Wednesday, March 12, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

The Best SOUNDING Amp I EVER Heard.

Listen to the tones that come from this amp!

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????Here is the link to Taylor Barefoot:

????Here is the link to Techno Empire:
✅Check out some of my FAVORITE GEAR on Sweetwater

Super Sweet Boost:
Boss GE-7 EQ Pedal:
MXR M300 Digital Reverb:
Dunlop Volume Pedal:
Voodoo Lab Dingbat Pedalboard PX Package:
Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 PLUS:
Truetone 1 SPOT Slim 9V DC Adapter:

Everyone needs PICKS! Check these out:
Dunlop Tortex Sharp:
Dunlop Tortex Standard:
Dunlop Nylon Max-Grip:

00:00 Dumble Overdrive Special
01:06 Black Magic Woman
02:15 Raw Sound
04:00 Cinnamon Girl
04:30 Dumble Contract
06:03 Joey Brasler on Dumble
06:50 The Garage Band Ripper 2
07:30 Joeys Ripper Demo
07:54 Personalized Bespoke
08:40 Dumble Contract cont.
10:20 OD Special vs Strat
10:51 Thanks Taylor Barefoot
11:11 Thanks Techno Empire

#SOUNDING #Amp #Heard

Originally posted by UCOiLMDayizHVJUSLPauoLQQ at

26 thoughts on “The Best SOUNDING Amp I EVER Heard.

  • Yeah wow man, that is an incredible Santana's PRS though, and love it..glad I found ya, just subbed, I really like how you explain things, can definitely tell you're a fantastic player…thank you..

  • His got a 100k worth of gear. But carnt afford his dream amp. Dont u love these guys

  • You have a very smooth delivery, I'll give you that. I love you evaluations, but I can't stand the fucking crass commercialism!
    We love you Tim!

  • I had 2 conversations with him in 1994. Both calls were 30-45 minutes and he charged me nothing. He was extremely friendly and seemed to enjoy the conversations as much as I did. The amp I wanted was going to cost me about $12K ad he wanted $6K up front. He said it would be about 2 years before I had the amp in my hands. I was very close to pulling the trigger and wish I had just done it!!

  • My app I named it a dumbbell because sometimes it thinks it is smart and sometimes it sounds dumb

  • You know Howard sanded the ID info off of EVERY capacitor, op-amp, valve, resistor in those heads.

  • Carlos played through a Fender Twin Reverb cranked up to 10 in the studio. That is how he gets that tone from his guitar.

  • Yeah dumble doesnt want anyone reverse engineering the amps.

    And i can guarantee it has probably happened many times already.

    Personally, im not that impressed with the sound.

    Not saying it sounds bad, but not really better than say a marshall, or some of the other brands.

  • My comment on the AMP is it is AMAZING how the REALLY great ones sound like they have an LA-2A onboard!!! (The Studio Pre was like that…Mesa)

  • Talk about multi-tasking! Playing "Black Magic Woman" and studying the Table of Periodic Elements. Awesome sounding amp & playing. Quality in / Quality out.

  • Dude. How do you hold that pick. I’ve seen you do this in many videos of yours. I have tried a ton of picks and movement is always an issue.


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