear this year , and bought an squire 40 th anni vintage strat ( sonic blue ) and a LAG acoustic , wich now are the only 2 guitars i own , together with my fender tm dr amp ( wich i have for over more then 4 years now ) and 2 pedalboards ( big and small ) and as last my blackstar fly 3 little practise amp i am totally happy gearwise , for just some noodling at home this more then enough and i still can join a band if i want too and have some good gear to play with .

  • My 2 nominations would be

    1. Tonex pedal – this felt like a gap in your rundown of modelling/profiling releases. I think it’s in a very good niche in terms of quality, form factor and price. I get that it’s not going to be for everyone but it’s great for me – I’ve sold my Helix stuff as a result (which I didn’t think I would, but this is the difference it’s made to me).

    2. Eventide H90. Already top of the tree in terms of quality. Has come further since release – iPad app is now in beta, latest update included a very cool and unique algorithm. I’m really excited about creative possibilities with this next year more than anything else.

  • Tried the Fender FRFR 1×12 with the Tonemaster. Thought the cab had a nasty mid range thing going on…. The tonemaster was okay once plugged into a different frfr speaker, but still don’t see why it’s better than the full fat helix…

  • This year i got the Line 6 Helix, i also have the ampero 2, both devies good quality, but functinoality and quality of the Helix, with third party IRs, is amazing. Sadly i have to say that the cabinets it includes are not that good. ON the other hand, Ampero II, bring good IRs and work well with third party IRs, but damn, its so confusing to make it work properly, and nothing to say about the firmware updates of Hotone, not good at all…

  • I was interested in this interveiw until some whinny northerner starts slagging off southerners, you are clueless if you think the south is the land of milk and honey ……… northeners go on about discrmination but are happy to discriminate against all southerners ……….wise up, we are all in this fight together, more infighting and division is exactly what the Elite want

  • Uafx 68 lion does it for me. I find it a better sound than helix and Friedman ir-x.

  • Surprised the PRS DGT wasn't mentioned, especially against the ubiquitous high praises its received.


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