Wednesday, June 26, 2024

33 thoughts on “The Heaviest Guitar Tone in the 90&’s | Metallica&’s Black Album Guitar Tone Riffage

  • A bit more info explanation here for people to understand better.
    Guitar used: Musicman JP100D

    Audio Interfess: Behringer UMC-204HD (one of the audio interfaces of all time)

    MegaFuzzie MK4 (Amp simulator) – I can't stress how good this plugin sounds for this tone. For the most part, you don't really need to adjust the mids and treble knob, it sounds good as is. In hindsight, you might wanna turn down the bass knob a bit. Main things you need to focus on are the gain knobs. The LF gain is set to 7 'o clock, the tone doesn't need much of it. HF gain is set to 9-10 'o clock to give more string presence. Adjust the main gain to your liking, TBA tone doesn't need so much gain when multi-tracking. The PA drive is 0, the depth drive is 0 (unless you love bass), and the presence is slightly increased to have the overall tone hotter.

    NadIR (cabinet simulator) – As mentioned, the IR file is captured from "Wherever I May Roam (Guitar Track)". You can search up how to make IRs online. The IR is bass-heavy so set the hi-pass at 80hz, and set the lo-pass at 20khz. The resonance is set to 100%.

    Fx's from the guitar bus (only used for showcase purposes):

    Pro-Q 3 (EQ) – generally just there to eq out the harsh noise at 3-5khz, and to scoop a lil bit of mids at 800hz.

    SSL Channel – used to increase more presence and sparkle and to cut more mids. You can use an eq instead.

    C4 multiband compressor – used to control the sub-bass and low-mid frequencies (I'm not kidding when this tone is very bass heavy lmao).

    3 guitar tracks – 2 tracks are panned 70% left and right. Mid track's volume is reduced to -5db.

    5 Guitar Tracks – same as 3 tracks, but two additional guitar tracks at 90% left and right. They're reduced to -3db.

    I forgot to mention this. I had a room reverb track on the single tracked guitar. I used Tsar-1R and used the preset (studio B). The plugin is set -8db.

    Aight see you guys in 6 months again lol.

  • what cam do you use, is this the same cam used in the other vids (rtl tone tutorial)

  • As a bassist that's stuck recording guitar tracks this is the most useful information I've ever seen on the internet. I was DREADING trying to get a good guitar sound. Thank you so much. Hence forth you shall be known as; Saint Barilla.

  • Well "STATE OF MERCURY" banned me in his server for typing "Nigg@" ….Wtf man

  • Bois i am looking for assistance on reaper i have mad latency when i play i got it a bit better but still off by 70ms anything i can do so make is 0 lag or close to it

  • use amped ml 5, way better than mk4
    u can get a free crack of it, very nice tone tho, missed u bruv

  • waited literally years for this riffage. all hail bryce barilla the tone messiah

  • Fantastic playing and great tone, man! This instantly brings me back to my youth's memory lane. Is this the DiMarzio Crunch Lab? EDIT: About capturing IRs, I never really thought about it, but I might have a use for all the isolated guitar tracks I have on my computer.

  • Glad you're back. This tone is massive. Also, i like that sick sterling jp

  • Ayo you better be playin some dream theater on that thing bc it would be a crime not to


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