Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Cheapest Guitar You Can Buy! – Demo / Review

Demo and review of the unbelievably inexpensive Ammoon strat. Buy this guitar on Ebay, brand new for less than $50!

UPDATE: Here’s a current link to a black one with gig bag and accessories:

As you can hear in the playing examples, the pickups in this guitar produce a lot of noise and hum, whilst simultaneously having low output. Here’s the follow-up video to this one, after I’ve installed some new pickups:

I’m playing through a Blackstar ID Core 10 Combo Amp. Link Here:×5-watt-2×3-Stereo-Combo%2F173039559408

#Cheapest #Guitar #Buy #Demo #Review

Originally posted by UCN–LUAhUtNekrhRIC24J_A at

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