Wednesday, March 26, 2025
GuitarGuitar Amps

The Full Fender Champion 50XL Full Review – Better than the Mustang?

This is my review of the Fender Champion 50XL Guitar Amplifier. Is this better than the Fender Mustang GT or the Boss Katana? Let’s check it out.
►Check out the Fender 50XL on Sweetwater – (affiliate link)
►Thanks to Sky Music for the loaner –

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#Full #Fender #Champion #50XL #Full #Review #Mustang

Originally posted by UC-oSaKCCEffJph0F7m6_xfA at

29 thoughts on “The Full Fender Champion 50XL Full Review – Better than the Mustang?

  • Some perceive this Amp, or better said, Speaker type, as being "Dark" but guess what? Not ALL of us are Half Deaf where we need to have eardrum piercing EXTRA Treble tone torture because of lost High Frequency hearing abilities, see? I notice that far too many "Professional" guitarists have Amp settings that sound almost UNBEARABLY screechy TO ME with their overboard Treble frequencies dialed up way high and so I find their piercing over trebled "tone" almost revoltingly painful to even bear but then again, I have NO significant hearing loss, yet.

  • I had one and used it for about a year. Just long enough to be out of warranty.

    One day, I took it to a gig and it would not work at all! It Powered up and the lights all worked. I tested the speaker and it works. I never dropped it or abused it in any other way. I am extremely disappointed and will probably never own another Fender.

  • What I can't seem to find is a review comparing this 50XL with the now discontinued tube-drive Super Champ X2. I have an X2 that I love. The 50XL has the exact same control/knob layout and effects. But wondering whether the tube vs solid state issue holds here? These two provide the closest possible apples-apples comparison opportunity we might ever get.

  • Kind of funny how to switch to shots of the amp while you’re playing. “You’re not even plugged in mate!”

  • These amp beat the katana 50 bandwagon even the speaker alone, my mistakes to buy crap katana

  • I cannot decide between this and the 100 (not xl). This definitely has the better speaker, but I feel like the 100 with it's two speakers, will give a more full sound when recording in my budget home studio.


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