Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The BEST value guitar at All Price points?

#guitar #telecaster #beginnerguitar

This is an amazing value guitar and is priced towards amateur musicians but has so many pro features that are well executed! This is the EART NK-C1 which is a telecaster style guitar with some very high end features. This guitar is compared to other price point guitars as well as a shootout between a real Fender telecaster. Quality and features this towers over Harley benton, Squier, Epiphone and Eastcoast. We go into the guitar for a beginner or pro alike. We look at details in the construction of the neck, body and feel from the guitar as well as the tones and sounds. Where you can buy the guitar and what it is like to own.

Spec: Stainless frets, mahogany body, compound neck shape and radius, contoured body, roasted maple neck and mahogany body with maple veneer.

Below you can see the points in which you can skip to.

00:00 What is it?
01:10 Who is it for?
03:17 for Beginners
04:25 for the Pro
05:50 The Neck
15:43 Body
19:20 How the guitar sounds
23:28 Weight
24:30 Compared to a Fender
26:11 Summary

Link to the guitar on Amazon:

James’ recording gear
Woodrow 55 by UAFX https://amzn.to/3DGbpSi
Interface https://amzn.to/4j7m20I
lav mic https://amzn.to/41YP3W8
Daddario cables https://amzn.to/404K5Va
My favourite pics https://amzn.to/41Z2g1d

I always use Elixir Polyweb strings, they last longer than other strings and feel fast and smooth…link below:

#guitar #Price #points

Originally posted by UCa9homSA3xYOLhxjo7On1aQ at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_4GdN82dC8

9 thoughts on “The BEST value guitar at All Price points?

  • Sure it's a nice guitar, but if this is your first guitar, buying a black one is a bad idea.
    Nobody is going to want to buy a black Eart guitar on the used market.
    Also having a nice color to your beginner guitar will make it a nice mod platform once you have more than a couple of guitars.

  • Hello James, 2bikemike from Canada here. I got that exact guitar a couple of years ago. 1 of the best budget friendly guitars I got, of the 69 guitars I have. Here I show the work I needed to do, which was much less than so many others. EART NC-K1: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVuIOiFt74YE1VoIGrcXnGj0kPB2RGFSk
    It is a great option, even more than a MIM fender. I buy budget guitars, typically under $300 and fix issues and upgrade to gig worthy level.

  • Using the Fiat 500 in any positive analogy is a problem, especially with an American audience. We're more likely to respond to a Camry or an Accord. I live in Texas, so the F-150 would work.

    In seriousness, you make a very good case for the EART. I'd bet that you're a fine teacher. Keep it up!

  • lI currently own 3 EARTs and I totally agree. Each of them of them play and sound great. I've left two of them stock and customized the other. The EART necks are amazing!

  • What a fantastic video James have a great day also I played a Fender Stratocaster during my sixth year in high school and initially I enjoyed it it was in Canada where I live in ❤????

  • Weeel i never tried a Suhr … i know they are boutique strats … i'm sure they must be amazing … ye not keen on Suhr headstock either like Ibanez or Strandberg basses or Sire which i own few … i had to get over the Sire headtocks too????????..
    I looove the Novo shape though… to me shape is as important … i'm a sucker for block inlays … i'm visual … u wouldn't want to bed a girl u don't like the face would u ????????????


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