Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Long Awaited King of Japanese Acoustic Guitars…the @AlvarezGuitarsOfficial Yairi DYMR70SB!

#acoustic #madeinjapan #guitar

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2. Royer R10: https://imp.i114863.net/e4qybO
3. EV RE20 Podcast Mics: https://imp.i114863.net/151nz9
4. Gator Frameworks XLR Boom stand: https://imp.i114863.net/151nz9
5. Kali LP6 Monitors: https://imp.i114863.net/zayZOr
6. Gator Frameworks Monitor stands: https://imp.i114863.net/Ea9rA2
7. Primacoustic London 12 Room Kit: https://imp.i114863.net/yRyJo3

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30’ Ernie Ball Coiled Cable

Primetone 1.0mm Picks

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One Spot Power Adapter Kit

Fishman ToneDEQ

LR Baggs Venue DI

LR Baggs Session DI

Fender Acoustic SFXii

Fishman Artist 30:

LR Baggs Synapse Personal PA

#Long #Awaited #King #Japanese #Acoustic #Guitars…the #AlvarezGuitarsOfficial #Yairi #DYMR70SB

Originally posted by UCx2eeVX04jN3Ki1u74ehLIw at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_ZmswzbGjo

37 thoughts on “The Long Awaited King of Japanese Acoustic Guitars…the @AlvarezGuitarsOfficial Yairi DYMR70SB!

  • niceee!!! for me headway takes the cake when it comes to japanese acoustig guitars buuut they're a bit harder to find

  • I actually just inherited an Alvarez guitar this past weekend, and as I’m fixing little things on it, I’m finding it’s got so much life and soul, made really well, and really projects! I’m grateful to have been given this beautiful guitar by a new friend and blues guitar mentors. I’d never heard of Alvarez Yairi before and now have been in a rabbit hole! Great video!

  • I am a huge fan of Yairi guitars and have three of them in my closet right now (DY-45, DY-71, and DYM-95C). I just recently bought a brand new Martin D-18 and the out the door cost was less than the guitar you are featuring here! I do not know if this is the retail price or the "street price" though – perhaps you can clarify this? I remember back in the day that you could spend $400 for a Yairi and say that "It sounds every bit as good as a $1,000 Martin. Nowadays, you can spend $3,000 for an Alvarez Yairi and it will sound every bit as good as any $3,000 Martin! I still love my Yairis (and will never sell them) but the D-18 easily blows them all right out the water!

    That guitar does sound really nice and I do remember how nice that case was when I bought my DYM-95C! My recommendation to you would be to treat that beautiful canvas covering with either scotchguard or perhaps a lacquer or something that will give it some protection because mine does not look anywhere near as pretty now! Wish I had this 20/20 hindsight back then.

  • Hi I have a Yairi dy61 1981.. I put a 10 dollar tone bar inside mine to try it out . wow what a change. could you try one out on this guitar?.. being smaller it may really open the sound up more .. Im not a sponsor just a user of the tone bar. would love this guitar to..

  • The one guitar I’ve managed to keep for some 35 years or so out of all I’ve ever owned is a YA classical guitar w/ single cutaway. I can’t tell you the model because the sticker in the sound hole fell off decades ago, but it’s a tremendous guitar. It makes me sound like a much better guitarist than I actually am. Between Alvarez and Seagull you really don’t need to spend a fortune to have a great sounding acoustic guitar.

  • When I was younger and poorer, I bought my first good guitar. It was an all laminate Alvarez 5013.
    Over the years I’ve owned 12 or 13, including a 1991 Yairi GY1.
    It is by and large the best guitar I own.
    And of all the guitars I’ve been blessed to be able to play, it’s in the top three.
    People have been sleeping on them for decades.

  • Ehh… gotta take exception to this for the Yamaha Custom Shop: the LL/S/J 36-56 & FG/S9 series easily match these high-end Yairis, and unit-by-unit sometimes one or the other will exceed. My Yammy LL56 eats my Yairi DYM70 (and almost everything else) for breakfast. I love them both dearly.

  • I own a 1977 K.Yairi YW-500P I paid 500.00 American for it in Japan. It’s really a special guitar. I love my vintage Alvarez guitars but the Yairi is such a tone monster and a great finger picking guitar as well. Have not played new ones though. Thanks Jeremy.????

