Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Amps

The Loudest Combo Bass Amp Ever!

Phil Jones Roadcase BG-800 – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/c/1377785/937020/11319?prodsku=Roadcase&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sweetwater.com%2Fstore%2Fdetail%2FRoadcase–phil-jones-bass-roadcase-bg-800-600-watt-12-by-5-inch-bass-combo&intsrc=PUI2_7338

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GHS Bass Boomers – https://www.amazon.com/GHS-Strings-M0345X-Nickel-Plated/dp/B000H29HVO/ref=sr_1_18?crid=18I58CHK0TDBG&amp&keywords=ghs+bass+boomers&amp&qid=1647823554&amp&sprefix=ghs+bass+boomers%252Caps%252C106&amp&sr=8-18&_encoding=UTF8&tag=thebassist-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=2d9a60bdd43f4f63a6778aa141082578&camp=1789&creative=9325
Ibanez SR500E – https://youtu.be/TY9xfBGoAeg
Charvel San Dimas JJ V – https://youtu.be/Fpwr4deHGgo
Michael Kelly Element 5OP – https://youtu.be/4AeFYAEjXtM
Ibanez EHB1506MS – https://youtu.be/sD2j2_X6CBw
Fender Player Plus J – https://youtu.be/Qlm0d_AhkaM
MTD Andrew Gouche 5 – https://youtu.be/6QQzDoMNJH4
Shure B52A – https://www.zzounds.com/a–3978574/item–SHUBETA52A?siid=22634
AKG D112 – https://www.zzounds.com/a–3978574/item–AKGD12MKII?siid=176518
AEA R88A – https://sweetwater.sjv.io/c/1377785/937020/11319?prodsku=R88&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sweetwater.com%2Fstore%2Fdetail%2FR88–aea-r88&intsrc=PUI2_7338
Harley Benton 115T – https://youtu.be/XVcXx0KqBmY
Source Audio Aftershock – https://youtu.be/n2t_cley8RQ
Universal Audio Apollo Twin X – https://thebassi.st/twin

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You Don’t Care by Bill Worrell
Dominatrix by Evening Elephants
Well-Behaved Women by Kellyeann Keough

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#Loudest #Combo #Bass #Amp

Originally posted by UCFaQQPCAUkyG3kcTP0TeGag at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQ4F_K7h05Q

23 thoughts on “The Loudest Combo Bass Amp Ever!

  • Pricey for us bidenomics affected players, guitar player had a ancient Peavey combo 115 that still works as loud as it is heavy! Was looking at the PJ suitcase amp.

  • Neat concept. But for the price point is still leaves a lot to be desired. You could full stack for 2500 bucks or less. I understand it’s a combo but it’s point of what $2599 could actually buy. With a rumble 800 combo with an extension cab you’ll get 800 watts and still be lighter lol. And still have about $1500 in the pocket.

  • Had the privilege of meeting Phil Jones personally at his house. The man is a genius.

  • My doubt with multi-speaker boxes is that the microphone would only capture the sound of one speaker and the others would sound less loud. But I'm not 100% sure that this is the case

  • I use the first version of this amp. Similar, but has two channels and more tone shaping options, as well as a limiter/compressor. It seems to work quite well for every type of music. A bit top heavy in its weight balance when moving it, but overall, it is very versatile and fills the room. Expensive, but with this, you get what you pay for.

  • A good friend of mine tried running two of these on stage…& he plays in a very well known & worldwide successful band..but the PJ's just didn't cut it live.. not enough power & the tone disappears when they were turned up.. He's gone back to a single 8X10 Ampeg rig…

  • How come that front panel at 1:27 is completely different from the one of the BG-800 shown on the official PJB website? the one on the website has 2 channels, a limiter and a power light

  • I want to try it with my drop tuned guitar, a Boss OC-5 Octaver and slide. With a preamp of course. It sounds so clear!

  • I've been using one of these for a couple years in a progressive rock band. It will play extremely low and clear and very loud. It has held up very well to aggressive playing. Not really lightweight for a combo, but much much lighter and smaller than an SVT and fridge. Expensive, but has been worth it for me

  • Deadbeat studios has truly done phil jones a favor by fully demoing there amp and speakers your thorough at all lvls of playing styles of music thanks very much

  • I absolutely love the little detail of angling a pair of the speakers upwards so that you (as a player) can actually hear the cab, and it's not just shooting sound at your knees

  • All those speakers and you still have to plug in an extension cab to get full power. Makes sense if it's a smol combo but that thing is chonky! ????

  • Sounds great man! 12 small speakers is pretty unique but it sounds great on the recording.


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