The Modes of Harmonic Minor – Do we need them? (Jazz Guitar Lesson 69)
Here I go over the modes of harmonic minor how we can apply them. Also some licks at the end.
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#Modes #Harmonic #Minor #Jazz #Guitar #Lesson
Originally posted by UCL-p1CeWZX07m1h6ZkY3crw at
I like to play Locrian NAT 9 against a Altered Dom. For example E dom b9 If I play D Locrian nat 9 against It . I like that sound. That mode Is In Melodic Minor as well. I think
I had to SUb to your channel. hOW GOOD iS THAT GUITAR FOR jAZZ? what is if If you do not mind Thanks.
Lydian #2 donst sound anything like a phrygian dominant
Im thinking dorian #4 has a b3…not Maj3…lmao
so i can FULL diminished it….FFS.
You heard of the ( N6) yes??? ( A harmonic min b2 or Melodic min b2
will…a rookie might play Bb Major , Dominant , Augmented or diminished.
lets say…I do Bb maj7…as Pre dominant
A min Bb Maj7 C Maj D min
A min Bb Maj7 or min or dim C# dim into D min
A min B dim C# dim into D min
or this
A min Bb min C Maj into F MAJOR or F minor
I can play Bb Lydian #2…In other words… Bb minor.lmao.
C# dim or augmented into D minor
Or like this…..E AUGMENTED into F Min/Maj7… Ab/G# AUGMENTED
or I can Play E diminished into F Major or F minor…
You dont have to do Jackshiet….or even play music.
The MAJOR Bepop scale has a passing note between the G and A note.
it's just a cheater's way to play the C Harmonic MAJOR and the A Harmonic min..
That would be F lydian b3 G Mix b2 Ab lydian aug #2
verse F lydian #2 G# loc b4, bb7
as in G 7 add b9
B Full dim/G
sense you wanna dominant everything
This is the DOMINANT Pentatonic scale.
mix #2
mix b2
mix b6
mix #4
mix b2, #4
Mixb2, b6
Mix #2, #4
loc b4
phry b4
aeo b4, b5
Ion #5, b7
Ion #4, #5. b7
Mix b2, b5, b6
cycle of dominants
The notes will go chormatically…if you play it…even thou it's cycling down
to the 4th everytime….like II, V, I…
Just use ALL dominant chords….
but Notice…how i show to alter a dominant chord into WHATEVER CHORD.
Eventually you'll figure out…you can alter…Whatever de FFFFF chord into
whatever the FFFFFF chord as you wish….as in whatever MODE into whatever MODE.
1, #2, #4, 6 or 1, #2, #4, b7…too okay
becuase later on…when you get into FULL diminished (WH/HW)
you can stack MAJOR or DOMINANT chords….every b3….too , aside full diminished.
B7 into E7 into A7 D7 G7 C7 F7 Bb7 Eb7 Ab7 Db7 Gb7 B7
Im searching for something about this scale:
cdefg a-flat b.
Natural major and minor cdefgab / abcdefg
Harmonic major and minor cdefg a-flat b / abcdefg#
Melodic major and minor e f# g# abcd / abcdef# g#
Great stuff. Would love to see a brief video talking about the different guitars you have too. Especially interested in your thoughts about the Guild t50 slim
Miko I cant figure out that scale your playing against the A minor notes #11? A dorian #11? sorry
I have been speaking to a very well known jazz guitar teacher and hes said f the modes the scales and just learn the language of the greats you want to sign like . I do know a lot of theory but does Eric Clapton know the modes of the melodic minor scale? Everyone calls him a guitar God? I doubt Django knew them he was from another planet just playing by ear . Anyway I like this video and feel it helps to learn as much as you can . that's my feeling thanks for a great video MAN your example the playing in it was out of this world perfect !
0:00 I wonder if I need to learn the modes.
0:20 Mikko: No
Ok I'm done.
Nice job on these….Thank You…Mikko
The sound…. that's a deal!