  • Yairi's are spectacular guitars. Own the DY-200 from way back in early 2000's. Would give my left arm for another 200, 100, or the FY-200 today. As strong as any of the legendary American brands. Direct coupled bridge a great design for solid bridge and the break angle. Btw- Jerry Garcia was a Yairi artist.

  • Sounds very nice and even, however I feel it sounds bright, which is an easier sound to get. Is the warmth and wooden richness of older guitars that I prefer and I think it's harder to come by.

  • Playing the WY-1 sb Cedar/Maple/ for 23 years. It only gets better. It was a demo model from a NAMM Show. I was lucky to its first owner.

  • Worked in the Alvarez shop in the 00s the Yairis usually arrived perfect off the boat almost no setup required

  • On my way to Japan and have arranged to visit the K.Yairi factory in Kani. Actually my wife arranged the visit and we are going there with my two sons. It’s like a dream coming true. I too have been sooooo slow to understand how amazing these guitars are.

  • You've caught on to the secret….. and just say Yairi as the Alvarez part is almost inconsequential, no dis' on their line of guitars but relative to this discussion they they are just the distributor-brand (historically mostly via St. Louis Music) for K.Yairi (RIP) made guitars sold in the United States. Most everywhere else, it's just Yairi for those models with the name in it. In the States, a much more sparse, simplified lineup with some different model numbers than many if not most international outlets. Maybe technically some duplicate or very similar spec models, some others maybe bespoke US or other. Either way, fabulous guitars often ignored in "the conversation" regarding such, and often comparatively at a price point belying the quality.

  • Japanese pronounciation is Ya-yi-li. Yes, li, not ri. But that's really more of Japanese's fault of chooing the wrong letter to notate their pronounciation. So, Ya-yi-ri is good enough. However, that Yieri thing is just beyond me…

  • I know you like playing those open strings new age-y chords, open or dropped d tunings, but they won't let listeners discriminate on the sound, because most guitars will sound good -sustain for miles- through those chords and tunings. And please keep the creep Ryan Adams' name outta anyone's mouth.

  • I bought my first Alvarez Yairi in 1982. It's a DY45 satin finish. I still have it, my dependable go to guitar. Love it, love the tone, love the resonance and love the way it plays. I have owned everything from Kay, Harmony, Guild, Gibson, Yamaha, Fender and even Martin…I'll take my Alvarez Yairi.

  • I bought my DY57S Yari in 1978 brand new and I just last year replaced the frets for the first time. Other than that, It's all original. I play it almost daily.

  • The shop I used to work for got one of these around 2013. The owner was so taken with it he held it back for his personal collection for years. Eventually he moved it to the sales floor with the rest of the high end acoustics and adamantly refused to cut anyone a deal on it when he'd get the rare interested buyer. I finally begged him into parting with it last week, It really is a breathtakingly special model.

  • I love it at the end, where you just sit there clearly mesmerized by the tone and sustain…like you got hit by something !

  • I became aware of Yairi guitars from Alvarez after I purchased my first acoustic baritone (Artist Series ABT60) from them. The main reason I bought it- they were the first company that made one in a left-handed version that was affordable and well-reviewed. It was well worth the sub $400 I paid for it. Fast forward 3 years- I'm searching for something a bit more "high-end" & stumble across an online music store in Texas called "Musician's Madness" that just so happen to be a top dealer for Alvarez guitars & just happen to have a LH Yairi "YB70L" baritone in stock….for less than $1800. I jumped on it, knowing it's probably the only one on the planet. You see, Alvarez doesn't do custom orders for lefties unless one is requested from a top authorized dealer or is part of a "special run" that Alvarez does for their top retailers every now & then. I can agree with & corroborate everything Jeremy stated about the care, detail & quality that goes into making these special guitars. Alvarez makes acoustic guitars that punch well above their price-point, & the that goes for the Yairi line they champion as well, even more so. My guitar took 9 months to complete from the time the build began to the day it was boxed up for shipping. I can say with utmost confidence that it will be with me until the day comes where I either cannot play it anymore, or the sand has emptied from the top of my life's hourglass into the bottom half.

  • Jeremy , Alvarez are not the Kings of Japanese made guitars Yamaha is ,I don’t think this could be disputed.


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