The Best Tips For Starting Out On 5 String Bass!
Here are a few tips on moving over from 4 to 5 string bass. I cover some of the common problems and then some ways to make things much easier in the full video lesson on my YouTube channel and at @talkingbasslessons
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#Tips #Starting #String #Bass
Originally posted by UCDfStxwji-22A_bvY280UIg at
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“Nope!” – Danny Sapko
It looks like a double bass string
I've started on a five string after learning guitar so it's all good with me.
Honestly I had like no trouble when I got my first 5-string. Guess it's just different for everyone
Wait till ya see the price for replacement strings
I like to think of it as playing in a lower tuning with an added higher string. Or, alternatively I tune down to A to play in a drop tuning and think in octaves or work around shapes adjacent to powerchords.
I don't know why but I've always preferred 5 string basses over 4 strings even when I'm not using the added low B
You can just ignore the low B for awhile. That’s what I did on my 7 string guitar
Or start playing bass on a 5'er
I played a 5 string for YEARS but a 6 string totally threw me off
I've decided that if I ever go 5 again, I'm keeping the E for the low string and going with a High B