The Greatest Live Guitar Intro of All Time
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#Greatest #Live #Guitar #Intro #Time
Originally posted by UCshiNtfJ7Dj3nlh41a6M-kg at
Do you agree this is the greatest live guitar intro ever? If not, what is your opinion? No wrong answers!
How…god how do you get that tone, someone please share!
That was a fantastic breakdown….thank you!
I LOVE THIS!! Thank you????????????
You crushed this explanation dude!
7:14 major 3rd, a root and a 5th (not root again). The notes are b, g and d, aren't they?
So it's not a power chord, because of the 3rd (cf. @7:23), also not a diad (cf. @7:43).
I'm not trying to be a wise-ass here! It's just that those spots may be quite confusing for some.
Hi tyler Can i have that guitar
Read more below
Im fifteen and building a collection snd ive always loved that hollowbody strat
Im nig ginna beg but
That guitar signed by you would be the best sixteenth bday present ever
I’m going to see Eric in September. I’m so excited. I get to hear that gorgeous tone live and in my face. It’s gonna be a surreal experience. I’m a drummer, but I’m also a guitarist. I saw Steve Vai live and it was incredible. Can’t wait for chapter 2 of seeing the best guitarists ever live
Love these kinds of music theory breakdowns!!! Do more videos like this plzz
Tone is amazing
One of the most influential songs in my life still..
in my opinion the greatest live guitar outro of all-time is Layla by Clapton live in SanDiego
I just loath how something so "beautiful" can be dissected by "experts" to the point of losing its magic. Good job.
This is from Austin City Limits 1989!…
Very insightful
Have you ever compiled the tabs you show into one document, or am I going to have to screenshot each tab as it appears?!
Simply magical.
Did you figure out the harmonics at 12:10 ?
Can I point out this was the first recording of the Song as far as I’m aware. It’s studio release was only three years later. And without that first part.
Basically a lesson in diatonic chord progressions.
GREAT lesson, thanks!!!
I’m brand new so dumb question warning. What are 3rds and 7ths and things like that?
The whole performance is a masterpiece, enough said.
For me the best song from that show is trail of tears
Not necessarily related to this video, but my dad introduced me to classical gas by Mason Williams and it's been a major part of my love for guitar… I know you don't typically do acoustic or classical but I would love to hear your breakdown of it!
Can we get a full tab?
For me the best intro ever is from Jimi Hendrix live at berkely 2nd show Hey Baby ( New rising sun)????
Beyond the Universe by Derringer. No messing about
I feel like people who hear the Eric Johnson tone for the first time ever don't want to go back because they have witnessed true perfection like when Morty stood on perfectly level ground and all other leveled floors wouldn't be enough for him
the eargasms are real
I freaking love this song… EJ for life!!!
EVH live without a net.
My only complaint about this video….is I wish Tyler had a couple more guitars hahah
ur not even playing the tab at 13:38… you have your index finger ont he 9th fret. Sounds better actually
Good gravy that’s a delicious guitar