Saturday, February 22, 2025
BassBass Amps

The most incredible amp transformation by using a Noisy Hammer

The most incredible amp transformation by using a Noisy Hammer? Check it out and you might do the same with yours! 4k


00:00 Start
00:15 Intro & Preamble
01:03 The Amplifier
02:17 A case in question
03:03 Close up of Amp
04:27 Case close up
05:44 One small issue
06:10 Why do this?
06:49 About the Amp
08:00 Special features
09:25 Why get this Amp?
10:14 Inside the Amp
10:41 Case maker
11:23 What’s it cost?
13:00 Conclusions
16:00 Overall score

What you will learn:
Was it worth the money?
What is a Bogner Brixton?
Is it a tube amp?
Where can I get a custom job made?
What’s this Bogner like to play?

Related links:
My website:
Bogner Brixton Inside and Out review:
Bogner Brixton 120 to 240 Volt conversion:
Bogner Goldfinger 45 Inside and Out Review:
Noisy Hammer Website:

So, Really? What was Tony playing at with this really brilliant tube amp? You may well ask. But if you watch the whole video then of course you will learn why I did it and to be honest I think it was a massive improvement. Modifying any amp is no simple matter and you have to have a very good reason to do it.

Now it might be the amplifier itself that you set out to modify in some way. For example in this text above I showed how I modified the voltage from 120 volts to 240 volts. Beside it being important to me, I created that video to show what could be done and how easy or hard the modification was. In reality it was simple, but no one ever showed how to do it. For me the practical aspect of ‘getting rid’ of the 120 volts and using power right out of the mains was a big reason.

Of course in this review there are other reasons that I made this modification. I actually have two Bogner Brixton amps, one completely original and this one that I recovered twice and it never really did work out – partially because of my inability to cut the vinyl covering properly, and partly through a very difficult case to recover.

Off I went out in to the wilderness looking for somewhere that I could replace the case from, but alas, I think for the Bogner Brixton that would be a very long wait. These amps appeared in around 2012 or thereabouts, and my guess is that they did not sell as many as they might have wished so its a particularly uncommon guitar amp. And that’s a pity because this amp was really pretty revolutionary.

You see, Mr Bogner had an idea of removing the tone stack from the amp to give it huge gain from just two 12AX7 tubes. There is so much gain you will wonder how he came up with that. But my guess is he looked back in time to when there were amps without tone stacks in them and decided to create a masterpiece. Unfortunately this amp slept all the way through the selling days, and here it is today – a modern wonder harking back to the end of the 1940’s IMO.

I found a company – Noisy Hammer from Norfolk in the UK that could custom make a replacement case, and I wanted it to ‘pop’ a little as I was going to keep the amp for a very long time. So I spoke with Ryan and agreed they should make it. This video is the result – and what a result it is.

I also discuss the Bogner Brixton a little in this review but check the in depth review I have linked earlier in the video and that includes some playing.

This video is in 4K

I have spent considerable time creating this video at MY COST and it remains without sponsor so is a real genuine overview of my findings and experience with Noisy Hammer Ltd and I did pay full price for the assembly they made.

PLEASE SUBSCRIBE, RING THE BELL, AND THUMBS UP to give my channel a boost and thank you for watching – I hope the video is enjoyable for you and that you see the things in it that other reviews NEVER show!.

(c) A B McKenzie and 2009-2024
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Originally posted by UCuuNmrkOEmTPnz4Dcc-Hi5w at

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