Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Amps

“THE BOSS KATANA SUCKS!” – Someone has to say it. #bosskatana #boss

The Boss Katana Sucks! It’s Trash. Worst.Amp.Ever! Is that true? You tell me. It seems to be the opinion of some folks. But why. Take a short listen into why I think people feel this way.
#bosskatana #boss #bossofficial

Backgroun Music from YouTube Audio Library – “Bone Dry” by Telecasted

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#BOSS #KATANA #SUCKS #bosskatana #boss

Originally posted by UCTZP6_wHUQ6TjMnWn3xIK-g at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRgJt32VIhA

34 thoughts on ““THE BOSS KATANA SUCKS!” – Someone has to say it. #bosskatana #boss

  • Sorry about the click bait, folks. I try not to do it often, but I felt it was appropriate, especially to get the haters to click and maybe learn why they're wrong.

  • If I can't walk into a music store and get a decent sound out of an amp it's not for me. I've seen the recent trends and having to have apps for everything and I just know that once they stop supporting it you can no longer use the instrument the way it was intended.

  • All you have to do is roll the volume back to hear that it doesn’t respond like a proper valve amp I’ve got one it’s great for practice and it’s light but it won’t replace that feeling of having a Marshall dialled with a fuzz on and backing the volume down so it’s clean ???? it just can’t do it

  • I'm just using the panel right now but will eventually use tone studio. Trying to spend more of my time learning to play and practicing right now and don't want to waste my time chasing tones. The panel has all of the settings for the tones I need for now.

  • I'm not a fan of the Boss Kanata line. For me it's the sound. It is very high end heavy and doesn't have a very good presence. I've tried every setting and it just doesn't have a very natural tone for me it just sounds a bit too artificial. Personally there are far better options when it comes to solid state amps such as Orange. But for the price they are great amps just not the tone I'm looking for

  • Gigging my mk1 100 combo four over four years now, I paid £150 for it ! I use the juca nery katana andriod librarian app live with a 10" tablet mounted on my music stand, a very reliable setup no glitches, I only use it to balance channel volumes , you have to press save on the amp though which is a pain, these amps are far from junk , a two rock they are not but my JVM and 4×12 sit under the stairs thanks boss for saving my back!

  • I got my nephew one for his first amp, Sounded so good, I almost kept it. My first amp, by comparison, was a Squier 15 I got at a pawn shop for $30 when I was 15 years old.

  • You got me, lol. I got my first one in 2017 – the original 50-watt – and I still have it for when I want to run a stereo rig with my main amp the original Katana Artist. I love my 50 so much when I decided to buy a new main amp I bought the Artist and I have never regretted my decision. Tube gear and I have never got along and that goes back to the late '60 when I was under 10-years old. For some reason tubes seem to pop or act strangely when I am around. Both my mom and I have/had the same effect on tube/valve radios, TVs, amps, etc.

  • I just got mine last year not used much cause my sound is fucking awful sounds so bad no matter what I do I don’t know what the frig I’m doing wrong but it’s muffled and sounds like I’m playing a fuckin banjo. Starting to piss me off????????????????????

  • I run a JHS Angry Charlie AndyTimmons into my Katana for live gigs.
    The line out into the p.a works perfect

  • I bought a katana to be my catch all for practice recording ang gigging. though recording with a IR loader I find myself tweaking the settings more often than I like. I always just attributed it to being bad with the software.

  • After living with a katana for about two years, I feel like it’s a great bedroom amp. Way more power than I’ll ever need in the bedroom, but it sounds the same no matter what the volume is so there’s that. The problem is that in a live setting I don’t have the flexibility and on the fly capability of sculpting tone, switching between or combining modulation effects that I do with an analog set up.

  • Hey Scott, thanks! I have one, and I like it… I don't use most of the things that are available on it, but it sounds great for the things I like! I'd buy another one!

  • Boomers are notoriously bad at following simple instructions. Especially if those instructions involve a computer or electronic device.
    They'll ask for help and then get pissy when u do basoc troubleshooting & ask if everything is plugged in properly. I've never heard anyone under the age of like 50-60 complain about the Katana. It's always boomers.

  • I just got the 100 gen 3. I used to have a ton of tube amps that I sold before moving out of the country. I’ve been dying to use something other than a DI out of an emulator ever since but I live in an apartment complex so I HAVE to have something with variable wattage that doesn’t need an attenuator operate. I would LOVE a princeton or an ac30 or an orange but they were out of budget. This ended up being the best choice for me. The only thing thats driving me crazy is the lack of documentation regarding using it with the GA-FC EX footswitch. They could have at least included instructions for the additional stickers!

  • I had a MkII and hated it because I didn't take the time to learn how to use it. I've gotten another one, started using Tone Studio and I love it. There is a slight learning curve but worth it.

  • Got a Katana Mk2 100 Combo used with the footswitch. The only real problem with it is that I barely use my other amp and pedals 🙂 The thing is so versatile, sounds great for practice, live gigs and recording. Love it.

  • Bought a Katana second hand from a guy who thought it was too complicated . Didn't have any trouble getting it connected to my laptop. Went straight to YouTube to find out how…easy! Just bought a 100w katana 3….love it!

  • Having the Katana for a couple of years now. I would say it‘s very versatile and invites exploring. If you‘re not into experimenting would suggest to anyone to enter a guitar store and do it the Oasis way, try guitars and tube amps together until you find a a clean and dirty tone which you want. Probably you will leave with a 7000 $ bill for something which is not unique, but should be happy for a while. The Katana is a different route, you will experiment with shaping the tone and sneaky amps, try different pickups in your guitar, try different speakers and amp simulation pedals to find your tones (this might be the advantage, you end up with a Frankenstein beast which can do a lot of things and not just one tone). Sometimes it‘s probably very ugly, sometimes beautiful, for sure it‘s unique.

  • I love the thing. It’s great for Pantera, has those nice crunchy bassy tones that are really tight if you dial up the volume and turn back the boost.

  • Have a mk II head, mk II 100w and 2×12 cab , switched out the speakers with 2 v30s and 2 eminence swamp thangs… WOW is an understatement. Makes it sound indistiguishable from any amp.

  • Have you tried the peavey vypyr x2? I’ve tried everything with that amp and have spent two years with it and I still can’t stop it being muddy and muffled. So I’m thinking of getting a katana.

  • I am having an issue with downloading Tracks from BOSS Tone Studio into my RC-500. The unit connects properly and I can do everything (Play, Stop Delete and Import WAV) except download tracks. I get a message "Download Failed". Help, please if you can. Thanks


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