Tuesday, March 4, 2025
BassBass Guitar

The Most Underrated Nirvana Guitar

The Epiphone ET270 is so underrated that I thought it deserved it’s own dedicated tone video! Showcasing the many amazing sounds of this hidden gem of a guitar

History of Kurt Cobain’s ET270: https://youtu.be/Gvu_Z-DpSmc

0:00 – Intro
0:15 – Model release history
1:00 – My 1971 ET270
2:07 – When Kurt played his ET270
3:08 – ET270 controls
3:45 – Bass boost switch
5:13 – Sound demo introduction
6:30 – Sappy (clean on every pickup position)
7:25 – About a Girl (clean on every pickup position)
8:31 – School
9:04 – Scoff
10:10 – Spank Thru
11:24 – Paper Cuts
12:37 – Stain
13:12 – Negative Creep
13:56 – Blew
14:59 – Dive
15:54 – Breed
16:51 – In Bloom
17:18 – Lithium
18:27 – Even in His Youth
19:00 – Aero Zeppelin
20:32 – Pen Cap Chew

1971 Epiphone ET270
Boss DS-1
Mojo HandFX Colossus
Mesa Boogie 5 Band EQ Pedal
Fender Twin Reverb

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My amazon storefront where you can buy gear/parts Kurt used: https://www.amazon.com/shop/nirvanaguitars

Vandalism Strat Stickers – use coupon code “nirvanaguitars” to get 2 for the price of 1:

*Kurt Cobain VANDALISM guitar Sticker Beautiful as a rock in a cop’s face

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#Underrated #Nirvana #Guitar

Originally posted by UCz-TQpHrMHxQj5ego-TDyqA at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpJb6uKhiJQ

31 thoughts on “The Most Underrated Nirvana Guitar

  • This "bass boost" switch is basically bass cut circuit. This is made of passive elements that can't boost anything. There is just capacitor that passes only low frequencies to the ground. Something like stock Fender Jaguar has.

  • I would much appreciate it if you decide to recreate the tone from the nevermind rehearsals

  • 3:30 probably late to the party on this but I believe the "wires" got crossed on the Univox Pickups thing. They are used in Univox Guitars, many Matsumoku factory models actually. But not Hi-Fliers of any type.

  • Can you make a video of Smells Like Teen Spirit tone at Limehouse Studios (The Word)? Some people say it's the best version of Teen Spirit

  • I love your channel. I'm old yet I don't feel old. I graduated highschool in 94. Nirvana changed my life. I don't get to watch your videos as quickly as I'd like because life gets in the way but when I get the chance. I love it. It inspires me to plug in my guitar and just rock out as cheesey as that sounds. I just want to say thank you. I wish I had content like this when I was originally trying to figure out kurts sound.

  • You'd think there'd at least be an unofficial clone of these guitars

  • Hi Eric! Do you think you’ll ever get a Sunn Beta Lead? I have one and I’ve been trying to find a settings video for it forever, it just seems that no one who owns one does any Nirvana stuff with it ????

  • great video! i saw on your amazon storefront that you use/have used a behinger eq pedal, and i just would like to know what settings you used on it so i can get a similar sound. i remember you showed it off in another video but i cannot remeber which one it was ????

  • There's nothing wrong putting a new nut in a guitar my brother. I own several pre-CBS Fenders and each one has had a new nut and a refret. Thats how you keep them playing great.

  • Wish they would reissue this one. Btw aren't those the same pickups as on Aria 1532T? They look the same and kind of sound similar.


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