Monday, March 10, 2025
GuitarGuitar Tips & HacksTips & Hacks

The Lead Guitar Sounds of Siamese Dream (The Smashing Pumpkins)

These are the pedals I used in my latest covers of Siamese Dream (by the Smashing Pumpkins) to emulate Billy Corgan’s lead guitar sounds. This time we make it work with just pedals for playing live.

Notice how there’s no Mutron Bipase?


0:00 – Intro Jam
0:50 – Intro
1:05 – Today’s Pedals
4:27 – Building the Pedalboard
6:01 – Building the Lead
8:19 – Blast Off
8:54 – Shhhhh
9:29 – Soma
10:05 – Bummer
10:38 – Bread Spread
11:12 – Ebow
12:11 – Ending

Please Subscribe for more!

Video on the Siamese Dream rhythm guitar sound and using post production –

Black Guitar:
2019 Fender American Professional Stratocaster w/ R/S/B Lace Sensors
Tuning – E Standard

Butterscotch Guitar:
2018 Fender American Professional FSR Stratocaster
Tuning – E Standard

Marshall SC20C JCM800 in a Mojotone Bluesbreaker cabinet

Made by Mike ’78 IC Muff –
Made by Mike DistII –
EHX Microsynth –
Jordan Buzz Tone –
MXR Phase 100 –
Strymon Deco –
Eventide H9 Max –
JHS 3 Series Comressor –

Squire Affinity J Bass direct

Gear for Recording:
Universal Audio OX
Steinberg UR-RT2 Interface
Logic Pro
Amplitube Custom Shop

#Lead #Guitar #Sounds #Siamese #Dream #Smashing #Pumpkins

Originally posted by UC26hZ-5k6SJSozdvBp_6L3Q at

46 thoughts on “The Lead Guitar Sounds of Siamese Dream (The Smashing Pumpkins)

  • Hi Eddie. Great and instructive video. Just wondered if you had any thoughts on a similar replacement for the Distortion 2, now Made by Mike isn’t making pedals anymore? (Apart from the MXR distortion 2 obviously).
    Thanks in advance.

  • I made a helix preset for the cherub rock solo and it's a lot of the same effects you're using. I use their "retro-reel" and that's pretty much what the strymon is doing here. I have the synth running parallel at one point in the chain with the mix down to keep it sort of subtle. I have their mutron bi-phase model on there as well. I can't remember the exact amp model I'm using, it's either a JCM 800 or JCM 2000, with the drive up and a good amount of mids, and a treble booster into a big muff model. I can't remember if I put any other modulation on it. I might have done a chorus or a very slow flange set very low. I think I also used a wah set on one frequency with mix down to about 40 or 45 just to get some extra pop on the mids.

  • Hey Eddie, I followed some points of you vids. Would you mind listening a bit and tell me how close do you think I got?

  • any chance we could settings for the strymon? i just picked one up and i’m having trouble dialing it in, while on subject, what’s the mods you have to do to the satisfaction?
    id be interested to know

  • Staggered this ain’t a bigger channel or more views at the minimum. Amazing band and a true masterpiece of the 90s. Really does make you miss the 90s

  • Doesnt sound like it.
    It’s hard to mimick a tape saturation anyway . But its ok to jam ???? good job

  • So just to see if i have this right, it's comp -> synth -> buzz -> phase -> dist2 -> H9 -> Deco with the Muff on a different channel??

  • everything sounds so nasally. where's the warmth? i realize there is so much going on in the album production, but live, they still had that warmth even from side-stage recordings. i don't think you need half of these pedals… if you just dial out some treble from your amp…..

  • Sorry Eddie! Another question for you about signal chain – it appears to be – IC Muff, into (looper) to compressor, synth, Buzztone, phaser, MXR II distortion, echo/delay, Deco back into looper? Is this correct?

  • Oh and question about saturation tones and pedals. Have you thought about the JHS Color box V2 for the saturation tones? I am now chasing all the pedals that you used!

  • Amazing videos! I am into the these videos! Great job and I am going to try the same thing. Your ear and knowledge of the pedals is great. Have you thought about doing a series on the other great 90s bands? How to sound like ……. I bet it would be a hit! In the meantime what does the H9 do in the chain? (are you using delay, reverb, pitch?)

  • This is super fun, but one thing I’ve never figured out is the spacey eroding delay effect used in Soma. I didn’t notice it much on the album, but in their live performances (remember the VHS “movie” they released back in the Siamese days?) it really came through on that and SF. Have you ever figured that out?

  • I find the dist 2 sound not only has a special way of hitting the front of the big mutt but it also on its own really captures for me the sound and low end subtle grit of the machine ii (2) album. Songs like vanity – that warm growling guitar- I get that from my Made by Mike dist ii.
    Also the clean to grit transition of a riff like Drown- very easy to find that balance on the dist ii. If you are a pumpkins fan but aren't necessarily looking to cover / tribute their material, the dist ii really made me feel like I was racing on Billy's track – without stepping on his style too much.
    Get a made by Mike Uk dream box, so much fun.

  • First thanks and love the videos and your board.♥I get the loop switcher however, can you please list your pedal order? I noticed in your recent video the Jordan is at the beginning. Looks like the Muff is first. However I can't seem to trace everything unless, it's as it's laid out. (Muff – Compressor – Synth – Jordan – Phase90 – Dist2 – Deco – Eventide). Also, what reverb setting are you using on the Eventide? Thanks in advance keep it up!

  • This was great! Informative and awesome playing. I’ve added some pedals to the list.

  • Unreal, does anyone know what the order of the pedals is or if there is a diagram anywhere?

  • This is quite unexpected. I would never have arrived at this organisation of pedals to achieve this sound (and I would have failed massively had I tried). Brilliant and instructive. Thanks!

  • Dude, you're amazing! I'm in some SP fan groups. I'll be sharing your channel in both groups. Highly informative!

  • Man, I can't even tell you how many times I've watched this video now. This is the ultimate in guitar tones and your explanations are fantastic. I wish I had gotten the opportunity to meet you when you were in Chiang Mai, but no worries. I'm thankful for this amazing gift of knowledge that you have shared.

    I have alternative versions of everything you have now except for the Micro Synth, Deco and Eventide. I was just wondering if you might care to share your settings for the Buzz Tone and Dist +. I can't quite see. No worries if you don't want to go that far. I'm sure I can experiment and figure out my own version.

    Hey.. by the way.. are you going to continue this channel? You are one of my favorite dudes to follow for guitar stuff and it looks like you don't post so much anymore. Why is that?? Hope all is well and I hope you get back to making videos!

  • Yeah I think I’ve replicated your sounds with a few changes to the choice of pedals. HUGE SOUND. Thank you so much and I’ve tested this live, it holds up really greatly

  • Hi Eddie, when you have the typical Siamese dream lead tone fully enabled (with the microsynth and buzztone activated), do you ALSO use the big muff? (Or are you only using the dist2 to add some crunch?). Thx!!!

  • Kurt may have been the best songwriter of his era but Billy was the best guitarist. No other singer/songwriter at his level could shred like he can. Rivers Cuomo comes close.


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