Tuesday, March 4, 2025
GuitarGuitar LessonsLessons

The Modes – Guitar Theory – Guitar Lesson DVD&’s With Danny Gill Licklibrary

http://bit.ly/TheModes_DVDCollection ORDER The Whole Set.
The Modes Guitar theory Guitar Lessons – Danny Gill guides you through each of the 7 Modes across 7 guitar lesson DVD’s.
You will learn note for note step by step The Dorian mode, the Phrygian Mode, the Lydian Mode, the Mixolydian Mode, the Aeolian Mode, the Locrian Mode and the Ionian mode.

Guitar Lessons By Danny Gill.

Each Mode can be purchased individually by following the links:

Ionian Mode;

Dorian Mode;

Phrygian Mode; http://www.licklibrary.com/store/danny-gill/26612/the-modes-phrygian-yngwie-malmsteen-dvd

Mixolydian Mode;

Aeolian Mode;

Locrian Mode;

Each DVD covers the following:

The Ionian Mode tutorials include; 5 patterns of the Ionian mode, 7 three note per string patterns, creating chords using the Ionian mode, connecting the neck, Ionian mode licks including sequences, bending and double stops, 3 licks in the style of Slash.

The Dorian Mode tutorials include; Dorian scale patterns, finding the relative major scale (Ionian mode), superimposing triads, finding the right note, creating Dorian chord progressions, dorian mode licks including alternate picking and tremolo picking, 3 licks in the style of Santana.

The Phrygian Mode tutorials include; Phrygian scale patterns, finding the relative major scale, creating Phrygian chord progressions, phrygian mode licks including sweep picking, hammer ons and pull offs and pre-bends, solo development, recognizing phrygian songs, 3 licks in the style of Yngwie Malmsteen.

The Lydian Mode tutorials include; Lydian Scale Patterns, finding the relative major scale, recognizing and creating Lydian chord progressions, lydian arpeggios, lydian mode licks including tremolo bar techniques and harmonics, 3 licks in the style of Steve Vai.

The Mixolydian Mode tutorials include; Mixolydian Scale Patterns, finding the relative major scale, recognizing and creating mixolydian chord progressions, mixolydian arpeggios, mixolydian licks including 2 hand tapping and slides, the dominant pentatonic scale, combining mixolydian and blues, 3 licks in the style of Van Halen.

The Aeolian Mode tutorials include; Aeolian scale patterns, finding the relative major scale, recognizing and creating aeolian chord progressions, aeolian arpeggios, aeolian licks including intervallic soloing and string skipping, adding the blues note to the aeolian mode, 3 licks in the style of Michael Schenker.

The Locrian Mode tutorials include; Locrian scale patterns, finding the relative major scale, recognizing and creating locrian chord progressions, locrian arpeggios, locrian licks including legato technique, pick tapping and open string licks, 3 licks in the style of Joe Satriani.

#Modes #Guitar #Theory #Guitar #Lesson #DVD39s #Danny #Gill #Licklibrary

Originally posted by UCfvdirLsoCLpdBt4bJ8ZH2Q at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BjdEmUAQJ0

32 thoughts on “The Modes – Guitar Theory – Guitar Lesson DVD&’s With Danny Gill Licklibrary

  • Do I have to learn all the modes or can I just master one ? How the hell do people remember all of this theory

  • Thanks. I made a mistake. That review was for Rock in 6 Weeks. I did however buy the entire 7 Volumes of the Modes and will begin the Ionian after I finish Rock in 6 Weeks.

  • Hi FiatLux8888! Brilliant to read you've been getting on well with the DVDs! Thank you for your review! Licklibrary!

  • I bought the whole set of 6 and am now on video 6. This is an incredible course and Danny is a great teacher. I've been playing for many years and I wish I could have had it when I was a teenager. 1 is not too challenging, 2 is a step up, 3 is another step up, 4 is another step up, 5 is …I can't believe I'm playing Satriani! 6 is I can't believe I'm playing Van Halen. I will finish it in six weeks and a couple of days. I will go back and review it and memorize the licks. AWESOME

  • It's tough, there is little demand for it as the sounds are so specialist. I could help by pointing out that it's Dorian b9 though, not Locrian b9 (which already has a b9)

  • Hi Lick Library wanted to ask publicly whether it is possible to create a DVD on the 7 modes of the harmonic minor scale (Locrian nat.6, Ionian #5, dorian #11, Phrygian dominant, Lydian #9, Harmonic diminished) and melodic minor scale (Locrian b9, Lydian #5, Lydian b7, Mixolidian b13, Locrian #2, Super Locrian). I think many guitarists need to listen and learn and lick examples of these special scales.

  • If you give them a Call they will be able to tell you which of our DVDs they have in stock – otherwise you can order them directly from us and we will post them to you! Hope that helps!

  • Danny Gill You are Amazing Man! He plays Great and is a Awesome teacher, thanks for all i learning from You, i have the magazine of licklibrary always in the mail of my house! Lol Keep Fucking Rock Man!

  • I really want this DVD set!!!!! I just have to come up with an extra $100 dollars somewhere!!! I have bought a lot of lick library DVD's and you guys are the best. I am ready to get out of my standard blues & pentatonic stuff… I have tried to learn all this stuff on my own but it just gets so hard when the wealth of information is thrown at you and you dont know where to put it!

  • hey, ive been playing guitar for around four years now. however, i can only really stay in the one place, on the fretboard when soloing, usually only being able to work in the one area. i would love to solo all over the fretboard, could you advise me in what dvds of yours you think that i would benefit from?
    im a fan of the eagles, queens of the stone age etc, many thanks you can email me on dan1cor@hotmail.com
    thanks, hope to hear from you soon @licklibrary

  • @alsem333 Hi there we only cover the modes of the harmonized major scale which is all the 7 , but there is a section on the Phrygian dominant mode on the dvd 'The Phrygian Scale' which you can purchase separately. We will send you the link and you can decide whether this DVD would be benificial to you or not. Hope that helps.

  • ok so although the modes are listed according the the players who use them above, how do I get to use that particular mode across the entire neck? Like let's say if I wanted to use the Lydian mode would that mean that I would just use the lydian mode in all it's different keys or would I have to mix my scales a bit. I know the major scale, Its modes, the minor scale, the minor melodic, the blues and minor pentatonic scale. Thanks

  • Also I'm confused now, what is dvd "soloing with modes by danny gill", and what are those 7 dvd, is that the same thing?

  • How much would it cost to get those 7 dvds to croatia 🙂 ( pls tell me price of dvds + shipping)

  • @CalebH50 Hi there, thanks for the question – will send you a message with some ideas to other dvd's you may find useful!


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