Monday, March 10, 2025

45 thoughts on “The JHS Moonshine Parallel Overdrive (Dumble Tones and Bass Guitar Demonstration)

  • Man. I wish I could record these simple little grooves… I just can't get organized. 🙁

  • What a great video, it’s nice to get all the explanations and descriptions. I really dug the cool jam in the beginning ! I am trying to deconstruct that jam now, very funky.

  • This sounds sweet… Never really looked into this pedal till now. In order to get this kind of tone and response without a super expensive tube amp set extremely loud I myself have been using a Xotic Super Clean (with dip switches set for mid boosting) into a EHX Soul Food into a Sansamp RK5 set on edge of breakup. It took me years to find this tone through much trial and error. Excellent to see there is potentially a single pedal solution out there!

    Nice work!

  • I hate when people say it sounds like a dumble because it makes me want to say which one. Dumble was like a tailor he made these amps for Bonnie raitt eric Johnson ,SRV etc based on their sound

  • Fast forward to 2024 and I just bought a V2 Moonshine… I play mostly lap steel and I needed an overdrive with a clean blend…. It has that… but….. it’s also one of the best sounding pedals I’ve played. Laps can get a little muddy on the bottom two strings. This pedal fixes that by retaining a clarity in the low end that is really amazing! It’s my low/medium gain always on coupled with the Wampler Euphoria for my higher gain stuff… don’t get one moonshine, get two… maybe one day we can get a cascading two channel Moonshine! ????

  • Love this pedal. The JHS Moonshine V2 & Boss BD-2 Waza are the only drives in my collection I can leave on all the time & not give me ear fatigue.

  • The Dumble sound to me has always been "note bloom". There's just something pleasant about the way those circuits present the signal with a distinct attack, sustain, & decay that is different than every other "type" of amp circuit I hear. Some clean blended back into the signal definitely helps achieve that sort of attack character.

  • Kenny Wayne Shepherd has 11 Dumble amps. ELEVEN. He and Howard were pretty close from what I understand. I guess he liked Kenny. I'm from Kenny Wayne's hometown so I've been listening to him play for a long time and he's never sounded better.

    Howard didn't just build 11 Dumbles for Kenny. Many(most? All?) started as Fenders that were either modified heavily or completely gutted and new circuit(s) built. For example, he has a Bassman? Showman? I forget which but it's Dumbled Fender on one channel and Marshall-type on the 2nd channel. Probably a Bassman.

    When I saw him in 2022? He had 3 or 4 amps on stage, IIRC. Before I knew they were all Dumbles, I made a comment on his social media about "I bet I was the only person there wondering how many of those amps were Dumbles. They sounded INCREDIBLE!" His dad answered me and said "all of them were." ???????? Wow! That was before I knew he had 11 total. I figured he had 6 or 7 maybe. Not 11 lol

  • I'm not sure if you know this but I can bet you anything Brad Paisley used this on his "Moonshine In A Trunk" album

  • i'm one of the ones who saw the original trailer! still need one of these for Bass, though I'd love to see a 3 Series Bass OD too(the clean blend could be the switch)

  • I must admit, this is the shit. Back off your picking, and it cleans up. Dig in and it drives. EXACTLY what a proper tube amp is supposed to do. A little compression after this could result in involuntary salivation.

  • Not gonna lie Ive tried to get rid of this pedal. Couldnt gel with it on guitar. I used it on bass for a show and I decided to keep it. Then when I was purging gear it was on the way out again… until I needed it for its warmth and to bring the mids back after my good vibes univibe. ???? honestly this pedal for me is a great tool and after this video I think I appreciate it even more so.

  • Dumbles sound like old 70s silver face twins with a drive pedals in front, I think the players are more responsible for the tone we all know than a series of amps that are all so varied and made for each buyer if they got invited to buy,

  • I have this and the Kilt and these two pedals cover soooo much ground – both are criminally underrated imho. I love the Moonshine with the gain dimed, no clean blend, and the tone at noon. It’s the sound of rock n’ roll to my ears.

  • I am glad it was grandpa’s and not grandma’s. Sorry Josh, I couldn’t help myself…..I’m defective.

  • hey josh – i've actually really liked this pedal for a while, so super fun to hear the lore! check out this little song i made recently with it – i actually was wearing the t-shirt for the pedal 🙂 (can i put a link in a comment?) anyway, love your stuff by the way – and your videos are always entertaining!!

  • I've been waiting for Josh to promote JHS pedals! They are pretty good. ???? Sidenote- fans of the Band, have you heard Drive by Truckers tribute song "Danko/Manuel"? Jason Isbell tune, and it is very fine.

  • El Double Barrel es mi siguiente pedal , lo tengo claro desde que se lo ví a RJ Ronquillo y flipé. Pedalazo

  • I have the Double Barrel and when I first started trying to blend both sides it took me a while to get it right. Let me tell you, when I engage the Moonshine after the Morning Glory, it takes it to a ridiculously lush – yet heavy – harmonic overtone heaven. I wouldn't trade this pedal for anything! It's sooooo good.

    After watching this I just ran my bass through it, and wow! Just saved me from buying a new bass pedal 🙂


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