Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Amps

The FREE Amp Modeler That’s Changing The Game (Neural Amp Modeler Review)

The FREE Amp Modeler That’s Changing The Game
Grab the “JM PEDALBOARD” Preset here: https://justinmuncy.etsy.com/listing/1596136504/quad-cortex-jm-pedalboard-pdf-preset
Grab My GO TO QUAD CORTEX PRESET: https://justinmuncy.etsy.com/listing/1508694232/quad-cortex-jm-template-preset

***GEAR I USE***
As A Sweetwater Affiliate I earn a small commission from the links in this post. I only advertise products I use and/or believe in!
Guitar Modeling
Neural DSP Quad Cortex – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/4PY0yZ
SKB Quad Cortex Case – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/PyZEmY

Amp Load Box / DI
Two Notes Torpedo Captor – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/757qDQ

Guitar Pedals
Walrus Audio Deep Six – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/Mm1zgK
JHS Bender Fuzz – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/DKrGBn
Jackson Audio Belle Starr – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/5g3EKL
JHS Moonshine – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/QygL03
Strymon Mobius – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/eKGXaz
Strymon Timeline – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/JzaXBE
Strymon BigSky – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/B0QaBq
Walrus Audio ACS1 – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/nLzxAX

Gibson Les Paul Standard – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/eKGXJO
Gibson SG Standard – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/g1VBNA
Gretsch White Falcon CBDC – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/6eKLDq

Welcome to another Fake Amp Friday! Today, we’re diving deep into a plugin that’s changing the game in the world of amp modeling. I’m about to introduce you to the Neural Amp Modeler plugin by the brilliant Steven Atkinson. This plugin, fueled by AI-driven deep learning, promises to challenge the biggest names in the game like Kemper, Quad Cortex, and more. Oh and also, did I mention that it’s completely FREE?! But can it truly live up to the hype? Let’s find out if this is the amp modeler we’ve all been waiting for!

There’s a bit of buzz on the internet about the Neural Amp Modeler plugin so I wanted to put it to the test. I”m taking you through my unfiltered first encounter with the Neural Amp Modeler plugin. We’ll dissect its sound and performance to see how it stacks up. And I think you’re going to like it. This amp modeler is SO good.

Then I’ll take you through the NAM plugins modeling website called “Tone Hunt.” Inside, you’ll discover an array of thousands of free Amp Models, IRs, and pedals to find the perfect guitar tone you’ve been looking for.
Ready to get hands-on? I’m guiding you step by step through seamlessly integrating the Neural Amp Modeler into your DAW setup. Get the insider tips on selecting amps and IRs for that sweet spot sound.

What about pedals? Let’s push the boundaries and connect my pedalboard directly into the Neural Amp Modeler plugin to see how the models hold up when pedals are introduced to the equation. Will it sound the same as my real amp?

Finally, we’ll close out with some Pros and Cons for the Neural Amp Modeler and spend some time reflecting on how far amp modeling technology has come. We’re in an era where the Neural Amp Modeler could redefine the game. I’m excited about the tech, and how AI Deep Learning can change the game of guitar amplifier modeling.

Don’t forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and COMMENT your experiences!

Other videos you might enjoy:
Am I Just A Worship Guitarist?: https://youtu.be/lxPMkpGhZWY
Does Tonex live up to the hype?: https://youtu.be/vwDKrUgusNg
The Quad Cortex and Worship: https://youtu.be/f1M8gN4tOH0
Should You Buy A Quad Cortex?: https://youtu.be/tT_iMMd2J-k

Connect With Me, and INQUIRE about Lessons, Guitar, Music Directing, etc:
IG: http://instagram.com/justinmuncy
TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@justinmuncy
Website: http://justinmuncy.com

Check out NAM: https://www.neuralampmodeler.com
Check out ToneHunt: https://tonehunt.org

0:00 This Free Amp Modeler is making NOISE
0:41 Initial Impressions
2:29 My Thoughts
3:14 ToneHunt is Amazing
4:02 How To Use Neural Amp Modeler
4:45 How Does It Sound with Pedals?
5:52 Pros
7:02 Cons
8:48 The State of Amp Modeling

#ampmodeler #neuralampmodeler #neural #guitartone #guitaramp #kemper #quadcortex #freeplugin

#FREE #Amp #Modeler #Changing #Game #Neural #Amp #Modeler #Review

Originally posted by UCDwaZa0wrIPVaY9znjPpTPA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIPoLLDUMlU

32 thoughts on “The FREE Amp Modeler That’s Changing The Game (Neural Amp Modeler Review)

  • I have a semi pro studio and have outboard preamps and channel strips good large condensers in stereo pairs, ribbons and DAW software everything I need to record a great amp captures were this NAM Plug in is great I got Tonex at the moment and their software and hardware integration is great. I'm gonna load NAM up and check it out. Can you load these up into Tonex or Kemper profile player? What I'm trying to get at is If a guy just had a laptop and a guitar/amps pedals, you'd have to buy a lot of $$ worth of gear to make your own captures. Thats were Tonex leads the charge in profile players but you still need PC, mics, interface reamp box or activate di, IK Tonex max software to capture profiles. Its cost $$ to get in the game either way.

  • I was under the impression that you could use NAM standalone, but this video makes it seem like it needs to be ran through and DAW, is that so?

  • You still need a good quality preamp to make it sound good though. That plastic shit tone you have when plugged straight in, even NAM cant save.

  • 8:35 you might wanna resample those tracks and not let them just sit in a processor- hog-real-time-audio-processor, maybe.

  • I tried NAM and FINALLY got a clean tone with a digital guitar i use, but im still gonna buy a real one and a audio interface but a friend of mine has a real amp 🙂

  • 9:30 that’s the expression I make when other around me are shouting OR u happy at something

  • Maaaan your guitar tones sound so good, I had to download NAM to try this out! I'm having the hardest time getting Impulse Responses that sound good though.. did you use all the same Amalgam IRs that they paired with their different NAM amp captures, and use the built in IR loader in NAM? I wanna try and learn how to get sounds similar to yours first just to make sure I'm using NAM and IR's the right way!????

  • Can you add amp sim profiles of the amp VSTs in your DAW onto the Modeler? Or is it made to profile only hardware?

  • OK, I'll be honest here, Bailey is the one that influenced me to like and subscribe here… I'm jus saying..

  • Since this video has been done: (1) ToneHunt has a "Try with NAM Online *" link on many (¿most?) models. (2) The MOD Devices ecosystem (MOD Dwarf, MOD Desktop, FOSS Raspberry Pi-based pedals (TreeFall Sound, MODEP, etc.)) has a NAM plugin.

  • NAM is available on the Mod Audio Dwarf. I’ve also heard of NAM being installed in Raspberry Pi’s that are designed to be multi effects processors.


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